Criticism grows against Wisconsin senator’s comments about Capitol rioters l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

GOP Sen. Ron Johnson is also facing backlash for comments about the Black Lives Matter movement, which some have called racist.

GOP Sen. Ron Johnson says he didn’t feel ‘threatened’ by Capitol marchers but may have if BLM or antifa were involved:

#ABCNews #RonJohnson #CapitolRiots #BLM #Antifa #Wisconsin


By carmodpros


47 thoughts on “Criticism grows against Wisconsin senator’s comments about Capitol rioters l GMA”
  1. If you think Johnson looks and acts like a douche bag, you should have lived through having Scott Walker as your Governor. It’s like they were both raised in Stupidville.

  2. wait.. is he saying that the rioters on jan 6th didn't break the law? Sad part is that there will still be black and brown republican people voting for this racist in the next election.

  3. Remember BLM and antifa were on video smashing the windows while people yelled out “Antifa stop smashing the windows!” all on video

  4. MSMs are the biggest racist!!!
    Trumps media empire is going to put your Racist, lien, cover-up,Fake “news” out of Business 😂🤣😂😜😁🤣

  5. Racism is a political tool and only exists because administrations like this current one make everything about race. Funny how quiet and uninformative the six monopolies and politicians have been about this latest shooter. They all have the same information as always but since he came here during the Obama asylum era & is NOT white it does not support their corrupt agenda so shhhhhh!

  6. If he’s oblivious, he should be removed from service. If he’s not oblivious, he needs to be removed from society. Odds are on the latter scenario

  7. Can you people not see the racism in front of you. Or is that why deep down you voted this ignorant bigot in. That’s what you wanted to show the American people of Wisconsin’s wish for America.

  8. Never break the law! Are you kidding me? Confederate flags? Bashing in cops heads? Shiting on the floors of the capitol building? Chanting HANG PENCE? Those were your kind of people? Ron Johnson AMERICANS ARE THROUGH WITH YOU AND YOUR KIND OF PEOPLE! Get out!

  9. Ron Johnson is carrying Putin’s agenda as the head his comments are made to further destabilize this nation.

  10. Sen. Ron Johnson isn't a true American. He wants people to call him racist, before he retired. Ha ha, what a racist dude! 😂😂😂😂👍🌶️🍉

  11. Why is his racism being brushed under the rug?? So he gets a pass because he's a senator?? Shame shame shame! This is why the G.O.P will be a thing of the past and we should not forget these comments

  12. Just cause they do not wear the robes anymore doesnt mean they're not still there. Johnson, Cruz, McConnell, Gaetz. Halley, McCarthy, Graham all Grand Wizard and klansman. Should be Impeached for Treason. We know they were part of it. Remember in Trials when the Whistleblowers said that every Republican was in on it. I am embarrassed to be from Johnson's State but he does not represent ME

  13. If you like Biden you are anti-American. News media fills you full have a bunch of bulshit. Right now California is melting with homeless and drugs and murders along with the majority of democratic-run cities.

  14. Wisconsin is a very racist state. And I’m saying this as a AA visitor. It’s almost as bad as Alabama, but it’s astonishing because it’s up north. Truly sad.

  15. It sounds like he is condemning much of what happened during the Capitol riot and trying to downplay it or minimize it. How can he call them Law-abiding citizens:

    Senator Bob Menendez stated

    1. law-abiding citizens don't attack other police officers

    2. law-abiding citizens don't cause the death of one and two others who committed suicide as a result of what happened.

    3. law-abiding citizens do not injure hundreds of people, many who were scarred for their lives for a long period of time.

    4. Law-abiding citizens don't come and destroy Federal property and desecrate one of the most significant symbols of our democracy.

    5. Law- abiding citizens don't try to undermine the rule of law by stopping the official count of a presidential election.

    The Jan. 6, Capitol Riot Investigation

    1. Federal prosecutors have charged more than 300 people so far in connection to the Capitol Riot, with about 100 more arrests expected to come.

    2. Every Proud Boys Leader Arrested Over Capitol Riot So Far. Authorities have connected at least 48 alleged rioters to extremist groups, including the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, Texas Freedom Force and the conspiracy ideology QAnon.

    3. At least 36 of those arrested are current or former military members. Of those, three are currently enlisted in the military, two in the Army Reserve and one in the National Guard.

    4. FBI Director, Chris Wray who is also a registered Republican who served in the Bush administration's DOJ, as well as being handpicked by then-President Trump in 2017, and who was applauded by every Republican when he got sworn in. Wray confirmed again yesterday, there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud days after Trump lied about it again and again.

    5. Last year Trump hinted to firing Wray who stated: Violent white supremacy was the most persistent, lethal and gravest threat to the US, whereas antifa is not a group but a movement or ideology that lacks the hierarchical structure like formal organizations. Motivated violent extremists, such as white supremacists, have been responsible for the most lethal attacks in the U.S. in recent years, and this year the most lethal violence has come from anti-government activists, such as anarchists and militia-types.

    6. Wray further stated “we've viewed it as such a critical threat that back in June of 2019 under my leadership, we elevated racially and ethnically motivated violent extremism to our highest threat priority on the same level with ISIS and homegrown violent extremists where it remains to this day."

  16. How dare he hurt tender little liberal feelings. Tough Luck hypocrites. ANTIFA and BLM have done over two billion dollars in damages to cities all over the country in 'mostly peaceful demonstrations' including Washington DC yet not a peep from you.

  17. A Racist Good for Nothing Trump Cult Fanatic Republican Senator? O no, I don´t Believe it. 😃 😃 😃 😃 😃

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