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#1. To begin a true relationship with God Almighty and His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, first read John 3, John 14 and John 17:1-3. #2. To receive remission/forgiveness of sins; read and Obey Acts 2:38. #3.To receive the Holy Spirit, and to see how some believers received the Holy Spirit in the Holy Bible; read Luke 11:13, Acts 1:1-8-14, Acts 2:1-4,16-21,38, Acts 5:32, Acts 8:1-17, Acts 9, Acts 10, Acts 19:1-7. #4. To learn how to live a Holy Life unto God Almighty; Read John 14:15-26, John 15:1-10, Galatians 5:16-26, Romans 6:1-23, Ephesians 4, Ephesians 5, Colossians 2, Colossians 3 etc. #5. To be ready for the Rapture and the day of the Lord; read Matthew 24:44-51, Matthew 25:1-13, Revelation 16:15, 2Peter 3 etc.
Steps to recieve Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and to live a Holy Life:
#1. John 3 and John 14.
#.2 Acts 2:38 and Mark 15:15,16.
#3. Luke 11:13 and Acts 5:32.
#4.Romans 6:1-23 and Galatians 5:16-26.
#5. Matthew 25:1-13 and Matthew 24:44-51.
Stop watching him and let nature take its course
As a Scots woman the way that lady said 'Loch Ness' ðŸÂ‰ hurt my wee Scottish heart! ⤠😣
Gun Control paawk paawk
Polly want gun control
paawk paawk
You are beautiful, both of you! Keep up the good work. #PerArduaAdAstra
Chan and Zuckerburg are awesome!! Wonderful work they are doing
Am I supposed to believe Mueller knows what the hell he's talking about. He doesn't even know where he was at Wednesday.
This isn't "fake news". . .this is "bs news".
Kenneth Happy Birthday Dude 🎂
Of course McConnell will block those bills, he wants to protect Trump with helping him stay in office, by allowing Russia to meddle in the 2020 election! And McConnell wants this because he's trying to protect his own pockets from keeping his wife in the Transportation department of the White House Administration which she funnels project money into McConnell's corporation! And here's McConnell trying to claim blocking of these bills a political "partisan" epidemic issue, but yet even Senator Lindsey Graham, who is a Trump lover, was on board with these bills! So how can it be a partisan issue when Republican Senators are on board? McConnell needs to go come 2020! Kentuckians need to wake up!! You elected a Con-man!!
You guy suck at delivering news 💯
Still going out of your way to make killers famous. Good job…
The best Mitch McConnell has to say is that election security bills are partisan… Shows you how close the GOP are to abandoning democracy entirely.
As many as I wanna this my fone
"Kindness" my ass. Everybody knows that list is fake. They look for 1) A good looking guy, 2) Money, 3) If he has tattoos or is a troublemaker.
They know what they doing, trump and bitch McConnell wants the help to stay in power. For the sake of democracy VOTE THEM OUT next year
Father, brother, mother. Welcome to terrorist government.
I BET he's not an illegal?!!
Who kills parents. God is going to have a real stern talk with this soul before flushing down the toilet
Ya, I'd try it. My diet is already smaller than that.
He's been fired, does he have a PayPal? I'll help out.
Kindness??? Come on ladies, scarce as hen’s teeth.
Happy birthday, Kenneth!