COVID crisis: President Biden’s COVID-19 taskforce predicts 90K deaths in next month – Car Mod Pros Portal

Dr. Todd Ellerin discusses why the White House is warning this despite case counts and hospitalizations numbers declining, and, whether vaccines are effective against the highly contagious variants.

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By carmodpros


37 thoughts on “COVID crisis: President Biden’s COVID-19 taskforce predicts 90K deaths in next month”
  1. Was a plan under Trump? Oh yeah, it is what it is, we rounded the corner, with the heat in april (of last year) it will magically disappear, it's a democratic hoax, injecting disinfectants worth to study

  2. You all sound like scared babies and that's exactly what they want all to be scared and who are the people that are telling us this bullshit ,oh wait all are bullshit lies doctors are liers also all these doctors are in China pockets

  3. Thanks for bringing up there should be no judgment on those who don't take the vax. I am not an antivaxxer. I have rare and severe neuromuscular illness and some patients presented with neuro complications when infected with the virus. Diagnosis frequency of my genetic condition is 3-5 ppl out of 100,000 ppl.
    You can't tell me they know this won't cause more harm than good. I have worn a KN95, socially distanced, and always use hand hygiene regardless. I haven't had so much as a cold this whole pandemic.

  4. "… highly contagious (Covid) variants" motivate us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to #ConvinceItForward for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more #MourningInAmerica (per #LincolnProject). Thus, we're hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the #UKvariant strain(s) mutations and others like the South African, Brazilian & #Cluster5Mink mutations rendering current vaccines no longer effective.

  5. Antifa, Boogaloo boys and Black Lives Matter, need to have a peaceful protest at Microsoft head quarters. instead of burning down police stations and small businesses.

  6. This is what the Great Reset looks like. Put your mask on and get your Covid 19 shot. Shut up and be happy World, Welcome to The New World Order.

  7. Why the hell haven’t the US authorities approved the AstraZeneca vaccine? And why is this ignored by the US media? Woeful.

  8. My friends the experts would have us all dead by now if we listened to them, hear this, Jesus is coming back and I speak life over everyone reading this because by Christs stripes we are healed. Believe and speak life over yourself and your family, stop watching and listening to these death threats and speak life over yourself and your family. Wear masks, take vitamin C, Zinc, and D. Stay hydrated with clean water. Pray, pray, pray. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus…if you agree like the comment.

  9. China,the place of origin of Chinese wuhan coronavirus and SARS, conspired with obsequious WHO to obscure the real situation from the world. When is the next from china?

  10. Mainstream Media
    will push this  vaccine /Pandamic down our throat 24/7 same they got  caught
    Staging scenes below
    So people will blindly follow what others do
    No Demand on vaccine no production. Simple.
    The only pandemic I see is on Television! YOU Our mainstream media became the enemy to the people of this land and at some point it will be held accountable .I hope everybody is aware these media lies are an act of treason that  caused a lot of lives .And why are you guys not talking about That Mr.Drosten, the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been sued  for crimes  against Humanity as of 2 weeks ago

  11. If the makers advise that the drug should not be given to pregnant women who are we to say that they should take the risk…these statements and more are causing citizens not to trust the importance and the credibility of this new vaccine!

