Deadly incident on the set of Alec Baldwin’s new film ‘Rust’ – Car Mod Pros Portal

The director of photography was killed and the film director was wounded when authorities say actor Alec Baldwin discharged a prop firearm.


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Deadly incident on the set of Alec Baldwin’s new film ‘Rust’”
  1. Hopefully, the family sues him big time,,, he should be charged with negligence, to say the least, he is a known hater, what is really behind this ? u wonder knowing what a big time hater he is.

  2. Not an accident, Baldwin is 100% responsible for the death but because he hates Trump you will sugar coat this unnecessary death, just like you protect Biden. You are disgusting, biased, propaganda.

  3. Why is he even pointing at the producer & director anyways? the gun " prop" is for a shooting scene between Baldwin and another actor. So why does he end up pointing than discharging directly at the pro / dir?

  4. Всё это подозрительно…

  5. What has non actor got to do with anything? They were probably filming a scene where he’s “supposedly” shooting passed the camera and that’s where all the crew stand

  6. Hih Alec , Wake up Alec what happened to you is a curse because of the poor x wife Kim Basinger you divorced her only because she becam old. You bastard. You are cursed.

  7. We have no idea what they were filming or what angle the camera was at. It's likely they were filming Alec's character shooting a gun in the direction of the camera, as the two victims were the film's director and director of photographer, who would obviously be positioned behind the camera. Prop guns still use gunpowder, and there are many ways they could cause injury. It's a horrible and tragic accident, and my heart goes out to Helena's family, Joel Souza and his family, as well as the entire cast and crew who witnessed the incident, and that certainly includes Alec Baldwin. I can't imagine how much trauma and guilt Alec AND everyone in the props department will feel for the rest of their lives.
    This has happened before while filming The Crow, and the actor who fired the prop gun at Brandon Lee was not charged in Brandon's death. He has had to live with that guilt for nearly 30 years, and I'm sure it will all come up again after this tragedy. You'd think that by 2021 Hollywood would have come up with a safer alternative when filming with guns. Hopefully this will create some real discussions and changes within the industry.

  8. Alec Baldwin's first thought will be, I'M IN THE SPOTLIGHT AGAIN, and what great PR for the film. EVERYONE will buy a ticket to this one. Can you imagine? They may leave this in the movie. I LOVE HOLLYWOOD🤩😍🤑

  9. Did the gun safety expert not complete a gun safety course from an accredited firearms safety instructor?

    Every gun is always loaded , Mr Baldwin. Maximum effective range of an excuse is 0m.

  10. Hollywood’s continual glorification of guns, violence, and gun violence leads to yet another senseless mass shooting. SMH

  11. By the way, has anybody else realized that both crew members were not even actors??? Prop guns (blanks) can still kill people. Why was Alec pointing and shooting this firearm at two people who would never appear on screen??? Horseplay???

  12. That was not a prop gun. A prop gun is not a functional weapon. They are made without a clear path for a discharged bullet to travel. So the fact that an actual firearm was used with a live round is ridiculous. They should of used an actual prop gun with dummy rounds. None of this should of happened. The prop master should be slapped to death for his or her negligence.

  13. The harvest has begun! God demands repentance from everyone! Be with God, and God will be with you!

    "… repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand "(Matthew 3: 2)

    "…10 And he said unto me, Seal not the words of the prophecy of this book; for the time is at hand.

    11 Let the unrighteous still do unrighteousness; let the unclean still be defiled; let the righteous still do righteousness, and let the holy one still be sanctified.

    12 Behold, I am coming soon, and my reward is with me, that I may reward every man according to his works.

    13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the First and the Last.

    14 Blessed are those who keep his commandments, that they may have a right to the tree of life, and enter the city by the gate.

    15 But outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and fornicators, and murderers, and idolaters, and everyone who loves and does unrighteousness.

    16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to bear witness to you in the churches. I am the root and descendant of David, the bright and morning star.

    17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let him who hears say: Come! Let him who is thirsty come, and let him who is desirous take the water of life freely.

    18 And I also bear witness to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will put on him the plagues that are written in this book;

    19 And if anyone takes away anything from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away from him his part in the book of life, and in t7he holy city, and in what is written in this book.

    20 He who bears witness to these things says, " I am coming soon." Amen to that. Hey, come on, Lord Jesus!

    21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is with you all. Amen to that."

    Revelation of John the Evangelist, 22:10-21

    "But as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the coming of the Son of Man: for as in the days before the flood they ate, and drank, and married, and were married, until the day Noah entered the ark, and did not think until the flood came and destroyed them all, so will be the coming of the Son of Man; then there will be two in the field: one is taken, and the other is left; two grinding in the millstones: one is taken, and the other is left. Watch therefore, for you do not know at what hour your Lord will come"(Matthew 24: 32)

  14. This is very tragic but a media distraction as well ⛔️ UPDATED DATA: 16,766 ¥AX D€ATH$ & 800,000 ¥AX INJU3️⃣€D / G0 T0 0PENVAER$ D0T K0M / €OVID-DATA

  15. I use blanks as a reenactor. Two things: blanks are safe at the proper distance and even at the proper distance we never aim directly at a person in case projectiles of some kind do get shot out. Regardless of the blanks, unless this was during a scene, which it sounds like it wasn't if a non-cast member was hit, he should never have been
    1. Pointing a loaded gun at someone
    2. Had his finger on the trigger pointing at someone
    And just to be clear, blanks can kill or seriously injure someone. A .45 long Colt blank, which is probably what it was, at point-blank range can shred an aluminum can. So just imagine what that would do to a person. Easily avoidable and very sad, definitely going to get brought up in our safety meetings this year.

  16. I'm going to say it once again police officer that accidentally shoots somebody under duress goes to prison gets ridiculed but famous actor does it out of stupidity he gets a pass

  17. I hope that Mr. Sousa can shed some light on what actually happened when and if he recovers and I'm still trying to wrap my head around why were these people in the line of fire, they weren't actors. Were they trying to film the scene from a certain angle?

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