Death toll from Dorian climbs to 30 in Bahamas | ABC News

Death toll from Dorian climbs to 30 in Bahamas | ABC News

ABC News Victor Oquendo traveled with an air ambulance to deliver supplies as officials say hundreds or even thousands of people are still missing.

#ABCNews #Dorian #Bahamas #Abaco


34 thoughts on “Death toll from Dorian climbs to 30 in Bahamas | ABC News

  1. 30, fake news, they said 300 in PR and it wasn’t as deadly, in reality it was about 5000, all these news talking to these traumatized humans, and still no help, haarp, evil at its finest 👿 🦹‍♀️

  2. Praying 🙏 for the people in the Bahamas.

  3. One of the most devastated areas is Called. . THE MUD… Because of all the Haitians that occupied the area after the hurricane in Haiti. .. few are in the area attempting to deal with all the dead. .. kinda tells a story of how people feel about them. ……

  4. 30 is a ridiculously low number, expect it to shoot up. People actually living there say they keep recovering bodies by the dozens and can smell rotting corpses amongst the rubble. The amount of loss of life and destruction is heart-breaking.

  5. This is what environmental racism looks like ✊🏿

  6. We are very sad 😥 ❗💜❤💙

  7. I feel so bad I’m crying right now because I feel so bad for the family’s

  8. الإمام ناصر محمد اليماني

    26 – ذو الحجّة – 1438 هـ

    17 – 09 – 2017 مـ

    06:07 صباحاً

    ( بحسب التقويم الرسمي لأمّ القرى )


    المهديّ المنتظَر ينذر من استمرار عذاب الله

    فلا تزال تصيبهم قارعةٌ تلوَ القارعة أو تحلّ قريباً من ديارهم حتى يأتي
    أمر الله بطاعة خليفته الذي يدعو إلى اتّباع كتابه القرآن العظيم ..

    بسم الله الواحد القهّار، والصلاة والسلام على النّبيّ المختار محمد وجميع الرسل والمؤمنين في كلّ عصرٍ..

    ولا نزال نحذّر من عذابٍ كبيرٍ الساعة التاسعة كما سبق تكرار ميعاد عذاب
    الله الساعة التاسعة في يومٍ ما في عديدٍ من البيانات كتبناها خلال سنينَ
    وشهورٍ متفرّقةٍ ونذكر في قليلٍ منها ميعاد عذاب الساعة التاسعة تنفيذاً
    لأمر الله منذ عددٍ من السنين أن أكتب في الإنترنت العالميّة أنّ العذاب
    الساعة التاسعة، ولم نحدد اليوم أو الشهر أو السّنة، وعسى أن يكون ذلك
    قريباً وليس ببعيدٍ؛ العذاب الشديد على المعرضين عن اتّباع الØÂÂ

  9. Amazing how radar can be weaponized wait til 5g and LED's and( iot) lifi we Esoteric ALCHEMY BARAQ BOHEIMIAN RAPSODY Mr bungle Ꮜngel in the whirlwiind maagog yhwh elizia elohiem Jericho IHS ISSIS HORRACE SET EGYPTIAN MYSTERY SCHOOL IDEOLOGY FREEMASONRY PLAIN AND SIMPLE….

  10. It’s like the reporters have no common sense or compassion… would you feel not being able to do anything but beg for prayers? Holding your children watching water rise around you. Coming back to your home to find nothing

  11. If this any where close to class 4 or 5 there wouldn't be a tree standing and most all simple non concrete buildings would be down. that is not scene here. Most all damage was from raising water.

  12. Heart-breaking, …such loss… family, friends and home. "Lord! Pitiful are we, grant us Thy favor; poor, bestow upon us a share from the ocean of Thy wealth; needy, do Thou satisfy us; abased, give us Thy glory." ~ Baha'i Prayer

  13. My condolences to all the camilys🙏🙏

  14. FOR THOSE WHO HAVENT GOT THE MEMO TheBahamas, September 6, 2019 — Abaco residents who have managed to get off the island following monster Hurricane Dorian are outraged at news reports which they say give a watered-down view of what is actually happening in the decimated northern Bahama island.

    “Stop letting people lie to y’all and look at things with y’all third eye ya know. Any man walking with sense could know, no 20 f***kin’ bodies in Abaco…. Even if they say 200 bodies, they damn lying.”

    In the voice note we received early Friday morning, a young man expresses his outrage at the wrong information, that people are believing that information and the lack of urgency for Abaco’s people who are suffering a second storm. 

    “The media lying about the sh** bro, I just come from Abaco today… spread awareness about what happening over there buoy.”

    He said his name is Uriel Simms and he encouraged use of that name in telling the story he characterizes as ‘the real truth’.

    “I need everybody and dey Ma to send this voice note to every single person in Nassau. When I walk through the land in the eye of the storm, buoy people dead bodies was in the road like flies.  They lying about the amount of dead people in Abaco.”


    It is difficult to ignore such an impassioned plea for the ‘real story’ to be told and it is increasingly difficult to authenticate information from officials. 

    Magnetic Media has been enquiring of NEMA and Bahamas Information Services but has received nothing, so far.

    Media reports both nationally and internationally are revealing the devastation, the heart-breaking stories of experiences during the storm, but four days on the cry is for practical help and that, Simms says is not coming.

    “This a time to be hopping in ya friggin boat, hopping in one plane and flying ya ass to Abaco!”

    Abaco needs all the help it can get said the civilian reporter who, in the two voice notes, focused largely on the death toll of the hurricane which pounded Abaco for two days – Sunday and Monday, this week.

    Mr. Simms says he was told the morgue can hold 70 bodies; that capacity has long been surpassed, he said.  Simms is certain that hundreds of deceased people are between the morgue and the clinic.

    “…they over-jam that buoy.  At least two thousand people dead in that storm.  I walk in the back of Great Cestern to see my family bro.  Bodies in the road like flies… you can see hands sticking out from under houses and t’ing where they get crush, buoy.”


    Simms offered his understanding of the reported uprising of Haitians in Abaco; he said that story is also being told incorrectly.

    “And it ain’t only no Haitians taking over, that’s only the portrayal the media like to give.  It’s Haitians and Bahamians doing that sh*t over there.  Buoy, that’s why the storm come, y’all too divided and t’ing buoy.  Haitians supposed to be our black brothers and sister and y’all hatin’ on them.  Try come together and lift one another up.”

    The man said civilians managed to get guns out of the Ace Hardware store on Abaco island; he said there is looting. 

    “White people walking up and down by their business trying to protect it with guns willing to shoot people buoy.”

    Simms labelled it, “…a mad, mad world in Abaco.” For the first time since Hurricane Dorian’s approach and hit in the northwest Bahamas, Prime Minister Hubert Minnis gave no national update.  Government and NEMA were silent on Thursday; more focused, publicly anyway, on the delegation of Caribbean leaders which came for a tour of the devastation.

    UPDATED: Government today announced the death toll is at 30 people lost in Hurricane Dorian.

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    The Luxury of Grace Bay in Down Town Provo


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    Magnetic Media is a three time Telly Award winning media production company which was established in April 2008, now with offices in Providenciales, Turks and Caicos and Nassau, Bahamas with a branch soon to be established in Freeport, Grand Bahama.


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  15. Why try to salvage anything from this, including dead bodies? They should bulldoze it into piles, burn it now before disease spreads. Create a giant all for one monument/ceremony to remember the dead and then start rebuilding.

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