Death toll rises as devastation from Hurricane Michael mounts – Car Mod Pros Portal

The power of the Category 4 storm was evident in dramatic footage that showed demolished homes and submerged neighborhoods in the Florida Panhandle.


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “Death toll rises as devastation from Hurricane Michael mounts”
  1. 愚癡感風災。 阿彌陀佛

  2. Э, американци почитайте сказку про три поросенка, домики из фанеры, ха ха ха.

  3. Why doesn’t Trump pay for all this?! It’s his country after all! I wish there was an election to vote em outta here!

  4. And by the way it’s been a week since the hurricane that destroyed my house and he’s so damn busy with Kanye West and trying to dig his way out of the Saudi mess he has barely mentioned it. You simply cannot have it both ways. If he’s done something solid that has actually benefited you, tell me. I’m happy to listen

  5. You know I give up. There is something seriously wrong with people who think Trump gives a rat’s ass about anyone but himself and maybe his despicable children. The people who support him are among the poorest people in the country who view him as some kind of self made hero who is making their lives better. Is he making your life better by cutting Medicare, cutting insurance from 20 million people, cutting food, stamps and FEMA, starting trade wars that will take money from your so called increased paychecks? Is he making your life better by denying climate change which will hurt not only us but our children and grandchildren? Is he making your life better by threatening nuclear devastation on three countries? How are those tax cuts working for you? His stupid wall will cost YOU about 20 BILLION. The ludicrous space force another 12 billion. Where do you think that money is going to come from? He DOES NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. This is an absolute nightmare and he is dismantling this country piece by piece and I’m at a complete loss as to why anyone-anyone-would support him. He has not done one single damn thing that improves the average American life. Not one single thing.

  6. I feel bad for everyone affected by the storms. But the builders in United States build the cheapest weakest houses and when something like this happens it looks like a atomic bomb went off.

  7. The more Godless we become the higher category of those hurricanes we will be getting hit by the angels of the Almighty Creator, the drivers of the wind. We have 350,000 churches in USA that those illiterate preachers are misleading their own people for just a few $s, and no one take heed nor cares. Look at Bible Belt area, disaster after disasters, 1000 tornados every single year, plus hurricanes, fires, floods, and so on. Wake up people with those 4200 fake, false and manmade religions, which were not authorized by the Almighty in any of those scriptures.

  8. Its better now to a bricks houses than wooden houses 🤔🙃😱

  9. I'm having flashbacks to 1992 when we had to deal with Andrew in South FL. When the storm passed and we went outside it felt as if we had emerged on another planet. The destruction from these storms is total, you can't really grasp its destructive power until you go through one. My heart goes out to those who are now experiencing this. Stay strong.

  10. The truth. Report on the truth, ABC. This was a man made, geo-engineered, storm. Study the radar. How can you, my fellow humans, willfully ignore evidence. People died. You make me sick.

  11. good to know our goverment doesnt have the sense to move aircraft assets worth millions out of the storm track..oh ya no leadership. wait to see how they fuck up the recovery. trump can toss them some paper towels in his spare time. oh and what are we to do with these refugees… i guess we should treat them like any other citizen in them out for being victims of gods wrath after all if god loved them this would not happen to them. really there is no profit in caring so lets get all trumpy with it and go party

  12. I spent a great deal of my childhood there and it was such a laid back place where you could actually wake up early and be the only person walking down the beach from time to go time. Absolutely heartbreaking to go from everything to nothing in less than 5 days.

  13. I am so glad i am a Louisiana resident. Here, people and communities come together and help one another during tragic times. I cannot comprehend how anyone in this country can dare make a negative comment. My heart goes out to Florida residents.

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