Prosecutors are recommending the former police officer convicted of killing George Floyd be sentenced to 30 years in prison.
Why Derek Chauvin’s sentencing for murdering George Floyd will be a rarity:
#ABCNews #DerekChauvinSentencing #DerekChauvin #GeorgeFloyd
When he heard the sentence ., look at his EYES if we could see his mouth I bet it's hanging wide open …. What ! I'm really going to prison … *
Bullshit, he is innocent.
I wish Derek will join to Arian Brotherhood. Though he's not guilty
Officer, Give Me your Gun (George Floyd Portland Protest) | Marcus Ward Show
It's dying from overdose for me
Georg der Bärtige ur. 27.Sierpień Książe Saksoni ożenił się z Barbarą Jagiellonką z "Kraju Tysiąca Szarych(Floydowych) Jezior". Zaś Jan Jerzy Hohenzollern urodzony 11.Września Wnuczek tego Małżeństwa trafił jako pierwszy na Aforystyczny synonim Internacjonalistyczny Talar Branderburski(XVI wiek) służący do prowadzenia biznesów międzynarodowych(skręcany Talar Branderburski śrubowy z Dynastii polskiej i Dynastii niemieckiej). Aforystyczne miasto w Polsce protestancko ft. katolickie to Grenberg(flaga żółto-zielono-czarna) ft. Zielona Góra(flaga żółto-zielono-biała). Logo FaLubaZu "FLZ(BMW)" Speedway (Speedway napisane na dachu w Minneapolis) na Floydowym teledysku If Were A Boy to czarna Myszka-Gryzoń(Wnuczek) na białym tle. Bóbr-Gryzoń(Dziadek) zamienia rzeki w jeziora i zatrzymuje powodzie oraz buduje zbiorniki retencyjne wody, dlatego na Polskę mówi się aforystycznie "Kraj Tysiąca Szarych(Floydowych) Jezior". 20km od Zielonej Góry znajduje się rzeka Odra, a przy tej rzece znajduje się miejscowośc wiejska Brody na cześć Jerzego Brodatego czyli Georga der Bärtige. Mieszkał w Brodach Franciszek i miał dwóch wnuków urodzonych w Zielonej Górze urodzonych 1981 roku jeden urodził się 27.sierpnia, drugi wnuk urodził się dwa tygodnie później 11.września. Speedway Antonio Lindbeack -FaLubaZ Speedway Greenberg-Zielona Góra.
Dereck Chauvin w zazdrości do teledysku Beyonce If Were A Boy zabił Georga Floyda dnia 25.Maja.2020 pod napisem na dachu Speedway.
Dnia 25.Czerwca.2020 kierowca pod wpływem pervitinu(urzywka Wehrmachtu) Arrivy w Warszawie spadł z mostu Grota Roweckiego w Warszawie, a most Grota Roweckiego przywitało Tysiące Gryzoni dnia 27.Listopad.1981 roku. A 27.Listopada.2013 roku Mateusz(w oddali w teledysku Beyonce na parkiecie tanecznym słychać polskie słowa z polskim akcentem "Proszę Cię bardzo Mateusz". Mateusz urodzony 27.sierpnia.1981roku w Greenberg) został celowo potrącony czarnym BMW w miejscowości Sulechów 20km od Zielonej Góry. Też oczywiście w zazdrości, bo ma model psychologiczny w teledysku Beyonce If Were A Boy. Do potrącenia czarnym BMW doszło na ulicy Jana Pawła II pomiędzy blokiem 42 a 43 na targowijsku miejskim w Sulechowie o 11:30 AM przy około 20 świadkach.
My opinion: It's good the Derek Chauvin was sentenced to prison, although it should have been for longer.
Also, although George Floyd didn't deserve death (non-emotional opinion), he also didn't deserve to be roaming freely. The man was absolutely involved in despicable crimes. It's unfortunate he wasn't put away for a very long time, considering his ongoing history with crime.
Considering he held a pregnant woman at gun point, while his cronies robbed a house, should have equated to decades behind bars. I firmly believe the laws should be changed to reflect the life long trauma that woman endured at his hands.
He will get max 5 years after appeal. This man is a political prisoner
There's another side to this coin. George Floyd was an habitual criminal with a long rap sheet, including robbery and drug offences.
You never heard this from Black Lives Matter. BLM is making him out to be a saint and a hero. He was neither.
This is not ok with me. I feel like the system is throwing the black community a bone as a way to stop us from complaining. Its better to give some time then nothing at at all. This is a way to silence people. This man should have been sentence to alot more time. In reality i believe he wont even do close to 20. Total bullshit. This is MY opinion
22 yrs over 20 dollars People are really stupid and mean
the look on that murders face said what 'no'
No doubt he thought getting away with murder racist trash…
Just sent him to jail no discussion
FREE CHAUVIN! Floyd died of heart attack caused by fentanyl overdose.
Punk got away
Und für solch einen Polizeibeamte gibt's in Berlin nen Denkmal!!! 🤦ðŸÂ¼â€ÂÂ♂ï¸ÂÂ
Chauvin thought he would kill a blackman and just walk away.
Sad the ExCop did not get 30 yrs which is not enough time for MURDER! ðŸ˜ÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂ
America is going through its darkest days where policemen are treated like criminals and criminals are celebrated encouraged and enabled by criminal Democrat officials such as biDen and kameltoe Harris
This pos couldn't even say I'm sorry, but I guess when your not, you can't..
In memoriam of George Floyd – RIP – & in Solidarity from France the song „8:46 at Les Combes“
‘My condolences’ don’t pee on my head and tell me it’s raining ok , too many law enforcers are racist murderers that hide under the immunity of the police dept , the judicial system , and congress it’s all one boys connected network ,
22.5 years !!,
However you have men like Kevin Strickland served 43 years , proved innocent and still will not be rehearsed and pardoned ,
but a daylight murder committed by a public servant a policeman on camera with evidence gets 22.5 ? don’t make me laugh the racism continues .😒
i dont know whether 22.5 yrs sentence is acceptable or not .
13 years is the standard murder charge so 22.5 years is fair.
1 down 4 to go. Justice for George Floyd and his family.