Danny Masterson, Church of Scientology hit with lawsuit | ABC News

Danny Masterson, Church of Scientology hit with lawsuit | ABC News

Four women claim Masterson sexually assaulted them and that the actor then conspired with the church to cover up the alleged assaults, stalking and harassing them.

#ABCNews #DannyMasterson #Scientology #Lawsuit


44 thoughts on “Danny Masterson, Church of Scientology hit with lawsuit | ABC News

  1. The fact Danny Masterson has his "church" to speak with him on the matter is so guilty to me. I loved him from that 70s show & other things he's starred in but this to me seems fishy. Especially with his last response & who he has defending his name, The Church of Scientology… I don't know what to think of him anymore

  2. That man hasn't done none of that this remind me of bill Cosby's case.😡

  3. Tom cruise and Scientology DISGUSTING 🤮

  4. They better set up an undercover sting to bring this church down otherwise if the church gets wind of any lawsuit they will destroy any evidence. They have done it before-allegedly!

  5. how does this work?

    her : He drugged me and raped me
    cop : when
    Her: 2002 multiple times
    cop : how?
    her : He did it once and then I went back to him again because we were in a relationship.

    I mean this is even more BS than scientology

  6. Just weird they would come and speak out after like 10/15 years later. Why? Why would you wait that long?? He's not your husband so he can't hurt you if you speak out so why wait so long?

  7. Hold up…….
    So at 1:20 she dated him and while she dated him she BELIEVED that he put something in her drink to have sexual relations with her……

    Um….. Anyone find this a bit odd……

  8. The IRS let create a monster that grew to tremendous proportions and unless all these women lived in caves, they well knew it when they associated with him. I don't make friends with drug dealers or stick-up men, nobody crosses my threshold whom I don't trust. Why? I don't want problems. Privileged chicks wanted to be his GFs, enjoy fame and the glamor of his orbit sooo….surprise, surprise now Scientology is making their lives hell.

  9. Give them all a lie detector test and I mean Danny Masterson and the three girls and let’s see who’s lying that easy

  10. He’s Guilty

  11. I thought maybe a Director needed a Rose for Titanic 2 in the movie Rose Dawson has grand children so maybe they needed a Rose junior to say "My grandmother didnt have thorns but I do"….🌹

  12. What people choose is their business and life I was approached by two members a woman and man of Scientology not knowing their identity they just asked if I was interested in being in a movie and they knew Directors then they gave me an verbal invitation to come see their location in Hollywood. I thought it was a friendly invitation I didnt know anything about Scientology I thought it was some type of casting agency or social network from the visit and tour it sounded like a rehab but was told it was a religion. I explained to the members that I was baptized Roman Catholic since birth and left it at that but thanked them for their hospitality and invitation cause they sure had a beautiful clean clean building………

  13. WOW I can’t believe they use his threat on tv, he will sue! I’m sorry but it sounds like he is guilty and he is harassing the girls to the point of telling them that Scientology’s will show he was the one being harassed and that he will go after them next…… both accusers have same things happen to them.. I’m sure they didn’t collaborate on it.

  14. The Cult responds 😂 Scientology only intervene because he pays so much money and don’t want him to speak. The girls are stalked by the Cult.

  15. Church of Scientology says anything bad said about them on the news is FAKE NEWS, their followers are victims when they believe it because they no longer hear all the bad things the church is doing, and are brainwashed to think the church is the greatest religion in the world. Sound familiar?

  16. I truly believe he didn’t do anything wrong

  17. Sounds a lot like scorned lovers. They probably dated Danny to help their own careers and when that didn't work out they scream rape. Remember, this is a civil case because of statutes and absolutely NO physical evidence. Who waits 15 years to report being brutally raped and drugged?

  18. Scientology shoul´d be illegal. It´s a dangerous cult!

  19. Poor little danny boy: He proclaims his innocence but doesn`t have the balls to sue their asses off for defamation of character. He just quietly walks away with his tail between his legs and prays that this will just go away quietly…IT`S NOT!!! Masterson is SO GUILTY!!

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