COVID-19 surges, but hope is on the way – Car Mod Pros Portal

Cases around the nation are skyrocketing amid preparations for vaccinations at distribution centers.


By carmodpros


29 thoughts on “COVID-19 surges, but hope is on the way”
  1. Hope on the way, WTF. O’Biden gonna save us cuz he gonna make us wear a mask…effing idiot dildocrats.

  2. Quit treating the vaccine like it's a saviour when its not. For one it doesn't give you immunity to covid, you can still get it and spread it to others. We don't know the side effects and won't know until its too late. Women who want to have a kid can't take it cuz it causes sterility and miscarriages. So stop glorifying it giving people false hope.

  3. REAL NEWS > International Lawyers Suing over the FAKE Covid-19 PCR Test Numbers and ScamDemic FRAUD > Over 20 cycles give false positives (the CDC says over 33 cycles are useless, and Dr. Fauci says over 34 is useless) > PCR Tests in the US are set "mostly at 40-45 cycles" – meaning (Most if not all Cases based on this test are meaningless and useless) 100% FRAUD ~Yet, Fauci has not said a word about the FAKE PCR Tests driving the Numbers.

  4. USAmerica, You are imitating the murderer dogs of South Korea that you are using to slaughter and destroy the Prophet Yi and families of Jesus and his servant Prophet Yi. And USAmerican are imitating South korea's policy without any countermeasures. The United States, like South Korea, brutally destroys and perishes incomparably to Sodom and Gomorrah. / Rationalization of crime. Abuse of authority and abuse of law (exploit the abuse and the law) / Crime is only a crime and there are only penalties for the law. South korea and USA, the den …… / Trump Admin. Requests Supreme Court Invalidate Obamacare
    Rationalization of crime. Abuse of authority and abuse of law (exploit the abuse and the law) / They broadcast crimes of falsehood and manipulation, making criminals heroes, rationalizing crimes through religion, and concealing crimes. In addition, they live a luxurious life with the power and money of abuse of authority and live with the benefits of crime. The time for the criminals of Satan and the Devil is over. Kill the murderers of South Korean and American ('Mang Won') more brutally. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )
    There is no hope for the dead. Only work for living people.
    Find what JESUS said to the disciples in the BIBLE. Also, check the same in the Old and New Testament. You know what to say for living people. Tell the truth to people. There is no national security law in the BIBLE. / Cierran temporalmente sede de funeraria por velar persona que habría tenido COVID -19 en…/status/1276312988115521537/photo/1
    Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released.
    Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed.
    Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them.
    Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi /
    From Continue
    BREAKING: The U.S. hits a record number of daily coronavirus cases — over 37,000 infections — topping the peak seen in April during the initial outbreak…/status/1276351993775296512/photo/1
    After the Obama Reveals (US Democratic Party) 'CIA Torture Report', Why criminal Nancy Pelosi <US House Democratic > Majority Leader visited Crimminal South korea government?! (It has advised the US Congress dimensional cooperation on key issues between South korea and the US) For what?! Repetitively 'Mang Won' (They) More brutally kill and destroy JESUS and Prophet Yi and family, Alternately in 24 hours, <Even now, after 27 years> by Abuse of authority and Assembly Bill for crime. /
    “I’ve been very clear that I can’t support Donald Trump,” said Carly Fiorina, a former 2016 Republican presidential candidate and CEO of Hewlett-Packard.
    There were essential things during the war. Chocolate, tobacco, alcohol, canned food, aspirin, water, cash, etc. What is the situation now? All the time, At the broadcasting station's press, criminals said 'Don't worry. Be happy.' Critics of TV and radio stations who say they are happy have spread the Corona Virus 19 around the world. Must be punish to all of them. / Even if people die and the economy of the country is ruined by the plague of punishment. This crime of murder is being committed for the benefit of they crimes. ……
    El Gobierno se prepara para endurecer la ley del tabaco con el objetivo de reducir su consumo y promover hábitos saludables
    Una de las novedades será la subida de impuestos
    Don't worry. be happy. Always like criminals on TV and radio stations of South korea and USAmerica. Just got a News without evidence. For intervening in the presidential elections in the United States. South Korea's evil murder massacre criminals (Mang Won) are committing torture …..

