Former Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch told lawmakers she was the target of a smear campaign run by President Trumps personal attorney Rudy Giuliani.
#ABCNews #Transcript #Ukraine #ImpeachmentInquiry
Former Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch told lawmakers she was the target of a smear campaign run by President Trumps personal attorney Rudy Giuliani.
#ABCNews #Transcript #Ukraine #ImpeachmentInquiry
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Looks like a another CNN !! I guess yall want y'alls ratings to fall just like CNN fake news
What is so wrong with the truth.
Impeachment "investigation"? That's a witch hunt. Call me when you want to fight honorably with an "impeachment." I used to be a Democrat–since Jimmy Carter. Now I despise everything the Democrats do. Trump 2020.
LOL yeah
Bye Bye Dumpie Pie ☺ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
Release the transcripts of the Epstein story
We the people are going to demand impeachment of every democrat candidate that comes into power, we are even gonna make shit up just like the fakestream media. People are you really going to believe abc after their cover up of the epstein story for the Clinton and illegitimate unroyal family.
ABC when are you going to release the interview about Epstein is the Queen more important that the fact, you hacks. #epsteincoverup. All your reports are accusations, accusations are not facts, that is hearsay.Read the Transcript to the People without your spin, those making accusations get them to swear to what they claim or why do you treat us like children.
ABC News a Disney company protects child molesters for the sake of the Queen.
But when will you release that Epstien story you killed 3 years ago?
What a sad sack of shit
shame on abc protecting child molesters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Forget this story, look up the leaked ABC hot mic footage relating to Jeffrey Epstein. O. M. G. Bring it all down.
The Democrats are controlled by racist AOC and the ISIS-loving Squad who want to destroy America from within. The Democrats seem to forget that all people who voted Trump are the hard working people, who pay for everything in America, including the Democrats’ communist hobbies… (e.g. unlimited immigration, free health care for everyone who crosses the border).
These extremist Democrats want a weak President again. So they do everything to block a re-election of Trump. A socialist President would weaken the US again and let China, Russia and extreme islamic countries dominate the US again.
The Squad and the other racist Democrats want to create division and chaos. They want to destroy everything we fought for in the last centuries. The Russians, Chinese and ISIS love it. That is why Russia and China tried to help Hillary get elected.
ABC loves rich pedos and hate Trump. Let that sink in….
Lol Trump can't just say he doesn't know somebody he's obviously had contact with and hope for it to go well. Only Mariah Carey can do that.
He's outta there!
shithead is a LIAR
The ratings will even get worse. This looks exactly like ABC reporting on Mueller. So reporting on nothing, trying to create anything out of nothing and repeating non-information. Very inspiring…. ABC doesn’t need Project Veritas to destroy itself…
let's see the report on Biden what are these Dumbocrats hiding
If you guys hate Donald Trump is wait till you get Pence into the office you're going to realize you made a huge mistake
ABC please run the story on how you protected Pedophiles:
Boycott this fake news channel we don't want your opinion devils at work
I know you report the news. But can you be just a bit more exciting. Don't you want the devil to go back to the bowels of hell.
The hardest thing in life is going day to day knowing half of these fucking worms are going to get away with it.
After impeached,Trump will write the book again and maybe the best book ever written by him!
You lying bought and paid for pieces of shit, you are the enemy of the people. How many additional victims suffered because you pricks refused to do your job.
Seems sheeple are catching on to your MSN-bs
ABC ignoring this story👇
Release all of the transcripts. Why closed door hearing. Oh the control of the information coming out.
And…Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself.
Interfering in United Kingdom elections is criminal as well Mr Trump
Evil Administration from HELL
Investigate Clintons for murdering Epstein first
Epstein's story is related to Bill Clinton …there are so many secret deaths
Sham impeachment by fruitcake socalists!
Where's the news about the Epstein story ABC? Decidedly dishonest coverage of a MAJOR issue involving the Clinton's during the last election cycle…….and you really expect people to believe your reporting?
Find some good independent journalists, msm is dead 💀
Interesting. Why did you bury the Jeffrey Epstein story?