Cruise ship holding coronavirus patients docks in California as stocks plunge | Nightline

Cruise ship holding coronavirus patients docks in California as stocks plunge | Nightline

The Grand Princess cruise ship docked in Oakland with 21 confirmed COVID-19 patients onboard. U.S. lawmakers have begun self-quarantine and the stock market had its worse single day since 2008.



#Nightline #Coronavirus #covid19 #quarantine #grandprincess #virus #health


33 thoughts on “Cruise ship holding coronavirus patients docks in California as stocks plunge | Nightline

  1. This whole coronavirus debacle stinks of a fabrication. Whether its a manmade virus or a result of 5G technology, the end result is to have people vaccinated as quickly as possible.
    And there is no doubt that they will try to make it mandatory. I know I'm sounding like that conspiracy nut, but after researching the dangerous toxins and hidden agents they use in vaccines, which can alter our genes. I realised there's a reason they put patents on their vaccines (to keep its contents hidden).
    Lastly to use vaccines when we still don't fully understand what caused this worldwide pandemic, is like jumping from the fire into the frying pan.

  2. WHY DID YOUR ALL WENT ON CRUISE-SHIP IN FIRST PLACE , WHY??!! Didn’t your all ignorant D.A s hear watch news??!! WHY ??!! Your vacation more important THAN your life and others???!!! Coronavirus started last year of December even maybe earlier , wasn’t just happened yesterday!!! Yet you complaining about how slow their are ?!

  3. Possibly using ships as a test maybe using bill burs idea of killing off cruise ships 😂

  4. Keep the cruise ship passengers all together at same quarantine, do not disperse to different areas. You spread the risk to the caretakers and driver's etc

  5. The cruise ship should have been left out at sea and or destroyed there was no point in contaminated the rest of the country I feel bad for the families of the p are all going to have the virus they were all breathing the same air through the same heating and air conditioning system one Navy Torpedo could have saved a lot of people in this country

  6. Apparently there is a sixty-year-old year old woman on that ship that has cancer 4th stage whining she's not going to make her chemo appointments well you should not have went there is no way I would buy a cruise ship ticket knowing a cruise ship is nothing but a petri dish to begin with

  7. Close all the ports while you're at it 🤑


  9. Coronavirus is already widespread in USA! King trumpy says no tests, no coronavirus! King trumpy says publicly he doesn't want "the number" of Covid-19 cases to increase. If you don't get the test, you aren't counted. Testing for coronavirus does not exist in the USA! First, King trumpy recalled all the Coronavirus tests as defective, then, King trumpy took over all Coronavirus testing. You can spread it a week before you feel sick, and another week after you think you are well. Almost all victims have serious infections afterward. If intensive testing began now, Covid-19 would be over in 4-5 months. If not, Millions will die. King trumpy.

  10. Stock wouldn’t drop if the fucken media didn’t make this virus sounds so bad. I have not seen a single new outlet say anything on how many people recovered. Almost over 32000 people out of the 80000 have recovered and only 3000 have die and all the people who are dying are people with medical issues. The new needs to stop fucken making it seem worse than it Seems.

  11. That sounds like socialism trump 😭

  12. "The most successful one-party system is disguised as a two-party system, giving the people an illusion that they decide" Our two-party system serves only the wealthy and Corporations. The DNC rallies all the candidates with promises of positions in Bidens administration to block Bernie Sanders from changing the democratic parties pandering to the Wealthy. They and corporate media prop-up Wall Street Joe Biden to keep politics as usual and continue the health care scam. Even if Biden loses and Trump wins that’s still the status quo for corporations and the wealthy. Plutocracy- an elite or ruling class of people whose power derives from their wealth, government by the wealthy. This has become American politics, the great con on the people and what the corporate media feeds us, Bulls**t. Bernie 2020 Biden=Hillary 2.0 + trump 4 more yrs. (Vote, the DNC is doing a 2016 repeat).

  13. Every single passenged should have been tested, especially before being allowed to disembark. CDC has failed us. Contagious timeframe is still unknown yet they only quarantine for 14 days.

  14. Dear friends- from the unprecedented surge in natural disaster and unrest, to the foretold peace deals and building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem, there is something huge on the horizon. 📖🕰

    Friend, if you do not know Jesus- know that he loves you so much, and that he has peace, purpose, and a plan for your life. Let him be your lifeboat in the coming storm.

    And please, take advantage of the detailed playlists that I have created for you to be prepared with a much clearer understanding of where exactly the world is headed. There is so much to know and so little time- and the time is now. Godspeed friends!

  15. I see a lot of people using universal precautions, but it's that nasty group of people walking around coughing and sneezing without covering their mouths, touching or digging in their noses and not washing their hands. Those are the one's we need to look out for. Just nasty

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