The “This Week” Powerhouse Roundtable debates the week in politics, including the op-ed by a senior administration official published anonymously in The New York Times.
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This is just a flog for Woodwards book….pathetic.!
The New York Times made it up. They never give up trying to harm Trump but it never harms him. He remains smarter that all of them. Stephanopolous is such a gossipy fool: he believes everything he wants to believe, like most idiots.
Chris Christie shut his fat mouth
YouTube, Abby Martin exposes John Podesta.
drum roll and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it was all fake news ! anyway another false deep state attack from one of their underlings all dreamed up ,,,, I laugh, i scoff ,, at all the lefts endless attacks. it shows how desperate , how loathsome, how mental they really are , they have fallen and mid terms? neck in neck? perhaps in food card eater states, with a million illegals voting, and hand out recipients, with neanderthal logic, and no way of understanding the only reason uncle bob is working is because of trump . perhaps the left can keep conning them into voting for the lefts higher taxes and no jobs agenda but the rest of the sheep like me ex dem have woken up the left is all talk and no go obummer and his left lackies never again
The op ed is fake probably written by The NY Times
ABC News is fake news
It's Tyrus from the 'Greg Gumbell' show… he already admitted it
I dare to say that President Trump will surpass Reagan as the best president in the last 40 years🇺🇸🇺🇸🇨🇺🇨🇺👉💪💪👈ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ
The Democrats doesn't fight clean.In boxing these people are disqualified🇺🇸🇺🇸🇨🇺🇨🇺🙄ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ🙄ðŸ¤â€ÂÂÂ👉👹👹👿👈🤛🤛
God bless President Tramp, and f…ck fake news.
The only thing the Times had right about that was that "Anonymous" should resign.
ABC — you are from the left aren't you. Well, this is what the Bible says about you….
This is a hoax! They want to create a fear and it is fake news like anything else.
I wonder how this guy called Chris Christie must have handled cases when he was an attorney. This guy is horrible. I don't think he has a good sense of judgement. His inability to point out the truth head on, speaks volumes
Woodward didn't fact check, the Anon writer doesn't have the courage of his or her convictions, whatever those convictions are. Anything much else seems to me is opinion and conjecture. Seems also some of the panel spoke with balance and factuality, the others went right out there and spoke opinions like they were facts. A huge leap folks….
Chris Christie made the most sense of anyone on the panel my progressive friends. And while I can respect varelaable photography 's comment because it is attacking things that happened, I accuse Tessmange Tessera of being a fat-shaming hypocrite. If you believe in social justice, then don't attack and shame someone for being fat just because you dis-agree with them. That is exactly what we should not be doing.
Bridge Gate guy that could never get to POTUS. I believe what has been being said.
Except Congress won't do anything about it and hasn't done anything about it!
Am not an expert but I believe this is a brave patriot who should stay in and thwart the man. Invoking the 25th amendment would be a long and complex process so stay and fight from within until it's over
Trump isn’t unfit. Results not resistance. Hate isn’t a platform.
It is not news, or even worthy of consideration, if the author of the op-ed is not brave enough to stand behind their claims. Words written in the dark unopposed mean nothing.
Warning! This is Fake News, the left is in panic mode, they are very desperate!
The MSM wrote the OP ED, these are the bastards that are able to make up stories!
poor ABC – they truly have no idea what is going on – bubble will be popped soon and they will be looking like deer in the headlights again – i cannot believe they learned nothing from the 2016 election. look ABC trump did not have to do this – the country is doing better by every single measurement – VOTE RED IN THE MIDTERMS.
This whole OP-ED is a False Flag to throw discourse within the White House. Kinda like spreading a rumor to from a pissed-off previous Employee. All this is in hoping to misdirect the voters by putting doubt in their mind and by doing this to throw the whole midterms into disarray.
I am sure there are many who have differing policy views from the President……however…..THEY were not elected President and President Trump was. DO THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE..who are these cowards to attempt to subvert the American people?
Christie sides with Trump abuse of power and his view on Sessions spoiling things for the GOP. This is coming from. The Governor who closed a tire NJ beach just for his private use.
No missiles flying over Japan, we’ve already renegotiated a much better NAFTA treaty with Mexico – the economy is growing at 4% GDP instead of 1.5% like it was under the last inept bungler  Real wages consumer confidence at the highest levels they been since the 1980s minority unemployment at the lowest level in 50 years – things can’t get any better! – no wonder the country loves this man and will re-elect him!
Look at the wall it's not going to happen because we the people want ,t let's that happened
All people need to come to one
It's big deal and a lot more people know that.
Hasn't it occurred to anyone that the anonymous letter may have been cooked up by the NYT themselves