Democrats zero in on Trumps timeline during impeachment trial | ABC News

Democrats zero in on Trumps timeline during impeachment trial | ABC News

The Democratic prosecutors said Trump didnt start pushing a Ukraine investigation to Joe Biden until polls showed the former vice president was his biggest threat.

As Democrats lay out their impeachment case against President Donald Trump, his reelection campaign plans its biggest television ad blitz yet next week, gearing up for the second week of the Senate impeachment trial.

The Trump campaign is scheduled to blanket $10 million worth of national television airtime starting Tuesday, marking the single biggest TV ad spending in a week by the campaign this cycle, according to media analysis group CMAG/Kantar.

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26 thoughts on “Democrats zero in on Trumps timeline during impeachment trial | ABC News

  1. And, Democrats failed miserably. Their ship is sinking and they're desperate. Trump should in his next 4 years stack the courts. Along with making sure illegals and dead people aren't allowed to vote.

  2. Over1800 brain numbing min. Blathering wooooords. They all said nothing.
    Trump team in 120, destroyed most of the schiffshow. I need the demoncratic
    Seven dwarfs to sing and dance to "I enjoy being a Girl".

  3. Joe Biden will win by a landslide. Biden 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸

  4. Orange man bad😭😭😭

  5. What is more important than impeachment is where will you spend eternity if you die heaven or hell. the only and easiest way to heaven is through Jesus and Jesus alone. There will be republicans, democrats, independents, and people from many different parties spending eternity in hell so no political party can save you. So repent and turn to Jesus for forgiveness of sins and salvation, also accept Jesus as Lord and Savior before it is too late.

  6. The GOP Senators got caught being un-American. Trump has been several times being the same. Look at the pos lawyers Trump has at the trial. Americans are watching and seeing the GOP Senators in a cover-up with Trump.

    Some GOP Senators didn't stay in the room. These GOP Senators are on the tax payers dime

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