Daring rescue after massive explosion in Baltimore

Daring rescue after massive explosion in Baltimore

Baltimores special operations team rescued two men who were washing windows on the 10th story. Twenty-three people were taken to the hospital after the blast, and nine are in critical condition.


30 thoughts on “Daring rescue after massive explosion in Baltimore

  1. Can u imagine hanging tight for a couple hours on to something it’s not like boom we’re on scene let’s get them it takes a couple hours to think of a real way

  2. Shows BGE Logo

    “Baltimore Electric & Gas”

  3. Oh no 🤦‍♂️ I feel like people are gonna do more bad things just to try to make people panic and be like oh no 2021 is bad too

  4. Just 2020 saying goodbye👋

  5. Somebody will probably get fired for this. This how it works. But when law enforcement kills people or raids the wrong house accidentally they get paid vacations.WTF 🤔

  6. 2 explosions in 2 days. Maybe #proudboys didn’t “stand back and stand by” 😅🤷🏽‍♂️

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