Deputy on administrative leave after body-slamming student

Deputy on administrative leave after body-slamming student

The sheriffs office says the officer was trying to stop the teen from fighting another student.


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45 thoughts on “Deputy on administrative leave after body-slamming student

  1. Some kids need to be treated that way for the reason that they don listen maybe she’ll behave now


  3. This is a crime scene 😳 my prayers go out for the 16 year student. Clearly students are not safe at that school, hurry remove that monster from around kids.

  4. If he body slammed a guy, nothing would’ve been done about this…

  5. Of course he doesn’t get any chargers because he a cop but if one of us did it would be in jail😡

  6. If any regular person would’ve done this, we would be in jail. But since it’s a cop… They get to get away with anything.

  7. Until black people in the USA wake up and smell the coffee nothing will change for you folks…….time for talking is long over, time to stand up and demand equal rights otherwise there will be no peace only RIP

  8. Why are they at school during corona and we ain’t that’s messed up

  9. “Let me guess, he feared for his life” 🤦🏻‍♂️

  10. What about showing the video from when the altercation started? I am not moved by this at all. I've seen many videos of girl acting violent. This is clearly an edited video trying to push a narrative. 👎👎👎👎

  11. If this happened to my kid, I would not only sue the officer but have him convicted of assault and battery. Then see to it that he is fired and never able to be in law enforcement again! There is no reason for this use of force. We all know why this happened, HATE!

  12. 😭😭😭😭

  13. She better get a CT Scan because a few days later goes by and she can end up Having seizure after traumatic brain injury increases the likelihood that more will occur. … Seizures cause a wide range of symptoms. I hope she's okay because the way she hit the ground I thought the officer broke her neck ouch either way she needs to get CT Scan to check for skull fracture and spinal injuries as well.

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