Demographic breakdown of voters on ‘mini Tuesday’

Demographic breakdown of voters on ‘mini Tuesday’

Democratic primaries or caucuses across six states show a huge difference between votes counted for Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.


#Demographics #MiniTuesday #DemocraticPrimary #VoterTurnout #2020Elections #JoeBiden #BernieSanders


30 thoughts on “Demographic breakdown of voters on ‘mini Tuesday’

  1. I like how none of the networks talked about the 800,000 out of 900,000 absentee ballots that were returned to sender. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Congratulations Trump.

  2. Man o man, I love getting that confirmation that politics as we know is a complete joke. Do they know how many memes about to come out when trump gets all in Joe?? They are clearly doing the same hiliary ish imo. To be honest, I can't even wait to see folks faces. Do folks even look at tv or news or anything other than 10 second clips now a days? How can you not see joe's mental breakdowns on simple questions?…….Man we are in the twilight zone

  3. F the Electoral College because the REAL threat to our country is this fugazi primary process. One-third of the country got to decide who they want as the Dem nominee, just like they decided in 2016 who would be the Rep nominee. Those of us who take the time to care and vote in other states have to wait until June in some cases when the contest is pretty much over. Some people voted early and their candidate had already dropped out–a wasted vote. I'm done with this bullshit. We all should vote on the same damn day.

  4. Tell Mary Bruce she’s a Moron🖕

  5. 💎💎 why do YOU think the voting is turning out this way

  6. I voted for Bernie here in California I did my part. If Bernie does win I’m not voting just like I did last time. No one cares for what we the young people want so why should they have my vote against trump.

  7. The Scornful Jesters – Biden, Clinton, Kerry, Mueller, Obama, Romney, & Schiff
    Isaiah 29:20-21 TPT Version
    “For the terrible one will be no more, the scornful jester will not be found, and all of the lovers of evil will be cut off.
    Those who make the innocent appear guilty, those who ensnare others with deceitful tactics, and those who lie to keep the innocent from getting justice will likewise be destroyed.”

    Wake up America! The Deep State needs to be taken down and PERMANENTLY removed!

  8. 😂😂😂😂

  9. Joe biden might have dimentia and the reps will destroy him on that……… I predict usa will regret not electing sanders, the time of the rich calling shots is over. Of the people for the people

  10. Imagine going as far left as possible then being surprised when it doesn't work. When you could have been more nuanced and kept your loyal voters and expanded.

  11. Sadly disappointing. Biden has nothing to offer the people. Expect more establishment control of the country with the centre right democrats or Trump.

  12. Imagine if the ROCK ran for president that would be cool 😘

  13. 📣👑 Jesus 2020! 🌟

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