COVID-19 vaccine begins to rollout around the nation – Car Mod Pros Portal

What the U.S. can learn from the U.K. about the pandemic during the vaccination process and what you need to know about the Moderna vaccine.


By carmodpros


25 thoughts on “COVID-19 vaccine begins to rollout around the nation”
  1. This Government are liars and fraudsters.
    The public had enough of Covid Tyranny brainwash bullshit.
    No one is interested in hearing anymore bullshit from this bull shitting Government.

    The people are sick of this Governments nonsense on covid ultra vires acts of using false statistics to justify illegal and unlawful lockdowns and seriously Violating human rights of the people.
    Its time to prosecute this criminal Government before the courts for a Trial to prove their case based on facts not on fictional statistics and the fiction of forecasts of what could have happened but never did.

    Time to conduct public inquiry into Government collaboration with the Sage medical advisors on payroll of profiteering corporate entities. And conduct investigation into all finances of the MPs and Ministers supporting Governments unlawful conduct.

    Also its time for a public inquiry unto the fictional death figures and fraudulent classification of cause if death. Forensic examinations are needed to see the true cause of the Covid-19 classified deaths which has been due to other underlying health conditions.

  2. Illegal untested vaccines kill people? Coronavirus Act 2020 give Government and Pharmaceutical companies complete immunity from being sued or protected? Why?
    This Government are liars and fraudsters.
    The public had enough of Covid Tyranny brainwash bullshit.
    No one is interested in hearing anymore bullshit from this bull shitting Government.

    The people are sick of this Governments nonsense on covid ultra vires acts of using false statistics to justify illegal and unlawful lockdowns and seriously Violating human rights of the people.
    Its time to prosecute this criminal Government before the courts for a Trial to prove their case based on facts not on fictional statistics and the fiction of forecasts of what could have happened but never did.

    Time to conduct public inquiry into Government collaboration with the Sage medical advisors on payroll of profiteering corporate entities. And conduct investigation into all finances of the MPs and Ministers supporting Governments unlawful conduct.

    Also its time for a public inquiry unto the fictional death figures and fraudulent classification of cause if death. Forensic examinations are needed to see the true cause of the Covid-19 classified deaths which has been due to other underlying health conditions.

    Partners in crime Medua, pharmaceutical companies, and the Zionist controlled Governments

  3. a nice news is through of Jesuchrist you are saved believe in he for faith in your heart in the place where you are
    he is the way to heaven read in the holy bible st john 14 : 6 , romans 10 : 13 , acts 4 : 12 🌺🌷🙏

  4. The vaccine officially DOES NOT prevent infection and will not stop the virus from spreading. Look up what "effective" means. Ha ha. This is the biggest scam of all time.

  5. It’s a circus 🎪 like the news media always is Russia Russia RACISM RACISM you know they never wanted Doctors to tell you about the great Treatment they had and how many where saved with it these are some pretty disgusting people

  6. 🚫💉💦
    Rollout the vaccine to cover-up the fake pandemic

  7. One state one law🌍🌎🌏

  8. I’m so excited for how many lives this will save! An amazing achievement by humanity

  9. Fascinating as the douchebag ABC pundits said Trump would NEVER have a vaccine in 2020🖕🏽

  10. Trump HERD IMMUNITY is a Covid death EVERY 30 SECONDS !

    Trump WARP SPEED is 66% of the US population waiting until June 2021 or later.

    US has 66 times more Covid deaths than China = US 310,608 vs China 4,634 (x66).

    NO VACCINE & NO COVID = Taiwan 7 and New Zealand 25.

  11. China is distributing it's vaccines to itself and many other countries..

    US promotes warp speed while it buys vaccines created in Germany, Belgium and other countries .

    US Military distributes vaccines with a focus on saving lives. Will they now stop bombing other countries?

    NZ movie Soldiers Without Guns? How peace in Bougainville was helped by waiata (song) and haka (dance).

  12. Too late for Bailey: A White House official who fell ill with Covid-19 in September is recovering after three months in the hospital, though he lost his right foot and lower leg in his battle against the virus. Crede Bailey, the director of the White House security office, was the most severely ill among dozens of Covid-19 cases known to be connected to the White House.

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