COVID-19 ripping apart Navajo Nation families | WNT

COVID-19 ripping apart Navajo Nation families | WNT

Dorothy Scott lost her husband and son to the virus, and eight of her 11 family members have tested positive, with several being hospitalized.




#WorldNewsTonight #COVID19 #NavajoNation #Dorothy Scott


47 thoughts on “COVID-19 ripping apart Navajo Nation families | WNT

  1. This is not the end of it. Where is all the funding for water & electrical power? In the president's pocket. Elected officials are the ones who benefit from govt fundings. They are well off. Everyone struggling on the reservation has been forgotten about. The elected officials has forgotten who got them there. We might we'll forget about voting. The water line is 600' away & power lines is 200' away from my home. I was told you can't get water or power line. I haul water from old wildmill. When will this change?!

  2. Our prayers are wit your family. So sad 😢😢

  3. Its basic genocide, this greatly benefits the US government as it does to their citizens, excluding native americans. Navajos are the last full blooded tribe in North America with a bigger population than most. To see us fall in numbers without the US Army drawing their weapons must be a sight of relief for the government. To give themselves assurances, that this time, natural causes have given them the upper hand.

  4. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  5. I don't know which sin is considered America's original transgression. Slavery Or Genocide of Americas' first inhabitants. The idigenous people whose land was taken by force, and bloodshed. In any case, America has blood on its' hands. It begs the question. When was America ever great? Miss Scott, prayers to you and your family& loved ones. May your husband rest in God's eternal peace.

  6. We can beat this #NavajoStrong ✊🏼

  7. I’m a healthcare worker and this breaks my heart where can I sign up to help?

  8. This is very wrong, where is the help for these Native AMERICAN'S? The government should be a shamed of themselves, I'm a shamed of this. Everyone in this country should be a shamed. Where is the LOVE, and CARE for these Americans, where are the people with millions that supposedly care and speak out and donate millions for others that need it, what about these Americans. Looks like they only take care of there own, speak for there own. We should be helping and speaking out for all in poverty. very wrong, so sad. Wish I had the millions and the platform to speak. 👨‍💼

  9. Heart wrenching 😢💔

  10. a terrible thing for those families..
    I really don’t understand your “Pandemic – Nation Divided” bullshit. When isn’t the nation divided? Stop peddling fear…Please!

  11. What are they talking about everybody in the USA are lying Trump says it’s a hoax it will just go away.

  12. This is absolute BSIT's 100% BS all of this is a production for the purpose of manipulation and the taking of our rights and theThis is absolute BSIT's 100% BS all of this is a production for the purpose of manipulation and the taking of our rights and the taking over of our country we need to stand up and resist these people they this is Nazi Germany people we need to wake up America

  13. Sorry my wording was actually incorrect there's a man a guy that used to work for the army corps of engineers and he built this machine that makes water out of thin air look it up the guy is really cool the guy is a genius he's absolutely a genius people like that will save the world

  14. There is this black guy that he works for like the the army corps of engineers or something and he pooped this machine that she's created water out of thin air literally and we could bring that those all over we could have multiple ones of those throughout the Navajo nation areas servicing all of them and they could all come there and fill up their water jugs and get their water from there and then eventually you know build smaller ones and make once that going people's homes and it just makes clean water out of

  15. my heart weeps for her … 😔

  16. Im so sorry🙏🙏🙏

  17. This is so very sad, imagine these people living in their own land, America the richest country in the world, in such property is heartbreaking.’
    They been treated so bad.
    Lord am praying for their loss and sad conditions they live in.🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  18. So sad. Many natives are in very bad health so I’m sure their immune systems aren’t strong to help fight the virus

  19. when the white people arrived, they gave the indigenous ppl blankets, clothing, etc that were infected w small pox and other infections… a form of biological warfare

  20. praying😢😢🙏

  21. My prayers go to her😔😔🙏🏽

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