Cyntoia Brown: From convicted murderer to victims’ advocate – Car Mod Pros Portal

Filmmaker Daniel Birman has been documenting Brown’s journey from when she was first arrested at 16 for murdering a real estate agent she claimed solicited her for sex.


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Cyntoia Brown: From convicted murderer to victims’ advocate”
  1. If I was a relative of the man she shot, I certainly wouldn’t be saying anything. He was a 42 year old man, picking up a teenager for his sexual pleasure! I’m definitely not saying what happened to him was warranted but what consequences she accepted weren’t warranted either.

  2. My issue is on the merits where the Dark Complexion Person hasn't violated the law at all. They haven't done anything at all and is convicted. Here the light complexion person committed a senseless crime (took someone's life) and admits it. The Dark Complexion Person in most case be relegated to the slums, projects or other diaspora areas and situations. This person was not a victim of the institution of economic inequality. She willfully chose to neglect the system.
    I don't buy her story. What whoe gets in bed to perform a sexual act with a pistol on them? Who gets in the bed to perform a sex act period with a gun in their hand. That man was all the way in the bed with all clothes off @2:47 The bed appears to be small and he was laying on his back. She never said she had to put her clothes on, so she never took them off because she never had any intent of conducting the sexual act. After dude took his clothes off and got in the bed, she produce a gun. He saw it and turned and attempted to get out on the other side. She shot him (killing him) and robbed as intended.
    The Dark complexion person doesn't do anything. Just be walking down the street minding their business. The police put a charge on the Dark Complexion Person and then through tactics and techniques (via harassments and psychological pressure) get them to falsely make claim to committing the charge. That prejudice, predisposition of racism and inequality is the narrative. That's the difference. A huge difference. That's the righteous narrative for true justice.
    This highlights how the Dark Complexion Person is further discriminated upon and not afford equality in the justice system. For every other Dark Complexion Person (in the same predicament) should be (but is not) afforded the same treatment.
    Equality! I see your true colors shining through.

  3. So Johnny’s family isn’t happy,but they are ok with him sleeping with a child!?

  4. i remember watching this case a long time ago and thinking “ this is so unfair” and signing a petition. years later she is free!!

  5. I believe she’s guilty and I’ll always stand by that if you actually read the case fully. She killed the man while he was sleeping she could’ve escaped and was bragging about killing him ? She showed no remorse only cause people are screaming BLM and had the backing of a celebrity. She should’ve stayed in prison. She’ll have to answer for the killing once she meets god anyway she’ll be right in hell next to the other killers

  6. She was just a kid he was a grown man neither men had no business around Cyntoia anyway. Only thing she is guilty of is protecting herself.

  7. Tell Johnny Allen’s family that Johnny Allen is a weirdo for trynna sleep with a 16 year old at the age of 43 wtf.

  8. poor girl, the system failed her from her early age, unbelievable what sick America does to people, armed criminal killed by a little girl and her going to jail, unbelievable

  9. Cyntoia should’ve never seen prison. What ever happened to the monsters that trafficked her? When did they get arrested and put in prison?

  10. she killed him in self defense, which is a constitutional right! her being arrested is unconstitutional. if she were a white man, absolutely nothing would’ve happened, but because she’s a black woman, they decided that she committed a crime. our justice system is so bad, that our constitutional rights are getting thrown to the side because of your race. if we don’t fix this now, we’ll be stuck this way forever.

  11. This is so sad….. she had a fucking list… a LIST of people who took advantage of her. This country is trash. Im so glad people brought light to her situation.

  12. It is truly maddening that “attention from A-List Celebrities” somehow is the saddest reality of our society. A Reevaluation of a sentence should not need people that know nothing (i.e. Are not licensed lawyers, not even Kim) to correct an injustice. Shame on abc for giving them misplaced “credibility”🙄

  13. as a teen girl abused all her life looking in the eyes of someone about to pay for your body, could you really see them as pitiable? or would you see them as someone you needed to defend yourself from…

  14. A 43 year old man should know better than to try to pick up a 16year old girl for sex, not saying he deserved to die, I'm so happy for her she's turned out beautiful.

  15. Maybe he wouldn’t have died if he wasent about to RAPE A CHILD that was FORCED INTO THAT LINE OF “work”

  16. She was sex trafficked, underage, and was constantly held at gunpoint to perform illegal acts. How is this not self-defense? Really feels like a race-fueled conviction…I am glad she is finally free.

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