David Muir Reports | The Children of Auschwitz: Survivors Return 75 years after Liberation l Part 2

David Muir Reports | The Children of Auschwitz: Survivors Return 75 years after Liberation l Part 2

“We’re defying Hitler,” Tova Friedman told ABC News David Muir. “We won. … We remember those that died and we live a good life. We thrive here, not only survive.”



#ABCNews #ChildrenOfAuschwitz #Survivors


20 thoughts on “David Muir Reports | The Children of Auschwitz: Survivors Return 75 years after Liberation l Part 2

  1. Thank goodness we had such incredible men and women to testify…being witness…bless them

  2. Tova Friedman's talk {On you tube} is remarkable…Tova is a great speaker, and her Story is astounding, as all of theirs are. 🙏

  3. So sad to see "gun nuts" taking the message completely wrong. Ironically when they talk about people repeating history.. they are talking about people like you

  4. Many people perished in World war II. Hate, injustice, speech, and following a person that was filled with promise and also lies. Politics is the worst path one can take. They promise because they have to, but it's filled with tons of corruption. Please remember that hate is a strong word. As well as love.

  5. As you know life and death belongs to the Elohim or Elah the Creator. As we read in the Torah on the Judgment Day we are all going to line up and one line is destined for the Heaven and the other ones are going to Hell. That was really happened at that time. That was how the Almighty saved those children because they had to go through their own tests that is why our Creator is a Loving Creator. The rule in His Kingdom is that "Nothing bad happens to you if you follow the rules in the Torah" and "And anything bad happens to you is because you Did Not follow from those laws in the Torah". So we do not want to blame it all only on Hitler, although he was a tyrant wicked soul. Now remember this time our religious leaders came up with a horrendous crime and they took out the name of our Creator out of the Torah, and they have made up traditions which you would never ever find any of them in the Torah. May the Almighty help us this time.

  6. Africa Americans and Jewish community are so strong . So much respect for the groups before us and after. Seeing this makes me see how much my family gave up for us African Americans to have rights . 💚❤️🖤

  7. Thx for posting me on Facebook it’s me little kaelyn

  8. One of the reasons I’ll NEVER relinquish my weapons…

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