Dayton, Ohio Mass Shooting: Bellbrook police give update from street of suspected gunman | ABC News

Dayton, Ohio Mass Shooting: Bellbrook police give update from street of suspected gunman | ABC News

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46 thoughts on “Dayton, Ohio Mass Shooting: Bellbrook police give update from street of suspected gunman | ABC News

  1. It's called a sequence from the dark forces that's trying to divide/destroy this country from inside out. And you ask what is going on? Remember this quote "Money makes the World go around" and go watch the movie"The Manchurian Candidate" Not far from the truth buddy. MK Ultra does the job 😉 Have faith in Christ and believe.

  2. And yes I do realize the amount of spelling errors I made because I don’t give a fuck about these comments

  3. So the democrats, state that the U.S.A. is a white supremacist country, yet they want MORE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to enter. So why would they want to allow more people that break our law in our country that will be killed because they are of a different race? Seems like they WANT people to be murdered. This way they can blame President Trump. Funny how the "dementorcrats" claim to be loving, yet show their hate each time they open their mouths to spew their lies.

    I would like to see anybody answer my question, with LOGIC, not rumors, hearsay or propaganda.

    Good luck.

  4. DONALD TRUMP'S DOING. He loves to spread hatred and racism. His FATHER was a big SUPPORTER of the KKK. HE'S PROBABLY at a KLAN rally or meeting CELEBRATING. That 2 more WHITE RACIST SUPREMACISTS has killed Mexicans and blacks.

  5. If you see Only Latinos and Black people !! WTF??? And the said no races???
    Fuck that…………
    Sorry to said this but Since
    Donal Trump is President is a lot white people shooting and Kill inocente people

  6. The toll of 255 mass shootings include five high-profile massacres in the past eight days, in which more than 100 people have been shot:

    A shooting in a historic district of Dayton, Ohio, with nine people killed and 27 injured.

    A shooting at Walmart in El Paso, Texas, with 22 people killed and at least 24 wounded. It was the deadliest shooting of the year.

    A shooting at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in the San Francisco Bay Area, with three people killed and 15 injured.

    A shooting at a Brooklyn block party, with one person killed and 11 injured.

    A shooting at a Walmart in Southaven, Mississippi, with two people killed and two injured.

    Before the El Paso attack, the deadliest mass shooting of 2019 happened in a municipal building in Virginia Beach, where a former city employee killed 12 people and injured four.

  7. Take your guns to Congress their the ones making people go postal. Shit on us Naturally Born Americans while Illegal and legally immigrants get everything. Congress and Government is the problem. NOT GUNS

  8. This generation's life of going out to party, is finished. Let the night life go ; it's too dangerous.

    Back in the day, when we went out to party, nothing like that ever happened. The worse it got , was a fist fight , or maybe a rare knife cutting.

    I don't even go out to shop anymore. I do online, grocery shopping & buy everything thing else online. You can call me what you want. I'm not a scary man, but a careful man.

    I don't even eat out anymore . And, if I do, it's the drive thru.

    Don't flirt with the undertaker. This nation is finished!

  9. I live in Bellbrook right down the street from here. I frequented the Chipotle and local gas station this guy worked at. I like many locals also hung out often with friends in the Oregon District where the shooting occurred. You really don’t know how scary and real it is until it happens in your neighborhood. I’m afraid to leave my home now.

  10. The problem is these politicians we elect in office. I feel that there should be term limits to serve in the Senate and Congress. You have these old lazy muthafuckers who have been in office for over a decade and still putting lobbyist and special interest over the people! Fact is we are all in danger and it's time that we the people wake up!

  11. Don’t know why people are saying trump is responsible when the dude was a left wing nut who supported Elizabeth warren.

  12. The guy asking the chief why isn’t personal for him doesn’t understand small town life

  13. America
    Is being ruled
    And consumed


  14. I think all of the mass shootings and violence are caused by too much social media combined with too much corruption and injustice in this country.
    In the past if this much corruption was going on there would have been a civil war by now.
    I’m not trying to pass the blame or side with the coward shooters. I’m just saying the bigger picture is a very ugly, psychotic and dark one.

  15. 1 like= 1 prayer for victims and their families 🙏🏻🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿

  16. Far to many of these mass shootings are committed by young adult males between 18-24 y/o- why is that??? Is TRUMP really to blame that all these young Americans who were failed by someone in their lives far removed from the President???

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