Democrats say witnesses carry strong evidence in impeachment inquiry l ABC News

Democrats say witnesses carry strong evidence in impeachment inquiry l ABC News

Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) says there is a tremendous amount of evidence in the public that warrants the impeachment of President Trump.

Historic public impeachment hearing underway: Live updates and analysis

#ABCNews #Impeachment #Hearings #Trump #Politics


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38 thoughts on “Democrats say witnesses carry strong evidence in impeachment inquiry l ABC News


  2. They always got a bombshell dud. Trump2020. They trying to impeach cause his tweeter hurt my feelings.🤣🤣🤣

  3. Trump 💯💯😏😏🇺🇸🇺🇸

  4. If all of this fake news from the Republican snowflakes ❄️, you guys would be chilled and relaxed…go to a Fox News, and have your nothing burger over their! My darlings you protest way too much, it’s hilarious.

  5. You cant prosecute, hearsay. Stop being drama queens. Dems should accept their God (Hillary) is a fake and used the left. Quit living in denial, yall was used by your party throwers. Left leaders didnt invite yall to the party they just used yall to clean up the mess.

  6. If you still think trumps is guilty even after the constant lies schiff has made and the transcript and mueller report then you deserve the gold medal in mental gymnastics

  7. some body please tell me what proof, evidences other then what the msm tells us to believe. Is Trump being impeached because of higher minimum pay, making America great again, lowest unemployment, bringing back factories, hugh tax refunds, for busting up the Isis terrorist, got rid of job strangulating regulation. gave reserve land back to the public, being back home our soldiers instead of dying for other people's war.

  8. That's all ya got Democrats?
    You're showing legal citizens that youre desperate. Why are Democrats = weak candidates that can't win 2020.
    Still looking for quid pro quo .

  9. A very funny “dog and pony show”. Full of “sound and fury signifying…NOTHING!”
    So, these guys are upset that the President has his own and different vision on foreign policy.
    I’m shocked! (Sarcasm).
    According to The Constitution the President has total control over foreign policy, not those that are unelected.
    Everyone should watch Blaze TV at 8:00 pm tonight “Democrats Hydra” show which will have actual
    documents revealed that offer irrefutable proof that there is a deep state cabal and how deep the corruption in government is. I cannot wait to see this. It will be free to watch here on YouTube or on The Blaze TV.

  10. Another FAKE NEWS channel! Along with another corrupt politician from this corrupt state of IL where I live, and all they know how to do is raise the taxes so many times a year that nobody can afford to live here, even when we make very good money! They need to lock them all up and kick them out of IL! Just look at all of these stupid, dark, twisted people who just can't stand it the fact that we finally have a President who is brilliant, and courageous, and who actually cares about America, and who is helping us in so many ways! We finally have a REAL man for our President and all of these stupid trolls are just so jealous! We all had to put up with that evil, pedo obammy for 8 years who was on his way to ruin American, until God blessed us with a REAL President to save America! We all had to sit back while we had to put up with him for 8 long years, and nobody tried to impeach him! Well now it is OUR turn to have the President that we all chose to make America GREAT AGAIN, so they just need to leave our beloved President Trump alone, and let him continue to do the awesome job that he was called and chose to do!

  11. ABC News is corrupt. We know that. They focus on Trump wanting an investigation into obvious corrupt in the Ukraine, but they ignore the real corruption, including their own! God, I hate these weasels.

  12. You got Republican member on the hill in government who on tv on the world stage lie for Trump and mother russian which tell you it russian first at all cost they will lie and steal and kill for them ? and they can't be trust with are Democracy right they are the enemy too.

  13. Democrats are so lost….they are so upset because Trump is doing everything these real politicians haven't done in decades….all of these politicians should be investigated on how they are worth millions from a job that doesn't make you millions during a time when America is trillions in debt, where does all of the tax money really go? Let's have some real investigations!!!

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