  5. The murderers Bill Clinton, Hillary and Bush's father compromised by electing Bush's son as the next president. The crime was committed in the same way as South korea's crime, which is not country. (Korea's Kim Young-sam and Kim Dae-jung) ……. / Hundreds of former George W. Bush officials launch pro-Biden super PAC…/status/1278537637096284160/photo/1
    The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) / Corona virus 19, too. / فيديو من محافطة يونان الصينية.. فيضانات عارمة اجتاحت المنطقة.
    Talk about specific policies and budget money for it.
    Bill Clifton and Hillary failed with large budget taxes and were not responsible for their health insurance policies. Naturally, an official investigation into it is also necessary. /
    – Joe Biden said ;
    This is my promise to you: When I am President, I will take care of your health care coverage and your family the same way I would my own.
    Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released.
    Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed.
    Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them.
    Naturally all families of them, too. by Prophet Yi /
    From Continue
    Chefe da Cruz Vermelha: "Bolsonaro subestimou vírus e vemos a consequência"
    It's a glow that happens after your government dismisses orders to stay home. It is also a divergence of stress. Obviously, I told them to stay home with the children until the problem was solved. The situation is difficult now. Children will have more and more seizures Your parents and politicians endanger and kill children. / Corona virus 19 will not go away until these things are released. Murderers of South korean and American must be disclosed. Also, must be brutally and openly punish all crimes of them. Naturally all families of ….. /
    It's been a wild night on Sydney's roads with two car crashes caused by alleged drunk drivers.
    The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) / Corona virus 19, too. / Researchers in China have discovered a new type of swine flu that could become a potential "pandemic virus."
    Australian forests ravaged by forest fires. And Heavy rains due make thriving forests. 2020.06.30. news / Must be follow to order of David of JESUS and Thanks to David of JESUS (The forest fire stopped when I visited Australia. And history continues)
    From Continue / Damage after another by Heavy rain in the den of criminals, U.S.American (With South korean, Check the date and Continue) 2020.05.21 news / The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) From Continue/ China, heavy rain in the 28 days and Continue 2020.06.29. news/ The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Korean From Continue

  6. Whatever! Someone who have relationship with Murderers South korean and American will Kill and destroy with cruel revenge and punishment, Immediately (Like criminals South korea, more than they crime) Continue in hell ! cause of the disaster, because crime of S. korean and USA, / Outside a South Korean hotel where foreigners are quarantined, neighborhood residents have been protesting with drums, gongs and loudspeakers for hours each day, accusing the government of exposing them to infection
    Earthquake: Magnitude 3.6 quake reported near Napa, Calif. 2020. 10. 27 news / The punishment of JESUS because crime of Twitter company. Must be destroys. Related evidence ; @commandofJESUS @jungyidavid @Yijungyon
    50-acre brush fire in Santiago Canyon area near Irvine prompts mandatory evacuations 2020. 10. 27 news / The punishment of JESUS because crime of Twitter company. Must be destroys. Related evidence ; @commandofJESUS @jungyidavid @Yijungyon /
    Jay Leno, a murderer at NBC in the United States, has committed murderous murders on a 24-hour shift, along with South korean murderers, against to JESUS and JESUS' servant "Prophet Yi" and his family. 'Jay Leno' has robbed "JESUS servant Prophet Yi" and used it wickedly in the broadcast of his crimes. 'Jay Leno' has been making money for profit by committing a crime beyond imagination. Kill the vicious murderer 'Jay Leno' and his family and kill them cruelly in pain. Kill him in the pain of cruel massacre and abuse, incomparable to his crimes. Rob and destroy everything that he and his family is holding. The cause of all the calamities of punishment is Jay Leno's crime. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) Sep 15, 2020 Continue /
    Kill the murderous robbers, American death rower 'Jay Leno' and 'Broadcasters of NBC' homicide robbers and slaughters in brutal pain. Kill them by slaughter and abuse more cruel than their crimes. by Prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS )
    I will kill you (killer criminals) by abusing you in cruel torments. More cruel than your crimes. The evil criminals, NBC's Jay Leno and Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, Twitter and Facebook. / Today you also blocked my tweets illegally. Immediately, They are killed in the pains of cruel abuse by cruel punishment and retaliation. Of course, your family members too. Even in hell. by Prophet Yi Oct 22, 2020 / / Tracking Tropical Storm Zeta: Wind intensifies, storm is expected to become hurricane soon. 2020. 10. 27 Live streaming / The punishment of JESUS because crime of Twitter company. Must be destroys. Related evidence ; @commandofJESUS @jungyidavid @Yijungyon…/status/1320805685987315713/photo/1
    Zeta becomes 27th storm this year. The Atlantic hasn't experienced this many storms for nearly two decades
    The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) / Corona virus 19, too. / Coronavirus: Brasil supera los 1.000 muertos diarios por quinto día consecutivo…/status/1279563293997314048/photo/1
    The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi Jung-Yon ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies to the they crime (Evil and cruel criminals Ugly South Koreans and U.S.Americans, 'Mang Won") Cause of the disaster, because crime of murderer (South korean and American) / Corona virus 19, too. /
    From Continue/ In the den of criminals, South korea, 'Corona Virus 19' confirmed at KT in Gwang-hwa-mun and Sam-sung SDS in Jam-sil. Over 522 schools have been closed. 2020.07.02 news/ The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi
    From Continue/ In the den of criminals, South korea, 'KT' · 'LG' U ·Sam-sung SDS employees subsequently confirmed 'Corona Virus 19' 2020.07.02 news/ The punishment of truth from GOD by prophet Yi ( David of JESUS ) JESUS identifies ….. /

