COVID-19 vaccines and new variants – Car Mod Pros Portal

Dr. Drew Weissman from the University of Pennsylvania talks about how scientists can adapt COVID-19 vaccines to combat new coronavirus variants.


By carmodpros


28 thoughts on “COVID-19 vaccines and new variants”
  1. It’s like I’m in bizarro world. Anyone notice the variants appeared about the time the shot came out? I say shot because vaccines is full immunity and was never that. Like a polio vaccine for example. It’s the equivalent of bacteria becoming resilient to antibiotics or super aids. Us stupid people are creating this mess. They should have just let it run its course like the Spanish flu. Am I the only one who sees this?

  2. when i get the virus i’m going to st. paul to visit the state house and senate

  3. So nobody is allowed to die of covid?
    But people can die of suicide, higher alcohol and drug abuse…. the world can pause its economy. Children can stop learning and socialising for nearly a year? This is fantastic.

  4. Vital to read :- Science with Dr. Doug – Is a Coronavirus Vaccine a Ticking Time Bomb ?
    Also, from the excellent book by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi & his wife Dr. Karina Reiss – "Corona False Alarm ? Facts and Figures" – A direct quote :-
    "This is why coronavirus infections run a mild or even symptom-free course and why an epidemic with any "new" virus is NEVER followed by a second, more serious, wave."

  5. I don’t think people really understand how fast COVID-19 is actually mutating into other/different type of Variations of this virus 🦠 – we are only 1 year into this and the Sh*t hasn’t even hit the Fan yet so to speak. And if the vaccine make my body have an adverse reaction or can’t technically make me immune or stop me from spreading the virus 🦠 Why would I take it ?? 🤷🏽‍♂️🤔 – and let’s say I want the vaccine I need multiple injections and there’s a waiting list as well right ?? So by the time it’s my turn I’ll already be sick 😷?? It feels like I’ve been set up to fail before I even take the first step to survive ………

  6. Who would win? The vaccine or the coronavirus? We will find out on the next breaking news of men vs covid!

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  8. The dummies……the MSM watchers…….the mask wearers…..the mind-controlled idiots over a fake planned-demic….the dummiies…..the herd followers……bahhhh bahhhhh…..

  9. Non à ces vaccins génocidaires ..on empêche les soins préventifs on empêche la prescription libre on supprime les lits de réanimation.on tue nos vieux dans les EHPAD on oblige le port du masque à nos on devrait leur faire confiance à ces psychopathes ?.. réveil les mautruches !!!! Éteignez vos postes TV….allez voir reinfocovid ou agoratv ou France Soir…….STOP mascarade STOP PLANDEMIE STOP PROPAGANDA STOP VIRUS DE LA PEUR Arrêtez votre propagande déshumanisée vous les journalistes collabo…qui veulent nous faire accepter l'impensable par la peur hypnotique, les passeports sanitaires bionumeriques biométriques vaccinaux qui sont une laisse pour nous enchaîner à vie et nous lobotomiser. Nous le peuple en phase de grand Eveil face au grand RESET programmé, on n'en veut pas de votre monde dystopique totalitaire…que Dieu nous garde contre ces psychopathes néo nazi…On va prochainement tous les confiner ,non pas le peuple martyrisé, mais toute la clique des gouvernants mondialistes nazis, qui ont pactisé avec le nouvel ordre mondial sataniste: macron et ses sinistres tristes clowns sbires pathétiques . Leur plan nous imposer par la peur du virus une dictature inouïe et génocidaire avec leur vaccins dégénératifs et les biotechnologies. Hitler en avait rêvé, ils remettent ça avec la complicité du PCC chinois… Réveil le peuple reprenons notre destinée en main ! Tous en RÉSISTANCE ne cédons pas à la peur ,organisons la désobéissance civile sans céder aux divisions ni à la haine . l'humanite s'éveille massivement tous ensemble pour un nouveau monde plein d'espoir ! C'est écrit dans toutes les prophéties.. rejoignez les Patriotes souverainistes frexiteurs encartés ou pas, épris de liberté et de fraternité nous préparons la libération et la fin de l'oligarchie financière mondialiste déshumanisée samedi 15h devant le ministère de la santé..🌟♒💓🕊️

  10. I am training to be an EEG tech in the hospital and I can't get the vaccine where I live. My superiors have all been vaccinated. But it appears they are out of vaccine now. The other day I worked with a patient who was in isolation. We can't get herd immunity if not enough vaccines are being provided for all who want to get vaccinated.

  11. Hi everybody! Wishing you all well during times like this! Like I've said before one of the adverse side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine is death just like all the others. It CLEARLY states this on the CDC web page. This one is no different. Your body your choice! Just remember not one human is 100% exactly the same therefor everybody will react different to it! Some with no issues at all some with issues. Death related vaccine's happen EVERY YEAR🤷🏼‍♀️ #FACTS🤷🏼‍♀️

  12. Even the newspapers are now talking about the suspicious deaths in Norway due to vaccinations, but I would like to clarify that the investigations concern 23 deaths and not 13, as claimed by the newspaper, since the health authorities cannot in any way rule out that another ten deaths do not are related to the vaccine, as these also occurred immediately after vaccination and therefore subject to investigation like the other 13. Reading the article, we learn that 9 other patients "suffered from serious side effects". Ultimately, therefore, it appears that 32 serious adverse reactions occurred in Norway immediately after vaccination, including 23 deaths, of which 13 of these are already admitted to be linked to the administration of the vaccine. I repeat my comment from some time ago

    "Covid-19: Norway investigates 23 deaths in frail elderly patients after vaccination
    BMJ 2021; 372 doi: (Published 15 January 2021) Cite this
    as: BMJ 2021; 372: n149:
    Covid-19: Norway investigates 23 deaths in frail elderly patients immediately after vaccination:
    "It might be a coincidence, but we're not sure," Steinar Madsen, medical director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency (NOMA), told BMJ. "There is no certain connection between these deaths and the vaccine."
    The agency has studied 13 of the deaths so far and concluded that common adverse reactions of mRNA vaccines, such as fever, nausea and diarrhea, may have contributed to fatal outcomes in some of the frail patients.
    "There is a possibility that these common adverse reactions, which are not dangerous in younger, fit patients and are not unusual with vaccines, may aggravate the underlying disease in the elderly," Madsen said. "We are not alarmed or worried about this, because these are very rare events and they have occurred in very fragile patients with very serious diseases," he stressed. "We are now asking doctors to continue with the vaccination, but to carry out an extra evaluation of very ill people whose underlying conditions may be aggravated by it." This evaluation includes discussing the risks and benefits of vaccination with the patient and their families to decide whether or not vaccination is the best way "
    In practice, it is admitted that the adverse reactions of the vaccine could have caused the death of frail patients, especially the elderly, a circumstance that denotes how mass vaccinations are fraught with dangers, when they are not preceded by anamnesis and a general examination of physical conditions of those who undergo the vaccine "

  13. So… I checked my County's Health department statistics and found that I had a .01% chance of dying from Covid in the last year. And the CDC adverse reaction tracker says I've got almost a 3% chance of being debilitated as stated: "**unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care provider." I'll pass, no thank you!

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