Covid Becomes The Leading Cause Of Death In The U.S. | Meet The Press | NBC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

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Covid Becomes The Leading Cause Of Death In The U.S. | Meet The Press | NBC News


By carmodpros


36 thoughts on “Covid Becomes The Leading Cause Of Death In The U.S. | Meet The Press | NBC News”
  1. Children united all together, let us also turn to the Eternal Father !!! * Therapeutic indications * * Dear brothers, instead of useless thoughts among other useless projects, we optimize everything and therefore I take this opportunity to offer you a mutual and collective collaboration achieved through prayer. Let me explain immediately: together with some of you I have formed a prayer group that I have baptized "Trinity Network", which consists in a communion of universal brotherhood based on the love of God the Father. Every evening, after dinner or in any case before going to sleep, each of us performs prayers from our own home together with the other participants, scattered around the world.

    The prayer takes place on the knees and with the hands joined, starting with a moderate voice with the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory to the Father; (Important … let's not separate our hands, as the Eternal communicates with the soul and we lose contact). When we begin to pray, we can be disturbed by external forces, such as thoughts, useless things, digressions, and more.

    Through several repetitions of the prayers, the whole moves away, since even if we wanted to think something, it would be impossible to do it.

    Later we will start with a greeting addressed to God and with the phrase "Hello Eternal Father."; below is an account of the problems or problems that concern us, with a plea for help from the Eternal.

    Our prayer group draws from the church the three main prayers, Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory be to the Father; (the easiest and most known to people) and authorizes them with a familiar conversation with God, in which you can talk about everything with the Almighty, ranging from everyday trivialities to serious problems, in a word a true 360 degree dialogue.

    Between one anecdote and another and at the end of the conversation, it is necessary to repeat the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory be to the Father once. For this, by praying together, the presence of God is simultaneous in all hearts and this facilitates his intervention.

    Having felt the benefit, it was decided to repeat the morning and / or afternoon prayer.

    Obviously, if the commitments of daily life do not allow you to pray in the morning or in the afternoon, do not worry: you can move it to another time of the day, the Eternal understands and knows why you do it.

    However, it is essential that the evening prayer be done without delay. I guarantee you the absolute benefit of the teaching used up to now and I assure you that the dialogue with the Supreme frees the soul from impurities and brings peace and well-being.

    I enclose my most sincere greetings, in my name and in the name of the other brothers of the prayer group, hoping to be more and more numerous. A hug Ludmilla!

    I received this prayer teaching in a social network from a girl who advised me to read it carefully, not to delete it, to offer it to family and to give it to friends, because it will be appreciated better than any good food, as it is useful for improving the 'soul! he sent him to make God known

    I enclose your prayers!

    The sign of the cross,

    in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Our Father who art in heaven,

    hallowed be your name,

    Come your kingdom

    Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

    Give us today our daily bread,

    forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

    Help us not to fall into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen

    Ave or Maria

    full of grace, the Lord is with you.

    You are blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus.

    Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, pray for us sinners,

    now and in the hour of our death.


    Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning, now and always and always. Amen


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  3. Exactly what protection will each approved vaccine, lockdowns, masks, six feet distancing give compared to HERD Immunity, hydroxichloroquine, and:
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    Dr. Rima Laibow
    Dr. Kyle-Sidell
    Dr. Bergman
    Dr. Berg
    Dr. Mercola
    Dr.Robert Cassar
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    Dr.Mike Hansen

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    Colloidal Silver
    Quercetin + Zinc (helps nullify covod virus)

  4. Where is the curve President Trump announced during his campaign. Answer is it is on the Futile Rise USA is the Leaders of Covid-19 now. RIP Covid-19 Victimized by this Virus. Taking test today I was exposed Friday Dec. 4 2020.

