Cutthroat Inc. l 20/20 l PART 2

Cutthroat Inc. l 20/20 l PART 2

How Ed Shin met the business partner he later swindled: Part 2

Joe Gray said he met Shin at Bible study and gave him a top job at his company. Gray said Shin then recommended he hire Chris Smith but before long, Gray noticed Shin lived beyond his means.


#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary


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48 thoughts on “Cutthroat Inc. l 20/20 l PART 2

  1. The only thing I'm not understanding is when they interviewed this guy and did a background check they found out that he had stolen money from his previous job why hire him?

  2. I cant count number of crime shows where the killer has faked being the Victim and took over their Social Media, phones, etc. When a Family or Friends feel Something is Wrong?? Something is usually WRONG !!

  3. Why didn’t his family hire a private detective, call the police, have his bank and phone records checked? Who EMIAILS their family instead of buying a SAT phone?? Bless them!!

  4. If my family received emails like that, as soon as they receive the first email everyone on this planet and outer space would be on a hunt for me. How did it take them this long to figure it out…

  5. What is up with all the hideous facial hair on these people? These men look effing awful! Grow a full beard or shave it man. This must be a fashion nowdays, and these guys look hideous.

  6. Chris’s family is probably the dumbest family in the world. There were so many clues that those emails were not coming from him. I mean his writing style, the way he abruptly left, the places he normally wouldn’t go but he’s all of sudden there?? So damn strange and the father used to be a cop. Like use your damn head as a police officer or get in contact with ur resources 🤦‍♀️

  7. That's why you never have partners in business. Make it only yours. And never have roommates, they'll stab you in the back. 🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌝🌝🌝🌝💩💩💩

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