Howdy Homemade Ice Cream is designed specifically for people with special needs, and employs about a dozen people ranging in age from 16 to 31.
#ABCNews #AmericaStrong #IceCream
Howdy Homemade Ice Cream is designed specifically for people with special needs, and employs about a dozen people ranging in age from 16 to 31.
#ABCNews #AmericaStrong #IceCream
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Only problem when you go there you have to deal with the SLOW service.
I live in Dallas and I am definitely checking that place out
The Dr. Pepper chocolate chip ice cream at Howdy is excellent!
I wish normal shops employee people with special needs. I can't get a normal job but if I got this one I feel like something is wrong with me, like everyone one with special needs should be kept separate from all the "normal people. " I feel like people with special needs should just be among the rest of the people. People could come in the shop to discriminate against them! This world is a pretty bad place. Say, that you have a low IQ, would you want to be in a restaurant that brags it only employs "unintelligent people"? Of course, not! So I feel the same for special needs because people can feel very insecure because they aren't like everyone else. Just in my opinion, the term "special needs" Isn't usually used in a positive way, so even if I have them, I want to be seen as a normal person, not only "a person with special needs"
i love this i can relate to employees who have autism since i live life as a autistic person as well
this is very wonderful individuals with special needs deserve the right to fair and meaningful employment
This video make me smile. Tom is such a great man.
Beautiful people. God bless 'em all.
This is just beautiful. Brings tears to my eyes really.
Praise God! That’s beautiful I wish they had one in my City Fort Myers Florida. Beautiful lovely people with such inspirational word love this. God bless them all. ðŸÂ¦ðŸÂ¦💞
I’ll take your whole stock!
I'm very grateful that there are still human beings with hearts out there.
This has warmed my heart, but some of the comments hurt me! One girl said while she was applying for jobs, it made her feel like she wasn't accepted. I just pray people would open their eyes and their heart, and give people a chance. There is no reason to judge. God loves all his children â¤
Thank you Tom for thinking about business differently, and thank you ABC News for sharing stories like this one. #hiredisabilities #AbilitynotDisability
What happens when they start drooling in your ice cream?
God bless
Slobby ass ice cream
Hope they’re at least getting minimum wage.
Happy smiling all the way through. And by the end tears rolling down my cheeks.This was a truly lovely story.
Props indeed, to all the wonderful staff, and Tom the owner.
The world needs more.. so much more of this. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊ðŸ˜ÅÂÂÂ
This warms my heart.
I know this is a bit distracting but the girl amborree or something looks like mattybs sister Sarah Grace soo much! Anyways Great Job and Recognition
Bless the owner, employees, and all the customers who visit this shop! It's so wonderful to see some great news! THIS IS LOVE! PLEASE HELP MAKE THIS VIDEO GO VIRAL!
This is unsettling.
I bet they would take my job because i always call out.
There's a McDonald's here in Sydney Australia that's staffed by people with intellectual disabilities. The store is as clean as a hospital, the food is always prepared perfectly and they're always, ALWAYS friendly and enthusiastic.
Best Big Mac's ever.
I hate to seem cynical but Tom doesn't have to pay special needs employees minimum wage. In fact, if the worker can't do the same job as a "regular" worker, they can be paid as little as $1. Plus they are a tax incentive. I hope that isn't what is happening here. I hope he pays them base line or more.
We need more things like these! â¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
wow. i'm crying.
In 20 years all service workers will be replaced by robots! Where will anyone work?? Target, Walmart, Grocery stores all have self checkout! What do we do????????????
that's wonderful.
So so beautiful. We could all learn so much from these workers
Good stuff 👌ðŸÂ½
Please just one big favor.
Dont put the guy with Alzheimers as the cashier
When I saw the thumbnail, I thought they were conjoined twins 😂😂😂
Bravo Tom & your hard working employeesâ£ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ½ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ½ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ½
I loved this story. Gave me goosebumps. It just takes one person to give these kids a chance. They want to work. They love to work. They just want to give back to society. Tom is an amazing man.
Well done 👠ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ
I want to go there
I read that title super wrong