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  7. Benjamin Gal-Or
    2 days ago
    \\ Shedding Emergency Light on Redistricting Election Darkness? //// "some states have shifted redistricting authority from politicians and given it to non-partisan redistricting commissions. The states of Washington,[127] Arizona,[128] and California[129] have created standing committees for redistricting following the 2010 census. It has been argued however that in California's case, gerrymandering still continued despite this change.[130] Rhode Island[131] and New Jersey[132] have developed ad hoc committees, but developed the past two decennial reapportionments tied to new census data. Florida's amendments 5 and 6, meanwhile, established rules for the creation of districts but did not mandate an independent commission.[133]" [Wikipedia] and [Oct 17, 2019, Utube, "The man who rigged Amerca's election maps." <> Even under proffered, constitutional, emergency runoff via advanced, Google Emails verification-identification type technology system, a most effective emergency secure internet runoff, escape not from the recently imposed, aforementioned election rigged maps is possible. By a few irreversible words of the Highly Selected Nine, the light may shed on both the first, and, if approved, constitutional, emergency, internet runoff.////

    Benjamin Gal-Or
    Benjamin Gal-Or
    2 days ago
    [Dec 4] \\ Good Ten News //// -1) Moderna filed on Dec 2 its Covid-19 vaccine, a 94% effective, 2) Following Pfizer’s Nov 20, 3) Global NUMBERS collected from Johns Hopkins University, WHO, etc., PUBLISHED by RealClearPolitics, re-ordered here for 15 of ~100 Countries, unequivocally prove: 4) COV-19 DEATHS GLOBALLY TREND DOWN, 5) U.S. % FATALITIES OF THOSE DIAGNOSED <> 2.75% Oct 22 vs 1.95 Dec 4 <> 6) U.S. is located at 26th position in % FATALITIES in ~100 nations: 7) [Nov 2] vs [Dec 4] <> Germany 1.97;1.61 <> NL 2.11;1.78 <> Finland 2.20;1.54 <> U.S. 2.51;1.95 <> Brazil 2.89;2.71 <> France 2.69;2.40 <> Spain 2.89;2.72 <> AU 3.28;3.25 <> Canada 4.30;3.15 <> UK 4.51;3.59 <> Sweden 4.78;2.57 <> China 5.39;5.35 <> Iran 5.69;4.92 <> Italy 5.47;3.49 <> Mexico 9.92;9.49 <> 7) 737 Max FAA-certified to fly, 8) Tourism in early recovery, 9) Holiday buying in recoveries while stock market at max, 10) POST Dec 14 a few irreversible words of the Highly Selected Nine, KNOWING that when the Union was forever split and lost in the past & the 10 tribes by flames of history consumed by a few heated words, the highest level of human intellectual courage is needed by The Nine today, to decide right via extant, highest verification level of internet registration-identification and constitutional runoff////

  8. TRUMP's LEGACY is the American people are thought of as the VILLAGE IDIOTS.

    On the bright side… JAIL TIME is ahead for Trump and his enablers ! !


    Trump's Warp speed and Herd immunity has taken 10 months to remain Earth's worst example in a pandemic.

    The world feels safer knowing MAGAT America are insular patriots, unlikely to travel overseas to spread stupidity.

    On the bright side… without a vaccine… Taiwan, New Zealand, Vietnam and China have had NO Covid fatality in over 3 months.

  10. The craziest thing about this pandemic is the US has continued to do nothing without leadership for 10 months.

    WHO simple 3 point plan: Social distance, wash your hands and wear a mask.

    US Covid = 288,906+ Taiwan = 7 (x41,272) New Zealand = 25 (x11,556) China = 4,634 (x62).

    Warp speed? 62 times more Covid deaths than China. Trump is to blame but Americans allow it to continue?

  11. I can only hope the Respilon virus-killing mask I’m selling will help. Copper-oxide, self sterilizing, nano fiber material, I believe will offer the highest level of protection for those that need. 2PACK $24.99
    Marc 224-345-8871 if any questions

  12. Now that Rudy has the virus and looking nearly deceased, maybe a few covid deniers could change their minds. Oh, nevermind, they're brainless

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