Damage to Russian equipment raises questions about its military effectiveness – Car Mod Pros Portal

Former U.S. Army Vehicle Auditor Trent Telenko analyzes poorly maintained Russian military trucks and explains what this means for the Russian army.

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By carmodpros


19 thoughts on “Damage to Russian equipment raises questions about its military effectiveness”
  1. At about 06:00 he talks about how many miles Russian trucks etc can go & then he tells us how many Km away cities are. wtf? what use is that? Just use one measurement or the other but not both metric & imperial – he should try to explain stuff as clearly as possible imho. Isn't that why he's there?

  2. We are seeing reporters on the front lines showing defenses, like trenches and what can of reinforcing of those defenses is present like, sandbags, holes to get into during shelling, how many troops are moving around in those trenches and so on. While I like learning about the equipment our military uses, what has or hasn't worked and so on, I always think that if I was a 3rd or 4th world country fighting someone higher on the food chain (sorry couldn't come up with another word but I do not mean anything as food), they can easily learn so many things just watching media. Of course now we have the fake media by sources who aren't even out there for our country but are to maintain their viewership. I am sorry to mention Fox for example or a recent very liberal group who showed footage that was taken down as incorrect or wrong/false. I think journalist need to get back to why that got into the job in the first place and not worrying about followers, watchers, subscribers or whatever they are using to know how far they can push and gain more support. Look at the chaos we are still dealing with from the Nov 2020 elections and the Jan 6, 2021 riot/raid/uprising/attempt to destroy the results/sorry not tourist just walking around as one side has claimed. Those who continue to push all these conspiracies and such should face loss of their license. Perhaps make journalist take some sort of oath to report the truth and they have a duty to vett the sources, the vid/pics, the information, etc as they are the people that Americans turn to for information. However we would need to make sure it can't be twisted into a way of limiting freedom of speech. LIcenses might be limited to liberals or conservatives based on who is in power or who is controlling the issuing of credentials. Journalist schools have an obligation to bulk up on ethics, responsibility, truth, not jumping on an unconfirmed story just to beat the other network to the news, etcc. Perhaps go as far as a person who wants to talk about the news, show news, or whatever has to say I am not a professional whatever, the thoughts and stories we present to you are not being by people who have done whatever is needed to be considered reliable sources. That is what we need is the Journalist bureau of rating a reporter on stories that were true and the ones that are just made up or used images to be manipulated (like that line of body bags in Austria that was a protest that had nothing to do with the war in Ukraine but was used as propaganda by one media source. It is time we expect people in position of power, in leading, in influencing, or whatever to start having qualify their statements or comments or "inside information" so we can weed out the chaff from the weed so Americans that are still misguided because someone told them this happened and rumors then are turned into conspiracy then eventually into their truth against the other side. I don't want censorship I want integrity of those who have flooded all the sources of media with whatever they can or whatever. Lets return to integrity (of course when Legislative, Judicial and Executive Branches who should be keeping an eye on each other are worrying instead of how to control all three we are getting the BS we have now, why would a congressman/woman want to enact a law that prevents them from doing something they do themselves to stay in office like campaign finance reform). We need to stop the partisan/bias discourse. Pelosi, McCarthy, Whip, Minority, Majority, these people should not be telling all the people in their party you must vote this way or go our way or you will be punished, aka Liz Cheney. I bet she is more informed than McCarthy is on the Jan 6, 2021, one of the worst images of our country being debated as to what wording can be included. No, we want to know, so reveal all information even if it hurts both parties and puts less than true Americans back into the sewers and mudholes they have come out of this mess and have elected officials and so on, who worry about AMERICA 1ST not their party or their future.

  3. One thing watching so much of media, military experts, and other commentators is why are we helping the Russians learn from their mistakes and what is needed to change. For example telling them about their tires, about staying off the roads, how the Javelin works or is being used (yes most who know anything militarily would know how a Javelin already works, its basic design and how effective it is when coming diving down on a vehicle from the top). However showing what hardware volunteers or soldiers are getting and what anti-tank gear goes out with a unit, it is the same thing that would ruined the Doolittle Raid on Japan. If we had reporters watching and reporting openly a youtube then in 1941, that showed bombers on carriers this could have alerted the Japanese that either these are being moved to a base in the Pacific but if crews were interviewed or told a friend we have taken off a lot of weight so we can fly, this could have caused Japan to start putting 2 and 2 together and who knows. I think about WWII and what if it was fought with the current state of modern media – from social networks, smartphones to whatever you can think of, none of the operations would have been safe from someone helping to reveal enemy buildups. Like if they talked about the Dummy Tanks, or not seeing all these troops that were part of Patton's FUSAG, but only a small amount of troops and vehicles, maybe they could have seen a diversion and would have listened, watched or whatever to learn where Americans have been reported in heavy concentrations, like at movie theaters or bars or in towns. So I always wonder if modern media is now an enemy to us and the. They can detail movements, vehicles, units, countries and so many other things. I still remember that night when they showed a SEAL team landing in Somalia on the beach all the cameras and their lights while the seals were trying to sneak in without being noticed. Social media, TV media, no so much print, are essentially serving as both a help and a free intel for the other side. We have got to think about this for future conflicts as we are seeing now. If we show the videos that they can't see as their planes are being taken down by brave Ukrainians with Stingers, they could have seen the trouble early on. But everyone has to scoop the other media, so they will provide info that should be considered CLASSIFIED and not made a part of the nightly news. Yes I support freedom of speech and media, but when can media end up getting friendly soldiers killed or helping the enemy to see what is failing in the field so they change to make sure they aren't making that mistake in the future. But anyone with a smartphone is their own reporter now and the media giants would never be able to screen the content, just to much data and not enough to analyze and make sure the smartphone pic or vid could also be leaking information good or bad to the enemy.

  4. I was thinking that the Russian Tanks and equipment is not nearly as effective as advertised, but in all fairness to the Russians they do not have nearly as much experience or money to pour the research into more effective equipment….throw in the stripping of funds due to crony capitalism…its going to be even less effective, and drive up costs necessary to maintain and build an effective instrument of war.

  5. На фото автомобили не Российской армии.

  6. I beg you kind people help us out of Kharkov we need to take the children out help us need $150 card number no food no water 4441114447983261 I beg no food no water


  8. I wish they would let the expert complete his thoughts instead of jumping to what the news readers think is important. This guy is really interesting to listen to!

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