After Derek Chauvin chose not to testify in his trial, the defense rested their case and the prosection recalled a witness for rebuttal testimony before finishing for the day. NBC News’ Gabe Gutierrez discusses what could come next after the trial resumes on Monday for closing arguments.
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#DerekChauvin #RebuttalTestimony #NBCNews
Defense Rests In Derek Chauvin Trial, Closing Arguments Will Be Monday | NBC News NOW
Space aliens😂
Fake news go trump go
Look at his long rap sheet. We all should be glad this dangerous career criminal George Floyd is off this streets. Thanks cops for getting rid of him before he victimizes someone else with his armed robbery, gun, deadly drugs and fake money.
He know's he shouldn't testify because he'll be telling the entire world, there eye's were deceiving them. And we know that's not the case.
How come no one spoke on Derek Chauvin's behalf? No character witnesses… friends, family, colleagues, no one. It's rather odd, usually the defense will have SOMEONE personal speak up
Funny no one is just playing the defences argument just what they think it means I am tired of experts give me the raw video
Our society speaks often of unprofessional conduct and usually in the form of observation intimidation or humiliation but there's a darker side. Prayers to the family and agency alike.
Honestly speaking strictly psychologically . . This man is guilty of nothing less than murder. Flat out. 1st degree . . No chance. 2 degree . . Is police brutality a crime? 3rd degree . . Understand that minnesota defines thirds of murder only under drugs and a evincing a depraved mind (Depraved indifference to human life reflects a wicked, evil or inhuman state of mind, as manifested by brutal, heinous and despicable acts. It is evinced by conduct that is wanton, deficient in a moral sense of concern, and devoid of regard for the life or lives of others) I believe that if, in fact, the deceased WAS HEARD saying that he could not breathe . . AND the seemingly calm indifference by the perp was continued into what can only be perceived as into a depraved mind . .
It's culpable negligence in the use of force and he'll be very lucky to get convicted of just 2nd degree manslaughter and I do not believe that conviction will stop riots. Good luck America.
If the deceased was heard by anyone at anytime expressing the reality of not being able to breathe . . Guilty
Chauvin Trial, in a Nutshell
Prosecution: knee on neck killed Floyd due to lack of oxygen.
Defense: all these other things may have killed him, including exhaust fumes.
Prosecution: exhaust fumes couldn't have killed him because his oxygen level was 98%.
Defense: thanks!
There will not be riots if this jury has half a brain.9and a half minutes on a man's neck ,3 minutes after he was dead.
I realized a long time ago the world is full of imbeciles but i hope there are none on this jury.
Chauvins arrogance was on full display once again…."I'm not gonna testify, I been writing my last will &
testament out this whole time.
Put this policeman behind bar .
If stores were smart, they'd empty the shelves this week.
I cant believe i see several comments about what if he walks this that and the other thing.
Really ? Really ? Your IQ has to be below 50 if you think there is even a chance of that.
This guy is a TEXT BOOK Example of TOAST ! and he probably gets like 20 to 25 years
Republicans: "if you're innocent you shouldn't have anything to hide"
I just wanna see the fireworks if he isn't convicted lol
Witnesses full of guilt, crying etc… Derek Chauvin Laughing as he pleads the 5th…. Sick Guy !
Board up your windows and brace for peaceful protests. No lives matter!
The left are gonna be so mad when he is aquitted and lives his days out in some beautiful beachside resort in Thailand.
RIP Fentanyl Floyd
I'm from dear old Blighty, and have watched this trial daily. I suspect that he will either be convicted on the manslaughter charge or it will be a hung jury forcing a retrial. The US legal system requires a unanimous jury decision (here in the UK a conviction only requires a majority verdict ie a minimum of 10 to 2). I fear that US cities will need to batten down the hatches and be prepared for major civil unrest – good luck!
White Hispanics exist but George Zimmerman is NOT ONE OF THEM!!!!
George Floyd and Officer Derek Chauvin knew each other
If he was threaten, I don’t know if he would admit it when the judge ask
For all the white racists in the comments “if he just arrested him and didn’t kneel on his neck for 10 minutes this would’ve all been avoided†isn’t that what yall always say when a black man gets murdered by cops for trying to run away? If he would just followed the rules nothing would’ve happened
Acquittal is in order, but I'm expecting a hung jury. Close enough.
These people in the comments are just as corrupt as Derek is.
He should be convicted! He murdered that man!
For a guy who just invoked his right to remain silent the judge certainly had a lot of questions he had to vocally answer
Yea…. the defense won.
He's gonna be innocent on Monday folks!!!! The defense did an amazing job with the last video they showed, of Floyd in the back seat acting like a crazy person and saying i can't breath. #ThisCopIsInnocent
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's â€â€ÂÂÂLâ€â€ÂÂÂoâ€â€ÂÂÂVâ€â€ÂÂÂeâ€â€ÂÂÂSâ€â€ÂÂÂeâ€â€ÂÂÂXâ€â€ÂÂÂ..â¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂ⤵ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
在整個人類æ·å²上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人æ•食部è½,æ°ÂÂÂÂæâ€â€ÂÂÂÂÂÂ,城鎮,城市和鄉æ‘ä¸ÂÂÂÂ的弱者,無`'守和貧窮æˆÂÂÂÂ員。然而,人類的çâ€ÂŸå˜æ„ÂÂÂÂ願迫使那些被拒絕,被å‰ÂÂÂÂ奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種çâ€ÂŸ活方å¼ÂÂÂÂ,並繼續將其DNAèžÂÂÂÂå…¥ä¸ÂÂÂÂ斷發展的人類社會。.說到食物,ä¸ÂÂÂÂè¦ÂÂÂÂ以為那些被拒絕的人åªåƒ垃圾。相åÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ,他們å¸會了在被忽視的肉類和èâ€ÂÂÂÂÂœä¸ÂÂÂÂ尋找營養。他們å¸會了清æ½â€ÂÂÂ,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野èÂÂÂœ和肉類,在食å“ÂÂÂÂ市場上被忽略的部分家çâ€Â¨èâ€ÂÂÂÂœ和肉類,並ä¸â€ÂÂÂå¸會了使çâ€Â¨芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科çÂÂÂÂξϬ 來調味食物煮的時候 1618585224
We all knew this killer coward ws wasn't going to take the stand. That's because all WS are cowards!
If this guy ever goes into prison , he won’t survive for a day , it’s practically a death sentence .
Don't hurt people when you riot please.
Why is a murder suspect wearing a suit and holding a microphone? A black murder suspect would be wearing an orange prison uniform and chains.
Chauvin pled the 5th??
He doesn't have to take the stand so why plead??
If there is one on that jury that thinks he is innocent, it's a hung jury.
The architect of your destiny is yourself…..
After the 2:25 question, this brainless schmuck smiles like he's at a college party, in a small company of idiots and someone intentionally did a bit silly joke:) Sweetie what a party is waiting for you…
Part 2 for George Floyd vs Derek Chauvin coming soon
Plead the Fifth! What a Coward!
Stores better remove all their expensive sneakers, timberlands, and big screen TVs.
Chauvin has been proven not guilty.
Not responsible for Fentanyl Floyd's overdose.