Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unveiled the wide-reaching, non-binding proposal.
23 thoughts on “Democrats propose ‘Green New Deal’ to counter climate change”
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Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez unveiled the wide-reaching, non-binding proposal.
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#GreenNewDeal wins, #climatechange loses.
You can’t tax “climate change†and China isn’t going green. You’re socialists…. It’s money hard working Americans earn that pays the bills here…. I didn’t vote for you so you don’t get to spend it how you WANT to….. oh and hand the keys to your car over FIRST….. and maybe I’ll think about possibly listening to the ignorance you non real world living degenerates are spewing
it truly sad to see what happens when someone in washington tries to their work…..
Markey, you will pay for COPPA
How about we get rid of affirmative action and cut welfare .
Green new deal my as*. Typical politicians aiming to devour our taxes for comfort.
God she is dumb…..
Stop cutting down tree's maybe plant some, and STFU please.
Because throwing money at a problem always works. LOL
Quick question for McGovern- is he still going to hold his yearly fundraiser at O’Connor’s Restaurant where an illegal stabbed and murdered a Waitress a week ago?
Yo Cortez, couldn't get up early enough for that climate change hearing today? Hahaha! You fuckers are all talk. What will we do about CHINA?
How I know aoc is full of shit. It's a fact our government has been manipulating the weather since the 1800s. They have perfected 10 techniques to control our weather, lbj said to control the weather is to rule the world. That's what this gnd is, they want to control every aspect of your life. The lust for complete power to rule the world goes back to pharoh. If aoc was sincere about saving life, she would be supporting the environment modification act of 2018, which is an accountable law for the geoengineering, that allows for we the ppl to put a stop to weather modification. But, aoc continues to spread her fear porn.
When he mentioned the sun, I thought he was going to say it had something to do with the climate but nope!
If the US stopped all carbon use tomorrow. No heat, travel, cooling and food production, it would have 0 effect globally other than mass depopulation from freezing and starving to death!
Do any of these idiots own something made in Asia? Dirty energy stops at imaginary borders, does it? Weren't they ALL opposed to Trump's tariffs? Because??? B-b-b-ecause they want Asia to PUMP as much crap as possible into the atmosphere with IMPUNITY. Awe, but they want a clean environment and free bubble up for all.
Omg…..I didn't even need go pay admission to the circus where all of the clowns are
It was an interesting strategy to try take out all the competition with the corruption stuff she was questioning people about then make an announcement on what she was going to do. It was the opposite of Trump and his wall, ie tell everyone then take out the competition.
Those men are transgender men, they don't have balls, they only identify as men.
climate change…..fucken climate change….all this fucken bitch has to worry bout in life is climate change?? Im voting for trump again fuck it
i dont get why some americans feel like their country has the right to igonre climate change..
Coming from a girl that lives 16 minutes walking distance from the Capitol and still drives every day… Yea, "climate change" is the issue, not lazy shitbags.
Dems propose agenda that will give Trump a 2nd term
Weather patterns
That's all it is
Wake up people
Taxes are not the answer to the so called FEARS that's told to us.
The sky is not falling
Believe it.
Socialism is not the answer