Defense rests case in Kyle Rittenhouse homicide trial

Defense rests case in Kyle Rittenhouse homicide trial

Rittenhouses lawyers completed their side of the case on Thursday, a day after the 18-year-old told the jury he was defending himself from attack when he killed two men and wounded a third.



#WorldNewsTonight #KyleRittenhouse #HomicideTrial #Defense #Attack


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43 thoughts on “Defense rests case in Kyle Rittenhouse homicide trial

  1. This case is such BULLSHIT. If any of us were to drive a long way with a weapon, any weapon, and especially one like his and carry it openly… we'd be in PRISON. This fake crying idiot should NOT have been acquitted !

  2. As someone who made videos for her school broadcasting program it is appalling to see how bad ABC is at hiding their biased feelings. Don't get me wrong I edited a video to my own opinion too. But I was reporting something at my high school not giving the masses information on a serious case. It doesn't matter who's side I'm on, I shouldn't be able to see so easily which side ABC is on

  3. I completely understand that it was self defense because he only shot people that attacked him, but it’s not exactly very smart to openly carry a rifle in public. People are going to intervene if you are carrying a firearm. You can’t carry a gun in your hands in public and expect people to not intervene because other people don’t know what your intentions are. But again, I do understand his actions were in self defense. I’m just saying that the situation could have been avoided if he had maybe used conceal and carry rather than openly carry a rifle.

  4. White guy who was attacked by three violent, WHITE guys, with two of them being killed, and is found NOT Guilty by the Jury, this is a Great Day for America! This is a first step to stop the Lies of the Leftist Media. Take back America from the Socialist Media, who is driving their racist narrative to divide and destroy.

  5. Gaige Grosskreutz must be thankfully to Kyle, because Kyle gave him his life even though he aimed his pistol at him. Kyle he shot him on his hand and not on his torso to kill him even though he was on defense and had every right.

  6. 1. We didn't know that Kyle put out a dumpster fire that was being rolled down to a gas station to blow up, with people all around.

    2. We didn't know that the Police were told to stand down as businesses were destroyed.

    3. We didn't know that Kyle's Dad, Grandma and Friends all lived in Kenosha, 20 minutes from where he resided with his Mom part time in Illinois.

    4. We didn't know that Joseph Rosenbaum knocked him down twice and then attempted to kick him with lethal force to the head.

    5. We didn't know that Huber had hit him in the head 2x with a skateboard.

    6. We didn't know Gaige Grosskreutz, a felon in possession of firearm, aimed his gun at Kyle first, as he admitted on the stand.

    7. We also didn't know that in the State of Wisconsin, it is legal for Kyle to have a gun, even at 17 (which was why the gun charge was dismissed).

    8. We didn't know that Kyle did not cross state lines with a gun he wasn't supposed to have. The rightful gun owner did, as he was legally permitted to do.

    9. We also didn't realize that Rosenbaum was a 5 time convicted child rapist and that Huber was a 2 time convicted woman beater.

    10. We didn't know that Grosskreutz was a convicted Burglar with an assault on his record also.

    IF THE MEDIA DID THEIR JOB. we would ALL have known this !

  7. This verdict is our justice system at work. A not guilty verdict didn't surprise me, considering the evidence and testimony. I hope it doesn't send the wrong message to other people who may think it's open season on protesters.

  8. Hell yeah, how any of these liberal scumbags can feel sorry for a convicted pedafile is beyond me. Now everyone knows you can burn a city to the ground and assist someone without consequences. Liberal scumbags are stating to figure out the people will rise against them. Their reign is coming to an end and the media will be held accountable!

  9. This is like back in the day he's going to go in have a quick trial and that white boy going to be sitting right back at home with nothing no jail time no nothing these white people are eating that crying s*** up it's just cuz he's white

  10. Everyone going against Kyle in the comments/reply’s are genuinely handicapped, he defended himself plain and simple. Just because he’s white doesn’t mean he should automatically get punished. Everyone who isn’t on his side here are dumb and shouldn’t be trusted to do anything in life.

  11. Do those protestors have jobs? Must be nice to have all that time to protest a self defense case. Sad though cause I live in southwest Philly where my people are killing each other at the highest levels in history. Our kids are afraid to go to school. You can’t even go to the store without being worried your going to be shot. How come they aren’t here protesting for us??? Where is the news media covering our MUDER trials?? But care so deeply and want to hang a young white kid defending himself? You people have no clue what’s really going on in this country.

  12. If you feel the need to go to a protest with a firearm, you probably should not go 🙄 all this could of been avoided from Rittenhouse. His actions put him in that courthouse and potential prison sentence.

  13. If you would have showed anymore clips you might have showed the truth . Great job editing,don’t want people to start thinking it was self defence.

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