  12. According to the official statistics, South Africa has turned into one of the greatest epicenters of Covid-19 in the world. Since the beginning of April to the 12th July, the cumulative number of infections in South Africa has doubled about every 14 days. On 12 July 2020, 264,184 cumulative cases have been recorded, slightly more than double the 131,800 on 28 June, 14 days before. South Africa was firmly on track to record half a million cumulative infections by 25 July. Community spread appeared unstoppable. At that rate of increase, 1 million would have been infected by 8 August, 2 million by 22 August, 4 million by 5 September, 8 million by 19 September, 16 million by 3 October and some 32 million by 17 October 2020. That would represent 53% of the population of over 59 million people. The daily number of new infections should then have dropped off steeply. On that trend, over the first two weeks of October, between one and two million new infections were likely to occur daily. The growth of new cases in adjoining areas, such as Zimbabwe, Namibia, Eswatini, Botswana and Lesotho was much, much slower – less than one-half to one-third the rate in South Africa. But now, with the current wave in progress, the numbers in these countries are growing in sync with numbers in SA.
    On 13 July, the number of new cases in South Africa dropped significantly by about 1,440, or about 11%. The day before, the 12 July 2020, sales of alcoholic beverages were prohibited in South Africa, creating a false impression that the ban was the cause of the drop in numbers. However, this is false, because the normal lag period of some 5 to 10 days between the introduction of a new measure that is effective, and a reduction in case numbers, was completely absent, clearly identifying it as fake. This trend of a reduction of new cases continued daily and became progressively stronger. Today, 29 January, 2021, with a second (or third?) wave well underway, the official cumulative number of cases in South Africa stands at 1,437,798 instead of well over 50% of the population, had the 'trend' of doubling every 13 or 14 days continued. It had taken some 94 days to double to this latest number. There is no rational reason for a ban on liquor sales to cause such a sudden, steep drop in new cases. Hence the conclusion is that, over the three-and-a-half months before 12 July, the numbers have been manipulated up, as were the numbers on recoveries. Death numbers, on the other hand, were manipulated down:
    The question is, why have the case numbers been manipulated up?
    Early this year, South Africa applied for an IMF loan of US$4.3 billion at a very low interest rate. On 27 July, the IMF publicly announced that the loan was granted – Most likely, South Africa was informed of the grant earlier than the public announcement, perhaps around 12 July? Clearly, the numbers in South Africa have been manipulated up to impress on the IMF an urgent need for funds to fight the epidemic in the country. Most of the funds are likely to land in the pockets of corrupt people in positions of power and their family.
    A further question is, what is the real motive for the ban on liquor sales – back in July and again now?
    The answer is that the ban on liquor sales will most likely drive many liquor stores out of business. The liquor trade is seen as lucrative, easy business. White owners of such businesses are exempt on a racist basis of financial assistance to weather the covid storm, including the IMF funds. Many of these businesses are likely to go bankrupt and be bought up at bargain prices by black politicians, their family members and other black business people, perhaps using some of the IMF funds paid for other contracts where contract prices have been loaded –
    Fraud and corruption assume many a guise. The South African government is rotten through from top to bottom and the people in power are out on the loot. They saw an opportunity and they jumped on it. But at the same time, they are doing the South African population a grave disservice, endangering peoples' lives and livelihoods – subsequent waves of infections in South Africa are being masked by the huge false first wave. But, what the hell, never miss the opportunities a good crisis offers for personal enrichment, hey? This time, however, the South African black elite defrauded and made fools of the international community, their co-members of the IMF, rather than their own citizens – perhaps strategically a grave error?

    Now, only 5 months after South Africa was granted the USD 4.3 billion IMF loan (which comes to USD 71 per person in South Africa), the South African government cannot find the USD 4 per dose for the Astra Zeneca vaccine to vaccinate the population!

    See also:

    Its all true!

    But the cherry on top?? – South Africans like this one:
    "Samuel Makhetha 23 hours ago @Jan Viljoen no sir, a lot of Africans used their forefathers best method of killing all kinds of flu viruses, steaming using different natural herbs and I'm one of them. No need to pay billions to sons and daughters of Colonialists who still have their own agendas of depopulation of black African people."

    Not an isolated opinion either!

  13. Good start from the Covid-19 Response Team daily briefings.

    Science over Traitor Trump's gut feelings and conspiracy.

    Here's to Bird watch allowing the public to highlight and eliminate misinformation.

    Here's to Joe's 100 day mask initiative and his common sense use of the defence protection act.

  14. Biden ordered new supplies of vaccines because Traitor Trump and Azra lied and only ordered 20M..

    2021 Warp speed has slower distribution than the 1947 US Small Pox vaccine roll out.

    US and UK talk the most when they are the countries that should listen the most.

    After 5 months without a Covid fatality in New Zealand, watching US news is like stepping back in time.

  15. New Zealand applauds the US for rejoining the WHO and their 100 days of masks initiative.

    In 20 seconds another American family will lose a family member thanks to Traitor Trump!

    Covid deaths = US 441,427 UK 103,126 China 4,636 NZ 25 Taiwan 7.

  16. Mainstream Media
    will push this  vaccine /Pandamic down our throat 24/7 same they got  caught
    Staging scenes below
    So people will blindly follow what others do
    No Demand on vaccine no production. Simple.
    The only pandemic I see is on Television! YOU Our mainstream media became the enemy to the people of this land and at some point it will be held accountable .I hope everybody is aware these media lies are an act of treason that  caused a lot of lives .And why are you guys not talking about That Mr.Drosten, the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been sued  for crimes  against Humanity as of 2 weeks ago

  17. ⭐️🇺🇸⭐️TRUMP2024⭐️🇺🇸⭐️

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