  7. There is hope. There is promise of healing. Please go to Jesus Christ with all your burdens and He will heal you. He will heal your soul and body and give you hope and joy beyond your understanding. Only Jesus Christ is the answer to this pandemic.
    "Worship the LORD your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you…" Exodus 23:25

  8. If I was a health professional I would take a leave of absence. Forget these idiots not wearing a mask. I have worn a mask since March.

  9. Next June I wonder if we’re going to find out that a whole lot of Republicans were lost to the Covid virus?

  10. When these companies were asked if Covid could be spread by vaccinated patients, these companies said they didn't know. They KNOW, because vaccines, once you take them, you shed the virus and can contaminate people NOT vaccinated. I can promise you, covid will spread to more people after the vaccination which is of course dangerous because it has NOT been long-term tested. Laws are in place to where you cannot sue them once damage to your body is done. Good luck taking the DNA changing vaccine.

  11. The news was caught making up lines of cars if u are sick go to the Doctor they get money for testing it’s a money market

  12. The mask lies. Nurses are masked up to the ceilings but still catch covid-19, here’s why:

    So they identified over a hundred cases of people who catch Bill Gates’ Covid-19 Virus ( patent #060606 MARK OF THE BEAST )…SO WHAT if you did? There’s already a cure. Let everyone out of these unlawful lockdowns, you are using the bankrupt and close down small businesses so that only Amazon, Costco and your elite masters’ friend like Walmart can stay open and receive all the business profits. Why do these corrupt medical officials continue to lie about this virus and the hospital patients that corrupt doctors keep murdering with Lung Damaging ventilators and drug overdoses to help their drug company masters BOOST THE COVID NUMBERS in order to scare more citizens into believing that these dirty unapproved vaccines are safe when the elites have prepare for many countless deaths to occur when Biden, Cuomo, Boris and Trudeau use military to force every citizen to get injected with these a Cancer causing vaccines with Data tracking microchips that are injected by special SYRINGES. WANT TO SEE WHAT BIDEN, CUOMO, TRUDEAU and DR FAUCI are hiding about these deadly brain damaging vaccines that causes serious Autoimmune Diseases, GO TO PARLER DOT COM … to find out the truth. The corrupt, lying mainstream media is so afraid that you will go to PARLER DOT COM that they have recently tried to label the truth being exposed about the Global Currency Reset, Covid19 Virus created with funding from a Bill Gates and the dangerous covid19 vaccines posted on Decentralized Platforms as Misinformation and Fake News so that everyone gets scammed by the big Vaccine Scheme run the the Mainstream Media, CDC, World Health Organization, United Nation plus the Central Banks and Federal Reserve who is right now figuring how to steal your BANK DEPOSITS, devalue it, then RESET ALL GLOBAL CURRENCIES into their own corrupt Central Bank Digital Currencies ( CBDC ) to take control over all your lives and limit your purchases and where you are allowed to purchase.

