Defendant Travis McMichael takes the stand on Day 9 of Arbery murder trial – Car Mod Pros Portal

Travis McMichael took the stand as the defense began to present their case to the jury and the prosecution, pointing out some “holes” in the co-defendant’s testimony.

#ArberyMurdertrial #TravisMcMichael


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Defendant Travis McMichael takes the stand on Day 9 of Arbery murder trial”
  1. Lesson of the year. Keep your hands to yourself and don’t attack people bearing arms. 🇺🇸

  2. Comment on memory is unfair. Under extreme stress your brain turns to mush and your recall is bad. It actually doesn’t make any difference the testimony, all that matters is the video footage. And Georgia law. Was this considered a citizens arrest. If not they will throw the book at them, if it is they should not be charged.

  3. I’m PRO Rittenhouse and PRO Arbery. Rittenhouse tried to evade his attackers and defended himself. The killers of Arbery are claiming self defense but they CHASED Arbery. Lock these guys up!

  4. The Liberal Gun Grabbers and Race Baiters REALLY can't afford to lose this one! Most odds makers have this as a hung jury and mistrial anyway. Then, most likely a plea deal before a re-trial. 10 years….out in 5. That the best case for the Prosecution.

  5. I hope when Travis McMichael thinks about his son he imagines him as an adult unarmed out for a jog and stopping to look through a house under construction and then three armed men chase him down with two pickup trucks and shoot and kill him and then tell us how that makes him feel.

  6. You wasn’t thinking of your son, if you were, you wouldn’t have make a dumb decision. You would do the right thing in life and not hunt down black ppl.

  7. That's a big fat lie right there. "I was thinking of my son " the same exact time I was being evil murdering a black rubber. No body's stupid enough to not noticing that this douche bag wants the court to feel sorry for him. Oh, wait a minute, Travis are you feeling bad and sorry for yourself now that you will not have to go home to mama and your litte son?
    Please don't bring that child into that mess. When you were murdering Arbery you were not thinking about your son. That's a big fat lie. You will be behind bars for numbers of years. That's my hope.

  8. Come on man. We all know this fool didn't say "stop or I'll call the cops". They went there with one thing in mind. And that was to shoot someone. The idiot that filmed the whole thing knew it too. Thanks to that idiot video taping the whole thing they were caught. Guilty as hell

  9. With something dramatic like that happens it’s not easy to forget what happened. You forget things that happened or things that you have said when it’s a made up story

  10. The prosecutor did a good job. I seen how he looked at his attorney while he was on the stand. He knows he made a mistake jumping on that stand, he thought he was ready for her but really god is in control and the truth will come out.

  11. 1. Arbery Was a Convicted Thief
    2. Arbery Was Convicted Felon, Sentenced to 5 Years for Unlawful Gun Possession at a School
    3. Arbery Was On Felony Probation on the Date He Died
    4. Arbery Was High When He Charged Travis McMichael and Fought for Shotgun
    5. Arbery Was Literally “Off His Meds” When He Charged Travis McMichael
    6. Arbery Frequently Used “Jogging” As a Cover To Facilitate/Excuse Theft Activities
    7. Arbery Had Repeatedly Cased the 220 Satilla Drive Property For Weeks Prior to His Death

  12. If you saw someone you honestly (and justifiably, based on past and present sense data) thought was REPEATEDLY committing [at least attempted] burglary in your neighborhood, about which who cared deeply, would you not feel justified in trying to detain him until the police arrived – i.e., conduct a "citizen's arrest"? And if this person suddenly attacked you and tried to take your [legally carried] gun away from you (ostensibly to KILL YOU with it), would you not do everything in your power to prevent this from happening? …I know that internal warmth and fuzz – the "liberal's crack" – is oh so hard to resist, but, please, do try being objective and realistic here.

  13. So tired of these folks playing and appointing themselves as neighborhood police to not mind their own business chasing people down looking for trouble.

  14. self defense smh what?????? dude you were the agreesor this man didn't know you. He fought for his life and you killed him now you playing the vicitim. Take a plea deal at this point, this vigilante bullshit nonsene is not worth it.

  15. This prosecutor is a badass!!! She just tore Travis a new one “womenexplaining” to him what his idiotic, racist mind was going through when him and his, also, idiotic and racist dad decided to go chase and then kill an innocent man! These men are absolute imbeciles!!!

  16. I’m from Texas, and Louisiana. There was no reason to have a gun out, of course someone is going to defend himself. May follow him and call the police. No reason to shot anyone, absolutely no reason. Citizen arrests is not what happened. My heart goes out to Ahmaud’s mother. God bless you momma.

  17. This is the end result when you raise your kid to hate. McMichael Senior produce his Jr Travis MicMichael and there is a little Jr MicMicheal out there somewhere,,, I hope he doesn’t turn out like his daddy and granddaddy.

  18. Damn Travis your lieing caused you to turn " Pepto Bismol PINK " 🤡🤣🤣🤣🤪💥😂🎪🔥🔥🔥

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