Cuba unrest, Oliva Rodrigo in DC, western wildfires rage: Week in Photos – Car Mod Pros Portal

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46 thoughts on “Cuba unrest, Oliva Rodrigo in DC, western wildfires rage: Week in Photos”
  1. What an irony, our country can spend millions of dollars to reestablish the internet in Cuba, will the internet fill their stomachs? Or will it only serve the macabre interest of an empire that only looks after its interests? … why better not use those resources to provide food for a starving people if they really care about the welfare of that people.

    Is it that the people of Cuba do not realize that they are being manipulated to do the dirty work of an empire that wants to come to clean the remains of blood and bodies, occupying a country enslaved for more than 400 years? The people of Cuba since the Spanish war, until today, have been deprived of a true freedom from an oppressive yoke… First Spain, Them the United States, And The Castro regime and his poppets.

    Many people try to distort reality, and while we condemn Cuba's totalitarian regime, perhaps Is the United States empire is exempt from guilt?, or is it also largely responsible for the pain and suffering of a country that is suffering to our spences.

    A country that everyone loves, but few dare to challenge the abusive imposition of a power that does not respect life, beyond its borders.

    I can be wrong, any particular group can be wrong, but it can't be that so many countries are wrong in relation to what has been happening for 29 consecutive years in the UN … "Sometimes silence is an accomplice of evil and convenience"

    Here he left you an illustration or parable, which describes the history of the Cuban people …

    A family man worked in a factory with his wife and 2 older children. This couple also had two daughters, an 8-year-old and a 15-year-old young daughter, very beautiful. Between the marriage and the two older children, although they did not live comfortably, they could cover their expenses every month …

    One day the owner of the factory, upon learning of the existence of this beautiful daughter, proposed to the parents that if they offered their young daughter as a wife, they would all lack nothing, to which the couple refused. The angry factory owner fired both the couple and their two older children from his factory.

    Weeks later, after unsuccessfully looking for a job, this family discovered that the millionaire owners of the factory had bribed, threatened or intimidated anyone who provided work or help to this family … Although some dared to help with food and a little money. money, little by little many gave in to the intimidation of the depraved businessman, and this family little by little began to lack food and resources to live.

    A family secretly offered him 3 loaves at dusk so they could eat something, which the father had to ration equally so that everyone could eat something that, even if it did not fill them, would keep them alive.

    As time passed, the need in that home was desperate, and before the inability of this couple and their older children to support their family, this began to affect the relationship within the home, and this family began to fight among themselves. …

    Their parents, although they loved their little daughters, could not support them since wherever they went looking for work or help they closed their doors …

    Soon the factory manager began a whole campaign making the younger daughters believe that their parents were not good since they were starving and in need, being unable to provide even the basics to live humanely …

    Over time, faced with the offers and promises of a good life, this depraved businessman sweetened the ears and eyes of these two young women who went to live far from their parents with this businessman who was GREATLY responsible for all their miseries …

    For this factory owner, it was very easy to stifle all the possibilities that this couple, together with their two oldest children, had to support their family, and then use the result of their macabre work, to blame them for their inability to guide and provide their minor daughters to have a decent life …

    The daughters who did not have the maturity and the necessary understanding to realize the manipulation of which they were victims, ended up exchanging the love of their family and their place of origin for the offer of a better life …

    You can find more information here; In the same way that the internet is used as a tool to suffocate and manipulate a small country by an empire that only seeks its personal interest, let us use all the necessary means to make known to the media and the American people the existence of this reality that occurs year after year and that many try to hide from public opinion …

  2. Same MO as 1956 Checkoslovakia, 1960 Vietnam, 1980 Poland, 1991 Yugoslavia, 2013 Ukraine that end up with “Maidan and civil war. Afghanistan, Iraq, … Same MO, same goal – turf war – influence. Before, it was to weaken the Soviet Alliance. Later, to get access to the oil fields. Once, to get a control over the Black Sea (Crimea). Now, it’s to reduce influence of China, Venezuela and Russia. And there always will be a bunch of traitors when and while “money talks”. The biggest catch (Fish) for USA was, however, the traitor Gorbachev who had sold out USSR in 1989 and caused its disintegration in 1991

  3. For my Cuban brothers. I was brought up in Mexico in the early 60s. I went to Mexican public school and learn Spanish very quickly as a result. I have great feelings towards the Spanish people. I have always wanted to go to Cuba but because of the political situation I was not able to go. when the US placed embargoes on the Cuban people my father flew airplanes from Canada to Cuba filled with chickens and eggs so the people would not starve to death. your people lined up at 4 AM to attempt to get a litre of milk and possibly some chicken beef or pork at stores that sell out in minutes. The communist experiment has not worked. The Cuban people need to take control of the country and make it great again. there is no need for the civilians in Cuba to line up at 4 AM in the morning when you have companies like COSTCO & Home Depot to help you with things that you need in your lives. you have hundreds of thousands of brothers and sisters living in America who want you to raise your living standards as they have been able to do in the US. in order to do that you must petition your government to make changes to allow this to happen. enough is enough. it’s time for Cuba to rise up. there is no need for a violent revolution it’s simply requires the people to say “no more”. you are allowing China to interfere with what you were doing to try to make things better for your country and your people. they are teaching your government how to control the Internet which is an Intercal part of Chinese communism control of the people. you don’t need this Cuba. Open up your doors make concessions with the US get rid of the embargoes and watch your country grow. tourism will bring thousands and thousands of jobs to the Cuban people. companies like COSTCO & HOME DEPOT Will also provide excellent employment throughout Cuba. The world wants to come to Cuba. you are in the Caribbean add the tourists from colder climates want to come there and spend money and enjoy their holidays. this can only be a win-win situation for the Cuban people! do what you have to do peacefully in order to attain these goals. The Cuban people deserve much more than their communist government has given them over the past 50 years. if you are able to access Wi-Fi watch these two videos of a Cuban recently from Cuba who comes to America and is taken to Home Depot and COSTCO. when he sees the abundance of food at Costco he begins to cry. He wishes he was able to buy those products…the beef the pork the chicken the butter the milk for his children back in Cuba. …Cuban at Home Depot…
    Cuban at COSTCO…

