COVID-19 vaccine trials show promising early results l ABC News

COVID-19 vaccine trials show promising early results l ABC News

Early responses in two clinical trials reportedly show both the vaccines deliver a “double defense” against COVID-19.

#ABCNews #COVID19 #COVIDVaccine #OxfordVaccine


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41 thoughts on “COVID-19 vaccine trials show promising early results l ABC News

  1. What I would like to know is you just report that 4 or 5 major pharmaceutical companies are working on a vaccine and that at least 3 companies are moving forward because of positive results. How many Americans have to die before these companies put the safety of the United States before the all mighty dollar. Why are these companies not working as one lab to develope a vaccine. My God it boggles the mind to think how close we could've been to a vaccine by now if all these companies would have worked as one entity. We have the best scientists and resources in this country to get this vaccine that would stop the virus in its tracks and to get rid of it. So what's a human life worth to these companies? How many more have to DIE before these companies realize this is not a competition, and that the first one to develop the vaccine gets the biggest prize in their companies history? Believe me with every person in the United States needing the vaccine once it's developed, there will be more then enough money to go around. Then you can sell it to other countries since it seems that the mighty dollar means more to these companies then the loss of human life. What has to be done to make these companies work on the vaccine as one entity?

  2. All anti vac people:👁👄👁

  3. New report out today suggests case count in USA may be TEN TIMES HIGHER, which means…
    Covid-19 is not any more deadly than the flu!!! Obviously, most if not all "covid" deaths are from other causes.

  4. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🏻👢👢👢👢👢👢👢🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

  5. Basically antibody is glycoproteins and patient with diabetic complications have higher glycoproteins level, also white blood cell count is elevated in people with diabetic

  6. Yeah i’m still not taking it. i also don’t care what you have to say about it.

  7. I will never take this rushed vaccine until I know for a fact this won’t cause term damage.. I don’t even take the regular flu vaccine and I feel fine. This whole hoax of a virus was already dying down awhile ago but these vaccine research companies have put too much $$$ into it that they can’t just end this nonsense as they should. Our government sold us out to the highest bidder, destroyed families, live and bussiness for $$ one day the truth will be revealed what a plandemic this truly was!

  8. Please no Noo no do not get the vaccines I fucking hope people don’t get vaccines this is so fucked man 🤧

  9. The doc just mentioned that this virus will be around well into 2021, which means they will not hit the off switch anytime soon until everyone is vaccinated! No fool here! I never planned on taking it anyway! And I better not ever hear of the word “mandatory” because no one is forcing a goddamn thing in my precious body! Fk the Government, the Gates, Fauci, and all those who have a hand in profiting from our demise!

  10. Oh please my human overlords create a magic potion/vaccine/booster to help my immune system God has made just fine, to help me against an invisible enemy! Ahahaha

  11. Amazing how they can create a vaccine like nothing. Cancers and other stuff has been around for aslong as you rememeber with millions and billions of donations towards the fight of this or that . Yet they cant seem to make a vaccine in a few months . But for every pandemic suddenly theres a vaccine available in such a short time .

  12. This is beyond horrifying. Even more so that any human being is supporting this. A virus with above 99% survival rate this makes me sure that most are psychologically lost. You are trusting because they are “authority”. If anyone else was doing this you would not accept this. It’s an absolute nightmare. Do your research please!!!!

  13. Been working with vaccines and studied vaccines for over 20 years. There is supposed to be a 2 yr adverse effect following for safety protocol in any new vaccine on the market. That being stated they're going to release a vaccine if it's only up to 50% efficient. They also have stated recently that if you do have the antibodies for covid-19 they are only good for up to 2 weeks? That would be new in the world of Antibodies. However NOW they are saying if you get this vaccine you will develop the same Antibodies and be safe. lol. WHICH ONE IS IT? Why would ANYONE trust a vaccine for a virus that they can't even get basic information right on and that changes DAILY? Someone else can first and let me know how THEY feel about 6 months later. Any new gastrointestinal issues, rashes, seizures, joint pain, auto immune dysfunction, etc? Wait for it.

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