    The rich elites families that control the big drug companies, the Vatican, Queen of England, City of London within London and EU want full control so that the can create a SLAVE WORLD under their selected CULT OF ISLAM religion form their ONE WORLD GIVERNMENT / New World Order similar to HITLER’s world joined with the in humane laws of Communist China.

    When your family member gets injured or dies after their 2nd dose of the toxic Covid19 vaccine, you can report to the VACCINE ADVERSE EFFECT REPORTING SYSTEM ( VAERS ) to receive or rather to beg for compensation for TAX PAYER MONEY from the Vaccine Courts, report the death right away as the criminal medical industry has shrunk the window to get compensation to a small time frame. Just know that doctors will never tell you that the ingredients in every childhood vaccine damages the brain and body overtime or that Drug and Vaccine manufacturers are NOT LIABLE for any damages caused by their vaccines.

    For all you BIDEN LOVERS who like having these deadly inject jabbed into your family members that the Democrats have already passed senate bills to take away your rights to refuse as vaccines coming. When your child passes away after several vaccines, know that BIDEN, TRUDEAU and the Democrats supported mandatory vaccines.

  13. I have the virus because of Democrats and the ccp that created it. Evil scum. They made it so they could do mail in voting and cheat, and so they can kill off the population.

  14. !💚[Press The #'s below]🐝🍇Daylyt reveals the truth behind Tory Lanez and megan the stallion drama #illuminati ! 💙Disney's DuckTales cartoon for kids shows "Ask about illuminati" in the corner of the room! Go watch my vid💖 😨Corona adds up to 666! Wake up!😱The Words "Vaccination" & "Second Wave" equals 666 in the gematria calculator🎰! (WAL☆MART) reads (Mart)ial (Law)😱(Yes! The elites control & put secret symbolism in everything!)😱George Floyds death was a planned sacrifice😱He was freemason afilitated😨The freemasons stand by order out of chaos to bring in their new world agenda😱💉The google play logo is Lucifers sigil😨🍎!🐍 (The symbol you use to contact Lucifer)😱! The apple store logo is the bitten apple from the garden of eden!😨🍎🏀Kobe Bryants Death Was Planned and In The Cartoon "Chamberlain heights"😮!💯The official [ #HR6666 ] Bill in Congress😵!🍉Bill Gates has an enzyme for his vaccine called, you guessed it ! [ #Luciferase ! ! ! ] & Actually Admits Depopulation ON PURPOSE 2 times😨(vid on my youtube)😱Post Malone warns of Martial Law ! (also on my youtube😇)💔The Elites Use Adrenochrome (Drink Baby Blood) And Sex Traffic Children💔We Can Prevent The New World Order👏95% Are Brainwashed😓4% Are Truthers💞1% Are The Elites💔Sun Gazing💚Stop Using Flouride Toothpaste It's A Neurotoxin Which Closes Our Pineal Gland(3rd Eye)😩NASA Was Founded By NAZI's👎There's More Land Out There😍Earth Is Motionless💞Merkaba🚀Light Language⛄Arch Angel Invocation🍋Occult Knowledge👑 ❤WAKE UP!You Are Not An Accidental Ape🐒Upside Down On A Planet In Space🌎That Came From A Random Big Bang💯You Have Been Deceived Greatly👎To Disregard Your Divinity By Worshipping PseudoScience✨Sourced By A Scheme That Has Been Set In Place By Elites🥺Earth Paradise Is A Stationary Domed Stage🔮That The Sun☀️Moon🌚And Luminaries✨Revolve Around💞Escape Your False Indoctrinated Paradigm🌴💜 ! ! ! <3

  15. 🚫💉💦

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