Creativity in quarantine: The genius inventions sparked by a pandemic

Creativity in quarantine: The genius inventions sparked by a pandemic

Many are coming up with creative, even lifesaving inventions while quarantining at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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29 thoughts on “Creativity in quarantine: The genius inventions sparked by a pandemic

  1. Awww.. the family outside the rv saying " hi daddy we miss you" what a crock sooooo… fake! The kids are probably getting away with whatever they want while mom sits on the couch with a mimosa and eating chocolate bond bonds and watching the obnoxious fighting house wives on t.v pfffftt… "we miss you" haaa..!

  2. What is this fake news that medical supplies including masks are in short supply?!? Trump told us everything is completely under control. In fact he's done a beautiful job, he tell's us this daily during his televised rallies, I mean "press conferences"….

  3. Meanwhile there is people with signs that say “I need a haircut” can’t u do it yourself it’s not that hard if someone can make a fucking Starbucks stand .

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