    A mis hermanos cubanos. Me crié en México a principios de los 60. Fui a una escuela pública mexicana y aprendí español muy rápido como resultado. Tengo grandes sentimientos hacia los españoles. Siempre quise ir a Cuba pero por la situación política no pude ir. cuando Estados Unidos impuso embargos al pueblo cubano, mi padre voló aviones de Canadá a Cuba llenos de gallinas y huevos para que el pueblo no muriera de hambre. su gente hizo fila a las 4 de la mañana para intentar conseguir un litro de leche y posiblemente un poco de pollo, carne de res o cerdo en las tiendas que se agotan en minutos. El experimento comunista no ha funcionado. El pueblo cubano necesita tomar el control del país y hacerlo grande nuevamente. No es necesario que los civiles en Cuba hagan fila a las 4 de la mañana cuando tienes empresas como COSTCO y Home Depot para ayudarte con las cosas que necesitas en tu vida. tienes cientos de miles de hermanos y hermanas viviendo en Estados Unidos que quieren que eleves tu nivel de vida como lo han hecho en Estados Unidos. para hacer eso, debe solicitar a su gobierno que realice cambios para permitir que esto suceda. Suficiente es suficiente. es hora de que Cuba se levante. no hay necesidad de una revolución violenta, simplemente se requiere que la gente diga "no más". está permitiendo que China interfiera con lo que estaba haciendo para tratar de mejorar las cosas para su país y su gente. están enseñando a su gobierno cómo controlar Internet, que es una parte de Intercal del control del pueblo por parte del comunismo chino. no necesitas esta Cuba. Abre tus puertas, haz concesiones con Estados Unidos, deshazte de los embargos y observa cómo crece tu país. el turismo traerá miles y miles de puestos de trabajo al pueblo cubano. empresas como COSTCO & HOME DEPOT también brindarán un excelente empleo en toda Cuba. El mundo quiere venir a Cuba. Estás en el Caribe agrega que los turistas de climas más fríos quieren venir allí y gastar dinero y disfrutar de sus vacaciones. ¡Esta solo puede ser una situación en la que todos salgan ganando para el pueblo cubano! haga lo que tenga que hacer pacíficamente para lograr estos objetivos. El pueblo cubano merece mucho más de lo que su gobierno comunista les ha dado durante los últimos 50 años. Si puede acceder a Wi-Fi, mire estos dos videos de un cubano recién llegado de Cuba que llega a América y lo llevan a Home Depot y COSTCO. cuando ve la abundancia de comida en Costco comienza a llorar. Desearía poder comprar esos productos … la carne de res, el cerdo, el pollo, la mantequilla, la leche para sus hijos en Cuba. … Cubano en Home Depot…
    Cubano en COSTCO…

  4. "Ecology is a resource, wealth and treasure." -Xi Jinping.

    "Self interest is for the past; common interest is for the future." – D. Attenborough.

    Lu'sè Changcheng (Great green wall) can be seen from space. A US gender reveal party fire was seen from space.

    Start all Forest fire options from goats clearing brush to dobbing in Fire Karens.

  5. racism against korean in america is severe when its about north korea, they make fun of but when its about cuba, americans remorse about them 😆 both are communists? you guys love white and black people but not korean people?

  6. Love it 💕💖😘❤️

  7. I pray for California and Oregon right now that fire is getting worse by the minute I have a friend who had to leave his house and everything due to it possibly coming to his house. The pictures he posted are shocking and scary to see how much has been burned.

  8. This is the stuff America has to look forward to withe the Biden adminustration. This is exactly what him and harris have in store for America. A lot of people are saying bull crap but you wait and see. That is why we aren't getting the stimulus we need they know we aren't going to need it.

  9. AOC and 90% of demorats are communist .. They don't care about people they just give you lip service and want POWER..AOC wants to be Hugo Chavez junior trust me on that

  10. My heart is out for Cuba. But I am sick of the federal government both dems snd gop in this country and their communist style and racist takeover. But joe would love to put me on a black list because I speak up how the feds are tyrannical. I want my state to have a peaceful divorce. It’s time for the states to go their own way. And ABC don’t virtue signal to the world you care about freedom. I care about freedomn. And you enraged the dictator complex in trump and a no criticism bubble of Kamala or Biden. Allow our freedom s to sink in the toilet to communist and racist faccist on both sides. You people need to wake up. To save the Union is to decentralized the feds. Abolish nsa spying and bring powers to the state. Or I want out and form my own country where my state still believes in the rule of law. Period. GOP and dems are trash. And he riots last year was ridicules even thought George Floyd was murder. I admit that. But The murder was not given a fair trial at all. Period snd I will hold these opinions as facts and truths. .

  11. ABC News! In Cuba, more than 300 people are unaccounted, some have been killed and wounded and many have been beaten. Please get updated information and help us spread the word, so the world knows what’s really happening in the dictatorship of Cuba.

  12. 👁️👁️🥺🙄

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