Democrats set deadline for IRS to turn over Trump’s tax return

Democrats set deadline for IRS to turn over Trump’s tax return

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin dismissed the request, telling reporters that the deadline is arbitrary.


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33 thoughts on “Democrats set deadline for IRS to turn over Trump’s tax return

  1. "The Dims" have Trump Dysfunction Syndrome BAD!! Don't they see how ridiculous they look? NO, because half the country has got it too. If "The Dims" hadn't allowed Hillary Clinton to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders none of this would be happening. I sometimes wonder if Hillary Clinton is orchestrating this from the side lines and laughing at all the chaos and dissention she
    is sowing across the nation. She is a horrible, horrible woman, and needs to be put in jail for treason…treason, because she would rather see the country town apart, than be successful under The Trump Administration. Why isn't she in jail, with NO PHONE privileges?

  2. No Legal Eagles in the Democratic Party. "FLASH", There is NO law that says a sitting President has to present his tax return to anyone"! NO LAW! So why are these nun-nut morons making such a deal about it. SIMPLE, They know that the more they spew garbage to their little base, the more their little base will think the information is real, when in fact, there is no law that says a sitting President has to turn over his tax returns. (note): I said all this twice for the benefit of the low IQ of the readers of this post!

  3. I actually know what happened to Trump's tax returns. Hillary took a bleach bit to them. So when Hillary hands over her thousands of emails , then maybe Trump will hand over his tax returns.

  4. I'll be happy to show my tax returns I'm proud of my hardwork and all that I've accomplished, including how I've earned and report my finances.

    I have nothing to hide Mr President, what are you hiding?

  5. LOL  LOL  LOL  What a joke..who wil;l arrest the head of IRS?

  6. While you are at it release their tax returns as well. Full disclosure to the American people whom they took an oath of office to serve. Let’s see all the dirty laundry. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

  7. The deacline for releasing Trump's tax returns is as arbitrary as one of Trumpy's "red lines that must not be crossed." It depends on whether or not Trump is now King of the USA.

  8. Trumps been audited so many times they likely would of caught any illegal tax fraud most likely, the left just want to say he didnt pay all his taxes which is funny because he already admitted to using loopholes on live t.v, who wouldnt save themselves money

  9. The Russian collusion fake news investigation fails so now it's on to Trump's tax returns where after a "thorough review" a crime can be manufactured. The deep state silent coup continues.

  10. Dems just jump from on thing to the next. As soon as they lose they complain about something different. Hilarious. Lets see what the Russia investigation actually turns up. You can't tell me pelosi is finished with the collusion already.🤣
    What about that creepy porn lawyer🤣quite the credible "lawyer" , perfect for cnn. Demokkkrats ate his bs for dinner every night!🤣🤣

  11. They have not shown cause to see those tax returns other than for political porposes. You need to state the law correctly the law states the can request those tax returns but the must show evidence that a crime has been committed. No candidate is required to submit their tax returns to Congress.

  12. Who cares about Trumps taxes ? Answer. Democrats. Build the wall. Fix Health care. Build the economy. Give back to the people something the democrats are not doing. Trump. U. S. A

  13. Trump treats migrants like livestock. Crowd them into transports & ship them ' out of sight, out of mind '. Let them be someone else's dilemma. His total disregard of the law is fed by both the GOP & his sycophantic base.

  14. Trump is a piece of shit and should be be in a prison. This is the first time in 22 years of my working adult life I had to write a $348 check to the IRS while still having the same amount withheld from my paychecks. Which means my income tax increased that much. Along with having to spend more at the gas pumps, grocery store and anything that has a sales tax. All you Republicans can rot in hell

  15. I’m sure Congress will ”find something”.
    The I.R.S. is famous for “overlooking” taxes that we owe….right?

  16. I thought your taxes are between you and the IRS? The pigs in Congress only get the returns if the IRS finds an irregularity.

    “Wait for it”……

  17. Most of us American people don't give a crap about the President's tax returns for the past 6yrs or the next 6 yrs. I guarantee ya one damn thing he has paid in more tax money than any of those idiots in congress, even more than all of them added together. So what is your point???? Let's see all of the democrats in congress tax returns!! How about that? Most of us just don't give a damn!!

  18. trump took an oath to up hold and defend the constitution and up hold our laws.  He must step down

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