Deaths rising, hospitalizations decreasing: Fauci – Car Mod Pros Portal

“We are seeing the increase in deaths, we are seeing a rather dramatic decrease in need for hospitalizations,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said at Thursday’s briefing.


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Deaths rising, hospitalizations decreasing: Fauci”
  1. Dr. Fauci and Democrat Governors worked together to reject the use of hydroxychloroquine for China virus treatment in New York, New Jesey, Michigan, Masschusetts, and Pennsylvania*
    8 days ago, Washington state starts to use hydroxychloroquine -> today 9 death
    8 days ago, California starts to use hydroxychloroquine -> today 26 death
    8 days ago, Texas starts to use hydroxychloroquine -> today 5 death
    New York Governor does not allow to use hydroxychloroquine – > today 783 death
    (8,627 totally)
    New Jersey Governor does not allow to use hydroxychloroquine -> today 251 death
    (2,183 totally)
    Michigan Governor does not allow to use hydroxychloroquine -> today 111 death (1,392 totally)
    You can see the difference between both methods (Use and not to use hydroxychloroquine as President Trump insight)

  2. Liars!!! Fauci deeply embedded with big pharma. Will force vaccines on public for huge profits and total control. This is a planned farce pandemic – manipulated false stats. Research "Event 201". Go to "Gematria Effect News". Wake Up Already!

  3. Be careful with this guy!!!!. Dr. Fauci is a Democrat puppet wanting to harm President Trump for next election that is why he misrepresented his model and dishonest on his projection number of death intentionally. It should be less than 30,000 including the other deaths of the other diseases. Dr. Fauci is still intentionally wrong on this as he was intentionally wrong on the first projection. He is dangerous for America that used body-bags for Democrat agenda.

  4. Toi cau xin duoc dem het corola 19 ra khoi body ra khoi gan
    Ra khoi tim
    Ra khoi nao duoc
    Tai sao cac ngai lai khong cau xin dieu do duoc

  5. a medical system never does anything right there there to harm the people and the people are wised up enough to know they're going to the hospital does not prevent death it actually ensures your death you better off treating yourself at home with a simple remedies and staying apart from people that are sick to survive this there's absolutely no reason to try and go to the hospital if your health is that bad you're going to die one way or the other…

  6. Really speaking there are no models to pin point exact numbers of Coronavirus deaths. Trump and his advisors are making up the number based on their own whims, politics and public response. The previous number of 120,000 to 200,000 CV deaths was floated to start number game only to prove finally that due to Trump's leadership and daily briefings, the number has come down to 40,000!! He saved more than 80,000 lives!!! Nice pitch for the election.

  7. People who have the virus will still die, the main thing is lowering the infection rate, eventually the covid positive people who are terminal will eventually die off and as long as the virus doesn't keep spreading, we should be on the road to recovery

  8. 4/10/20 8am
    2,410,691 tests in USA ÷ 327,200,000 population = 0.74% tested … 17,055 dead ÷ 475,224 total cases = 3.59% fatality rate … 432,176 confirmed active cases

  9. They are not counting the people that die at home from the coronavirus. The numbers they're giving are extremely inconsistent.

  10. That’s correct. He advised and the Governors and Mayors followed his advise and made legally enforceable shelter in home decries. If the restaurant you work at opened the owner will be arrested. People are being arrested just for sitting in their car alone watching a sunset. I don’t know anyone sick with Covid but I know a lot of people who have lost their jobs and soon may lose everything else. Thanks to this quack and others like him. He needs to be held responsible for my job loss

  11. Truth Watch "[Exclusive investigative report] The first documentary movie on the origin of CCP virus(Coronavirus)" on YouTube

    Nahum 1:9, what do you conspire against the Lord? He will make an utter end of it, it will Not rise up a second time.

  12. Your testing enforcement is minimized by lack of tests, lack og distributions of tests, not to mentioned protective equipment etc
    Your assessment of hospitalization is missing all the people who have not yet tested, those deaths outside of hospitals cshould have been tested months ago instead, it is too little to late for them, medical treatment didn't get to them on time because of the ill prepared Trump pandemic task force which didn't know what actions to take. Per Trump, "it will go to zero deaths, by April, hot weather, it will go away. I talked to a lot of people, it will go away"

  13. My how quickly people can turn. Just a couple weeks ago, all people leaving comments thought Dr. Fauci was a saint and should be man of the year. Now, most of the comments I've read here are throwing stones at him. Human nature?

  14. Everybody is not dying from covid they are putting that on death certificates for people who are not dying from it those dying numbers are not from all covid people who are dying if you don't die from murder or accident they are putting death as if you died from covid but never did this BS

  15. That pseudo doctor Fauci must be playing an idiot. Hospitalizations decrease with mortality on the rise because sick people are increasingly cautious about seeking medical help due to rising unemployment, which causes dwindling resources in public. People simply don't want to see cascading medical bills coming to their mailboxes. Shame on you, America. We need universal, taxpayer – funded health care system NOW. Just like majority of the civilized world.

  16. Did you all know: CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2018–2019 season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths from influenza

  17. Let’s hope some young idiots don’t screw us over by carelessly going out.

  18. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله على امريكا و على العالم اللهم احفظ بلدي امريكا هذا البلد الغالي و الحبيب على قلوبنا جميعا كل العالم يحب امريكا و كلنا امريكا ما يصيب امريكا يصيبنا و لهذا نعلم جميعنا ان امريكا قوية دوما و ابدا و مستعدة دوما مهما كانت نوع الازمة التي تجابهها لديها قاعدة قوية و متينة و عبقرية فلن تتعثر امريكا بسهولة لانها فقط اامريكا

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