Debate over mail-in voting during the pandemic – Car Mod Pros Portal

A Post Office funding fight is escalating as new details emerge about possible delays for mail-in ballots. ABC’s Ines de La Cuetara reports.


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Debate over mail-in voting during the pandemic”

  2. What would happen when I return my Absentee Ballot by Certified Mail?? Wouldn't that make it TOP PRIORITY and also help out the USPO financially? It would take an extra trip to the P.O. But would still be better than long lines at the Polls and we would have days to do it. Anyone have any inside info on how this would help??

    Check out your state’s election process, register online and make an online request for a mail ballot if your state allows it. You can return ballots directly to the election commission in your community or to a drop box they set up for that purpose and avoid the post office on the return side.

    Let me know if you need help

  4. Did you hear?
    KAMALA HARRIS is a descendant of Hamilton Brown. Who's was one biggest slave owners in Jamaica.

  5. Do you really want more chaios after the election? Nobody will know who won for weeks and then you'll end up with Pelosi being president till it gets sorted out. JUST GO VOTE!

  6. So in order to fix the election the way Trump wants, millions of unemployed workers will have to make due with their paltry unemployment checks all because of an argument about postal funding. What a guy. And mask wearing is anti-scientific? Really? Since when?

  7. Typical ONE-SIDED reporting by ABC. Here are the real FACTS:
    – there have been 38 statewide primarieswithout any reported health issues since 3/11 when the WHO officially declared a pandemic; if you can go to the grocery store, you can vote, or request an Absentee ballot (which Trump has been proposing all along)
    – universal (not absentee) mail-in voting will lead to massive voter fraud; ABC and the leftist media keep stating that Trump is making "claims without any evidence", but it's common sense (like if you give a gun to repeat convict, chances are pretty high he'll commit another crime) especially knowing how hard Democrats tried to spy and cheat in 2016 and how hard they lied to try and impeach this president
    – it's a massive logistical undertaking, and many argue impossible, to switch to a predominantly mail election, especially this late in the game
    – "Democrats say" the Barr Russia probe investigation is an attempt to sway voters;
    how about ABC also report what Republicans say: that it's concrete proof that the Democrats cheated at all costs (just like how CNN gave Hillary the debate questions in advance)

  8. If mask work so great please tell me why we cant all just wear mask at the polls and vote in person or do mask only work when people are rioting in large numbers

  9. No mail in voting. It’s bad for both party’s and the country. Absentee voting is fine. Everyone should vote, but they should be verified like we’ve been doing for years.

  10. No.. No your trying to CHEAT…and steal the election an asking him to insert billions of dollars to help you do it…Wrong..Trump doing the right thing.end of story

  11. What's there to debate? Let people vote the way they wish to, and while we're at it, let everybody vote no matter status and without registration with no electoral college – you know, like a real democracy works

  12. I want someone(senator or higher) SCREAMING… 'Why the HELL does it cost $166.00 just for someone to vote by mail'? That is 25 billion divided by 150 million voters. New idea guys, mail out the ballot and hsve it hand delivered by them to the post office where their cute face and voice can be on video. My GOD, $166.00 for each vote. Nuts.

  13. If you don’t have mail voting they won’t be an election so it must happen

  14. Hold your conspiracy theories. Robert Gates… Secretary of Defense under the Obama Administration said the following: "Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades." Asked recently if he stands by those statement, and he said he does. Fact Check me if you wish, but those were his exact words. As a 20 plus year veteran of 4 wars, and many conflicts, I wouldn't want Joe Biden as Commander-in-Chief.

  15. It should be an impeacheable crime for a President to try and tamper with voting and purposely tries to surpress voter turnout just because they are losing. I will crawl on a bare knees to vote that dictator wannabe out of office.

  16. Why is the media so atrocious, incredibly bias, one way or the other? None of them stand aloof and all become embedded in each event of the day, devoted to a narrative. None take any prisoners and are totally uncivil, all are propaganda in the worse sense of the word.

    Whether you like him or not, no reasonable thinking person can escape being concerned with a nexus of power as media ownership represents one ideology. In a Democracy this is a problem bigger than the man in the chair. In 1981 there were 50 media companies, today there are 6 and many of them are "global companies." That's a problem, not quite as complete yet as when every court in Europe derived its legitimacy at the pleasure of the Pope. The Pope had no divisions of a large standing army but he could form them if needed.

  17. It's TRUE Putin can't hack the mail so trump doing everything he can to slow the mail down in order to influence the election in his favor how many criminal acts will he try to get away with before he is ousted and locked up

  18. Absintee voting requires one to send copy of front and back of Government issued I.D. BIDEN IS NOT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL. HE IS A CITIZEN. ZERO AUTHORITY.

  19. Why mail in? People went to Trump rallies and kids are going back to school and restaurants are back open so why not go out to vote like normal? just wear masks.

    I apologise to Burden you guys😰😞but I wanted too reach out to everyone and ask for help please, I'm scared & extremely embarrassed but honestly I really need some help right now and wanted to possibly ask everyone for a favor please.😪I just ran out of food/Supplies this Morning & due to the self-isolation/Covid-19(I lost my job a week ago unexpectedly) It's just me my niece & two nephew's that I have custody of & live with me,😪 I've been extremely stressing out trying to remain positive/Hopeful butt unfortunately I wasn't prepared at all & now as embarrassing as this is I wanted to ask if anyone could please possibly help us with anything preferably ($40-$50) just so I can go get a few groceries/Supplies right now from the grocery store to make the kids some Dinner tonight & Breakfast tomorrow morning, Plus a few meals for the next couple days please. (ANYTHING HELPS) until I get my last paycheck next Friday.😟 if anyone is able to possibly help us right now I would greatly sincerely appreciate it with all my heart.I can receive it via Venmo or CashApp or Zelle or PayPal whichever one your comfortable with using I don't mind. but if your not able to help I would completely understand, i just thought I'd reach out & ask for help because I already tried going to the st.marry food bank this morning when I noticed we were running low on food, but food pantries are still shut down due to the Pandemic Or until further notice, I also just applied for unemployment shortly after I was let go & I'm waiting on approval and I also filed for nutrition assistance which I didn't know I could get I'm still learning. 😭 & so now I'm trying to handle the situation as calmly as possible and don't want the kids to have to worry about going without,😢 i apologise to burden anyone with our unfortunate situation I'm just trying to do the right thing and reach out and ask for help,Because I have three kids counting on me.😥 I can't just sit and do nothing,They are my number one priority.😭😨i have a Instagram feel free to Please add/follow me on Instagram to verify or have further questions.[Instagram: ZyonnMuaa]
    {CASHAPP: $ZyonnMuaa }
    {VENMO: @Zyonn_Mua }
    •Last four digits of phone number {8399} to send Venmo.

  21. How many Americans have to die before the Federal government start doing something real? US with covid deaths over 166,000 and per capita healthcare spending twice of Germany’s has 502 (rising faster, and now the 2nd highest after the UK among the G7) deaths per million from coronavirus compared to Germany’s 110.

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