DC law enforcement outnumbered during violent protests – Car Mod Pros Portal

The governors of Virginia and Maryland sent state and local police to assist the National Guard.

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By carmodpros


35 thoughts on “DC law enforcement outnumbered during violent protests”
  1. I was there and i have a lot to say
    First a lot of people are saying this is terrible and against liberty, but I say that it was a demonstration of it, we had every right to be in that building, it belongs to U.S citizens. And this demonstration was a lot like the Boston tea party, we were angry at the government, so we took it put on them unlike the riots last summer where they were angry at the government and they took it out on people who had nothing to do with it. And finally we also did WAY LESS damage than the rioters last summer, us being there was also as if not more grounded in reality as the Floyd protests and riots, and after we left the building we were mostly peaceful and destroyed little if none outside, it was the police that were hostile, and trump did not cause it we take full responsibility of our actions and don’t apologize, for most of it, and trump called for peace not violence.
    Furthermore, if you have questions then please ask

  2. Unpatriotic? So extorting citizens taxing citizens even out of their home is what the american dream and the government we the people deserve?

    Hip hip hooray wish I could join the best most patriotic actions done by real citizens real americans !

    🐑 🌎

    🐺 🐺

  3. .. .https://www.facebook.com/piotr.sarnecki.14/videos/4147293721965933. . . . . . . (honky-tonk) .. *BOMBY**HANKI**ANKI* . .. GIT* GANG** CORRidO* . . 0:07** . . w AKCJI** . .+kropnięto+ . .. .Spec-Rekin He He . . Hey Joe .. BayDE Nową czas ułożyć .. . . do końca świata Raj Nam stworzyć . . . .. Biały Dom nasz cały będzie .. .. kielichy zabłysną wszędzie . . Alle Cudów świat nam da .. . bo Sacrum w Białym Domu . . to TY i JA . . . . . a Trum* Hrum zwolniony będzie . . z MUREM w głowie i na głowie .. już w sekretnej toalecie przy BIDEcie mieszał w MELI NIE będzie . . odsunięty od KORYTA .. gdzieś po kątach będzie zgrzytał .. i marzył o nowych białych burdelikach .. nie pomogą żadne par lamenty .. pozostaną do odkrycia **ŚWIATOWE*PRZEKRĘTY** https://www.facebook.com/piotr.sarnecki.14/posts/4100351129993526. .. . https://youtu.be/UExTN3_UOIY. . .. . . . . . .. GIT GANG** CORRidO* . . 0:07** . . w AKCJI** .. .+kropnięto+ .. .. .Spec-Rekin He He

  4. If you go to find the longer version of video which is starting from 0:39 to 0:44, you'll find the barriers were removed by polices. LOL, do you know why this media cut that earlier part? I cannot figure out a legit reason, can you?
    Also there is a longer version for the part from 0:32 to 0:38, you should look it by yourself to consider more, and deeper.

  5. This is the future and no one can stop it. It’s just gonna become so big that we will not be able to stop it. If not now when. This is gonna get real and fast people

  6. Who took the video footage? Looks like this person was set at the right place at the right time to take the intended angle staged??? The truth will be revealed!!!!

  7. since when the protesters didn't out number the law enforcement officers present? u got to be a moron, u missing math classes, didn't u?

  8. I think when the tear gas settles and some investigating is done, we will find that Trump somehow ordered the capital police to stand down at beginning of the rally not knowing how bad it would get.

  9. The video of the punk in the toque chasing the cop up the stairs in the building is a coward of the biggest kind, stopping when the cop challenged him, then putting his hands at waist level when more police show up and he's no longer has the upper hand. LOSER, COWARD, IGNORANT PIECE OF HUMAN WASTE!

  10. Too much too late. And I feel for the one guy facing the thugs as he ran up the stairs. I just wish he would've made one swing at them.

  11. 😂😂😂 i love this! Trump supporters can't deny the facts white people get treated way better by the police

  12. The only one who spelled it “breaching” not “breeching”👍

  13. Politicians don’t care about the people. But they want the people to care about them?? The American people are in pain. The people in power don’t like the taste of their own medicine?

  14. The chief of the White House Police said the women killed, was a great patriot, yeah right. Do a little research and you will find she was looking for trouble. These people have been brainwashed. The take everything Trump says as the gospel. In less than two weeks Trump will be sitting at his resort living the good life and that women's family will be mourning her senseless death. Wake up he could careless about you, he is a narcissist.

  15. Did I miss something? Is this no different than leftist Antifa punks looting, rioting and “demonstrating” for months all over the country? Didn’t Dems call them “Patriots”?

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