David Hale and Laura Cooper give opening statements in impeachment hearing | ABC News

David Hale and Laura Cooper give opening statements in impeachment hearing | ABC News

Their testimonies followed U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondlands appearance earlier in the day.

Historic public impeachment hearing underway: Live updates and analysis https://abcn.ws/2KDSJnz

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13 thoughts on “David Hale and Laura Cooper give opening statements in impeachment hearing | ABC News

  1. I read through these threads and I listened to the hearings. I believe we have a right to our own opinions. Today, I fear Russia has beaten the United States. Mission Accomplished. Through weaponizing technology, information, misinformation, etc.

    They have further divided us. In fact, the level of vitriol in how we espouse our opinions is both making us ever more divided and much more vulnerable. My friends, I guarantee the Russians are laughing at all of us.

    Next up, perhaps a civil war or a collapse of great magnitude as we foolishly spar with each other rather than strengthen our position and sharpen our focus on the true enemies…those who oppose America.

  2. wow another day of complete nothing      dog and pony show

  3. Your president is textbook African dictator and if you guys like that then carry on. I love watching your democratic institutions fall apart like those in mine and many other less developed countries. Keep doing what you are doing America its hella entertainmening.

  4. I’m only watching the impeachment to catch someone picking their nose in the background. 😂

  5. Russian Lev Parnas helped Nunes. Indicted Parnas helped arrange meetings with Devin Nunes.

    If the Senators don't remove him, then vote them OUT!! And investigate them for treason.

  6. Guilty on this, guilty on emoluments in which his two sons currently bank on, guilty Ivanka & Kushner playing international political capitalism for current & future financial gains…

    terrible trade negotiator, terrible foreign policy as in Syria. Announcing on Twitter and having no plan.

    Great at attacking Americans especially those of color, attacking officials in England, France, on and on…

    Wonderful at fawning over dictators.

    Only president to NOT release tax returns because he was a dirty player since young and has to hide said tax returns.

    Chronic liar and name caller. Terrible at grammar.

    Intelligence concluded Russion election meddling.

    No collusion because of obstruction and witness intimidation. That hinders an investigation.

    When the Republicans ran the house and Senate why did they not investigate Biden or 2006 Ukraine election conspiracy? Or have DOJ investigate.

    Deep state conspiracies are for suckers but a corrupt man named Trump has mountains of unethical behavior.


  7. Another day, another million dollars of our taxpayer money wasted. Money that could have helped those in need. Time wasted that could have been used to pass legislation to help those in need.

  8. I am respecting Trump more and more.. All the evidence and he convinces his fans/supporters he did nothing wrong.. You HAVE TO admire someone who can do that.. Steer him the right way and the potential is LIMITLESS 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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