COVID-19, oil spill and Australian open: World in Photos, Jan. 18 – Car Mod Pros Portal

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30 thoughts on “COVID-19, oil spill and Australian open: World in Photos, Jan. 18”
  1. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble
    and He will deliver you. "
          Psalm 50 : 15

  2. It's called population control. Design a man-made bio-weapon that can help with population control and design the virus before spreading it, so that it can be controlled (to some extent). When the death quota is met, magically, covid will disappear. Watch and see. 🤘😈

  3. It is a natural way to control the over inflammation, it may sound weird but it is a cure. Stay at home during covid infection and follow this thing strictly for fifteen days. I make you sure that covid 19 will never be fatal to anyone , It is my life time experience of pneumonia and inflammation. I often faced pneumonia severely, earlier if I would have had a little scratch on my body it did become a huge wound within some days and it did take months to get it treated. I have suffered the hellish pain of pneumonia and inflammation through out my life. When antibiotics stopped working I followed this tip very strictly and it's been two years, I won't face neither pneumonia nor inflammation, I have a very sensitive body and if I eat a tiny thing that is a little inflammatory, my body immediately acts upon that, if I eat two or three pieces of bread I got a body ache, if I eat an orange I got sneezing immediately and if I eat a vegetable or a root , it takes me two to three days but my body tells me that it was inflammatory too, consumption of a garlic clove continuesly for three or four days makes me sick, if I eat an onion or some ginger contained foods continuesly for two or three days I got the same result. Having a so sensitive body I eat a lemon daily,
    and it doesn't affect me any way. I can eat sour curd and, it does no harm to me, but I can not eat an apple or an orange . Pneumonia made my body too sensitive so have differentiated these inflammatory and anti-inflammatory foods and, I have been working on this theory for a long time, it took me more than 20 years to sort out these foods .
    Apply the following diet plan strictly for some days during covid 19 infection and you have no fear of any type of pneumonia and inflammation. If this thing is followed strictly, I make you sure on it that covid 19 or it's variants will never be fatal for anyone, the doctors will never recommend you this thing because they do not know. A human body takes 15 days to produce antibodies against any virus and it is a natural way to avoid the over inflammation.
    Non – inflammatory food list
    1. All the meaty products [everything, like eggs,  pork, beef, mutton, chicken, fish etc.(eat them grilled or boiled or you can use pure mustard oil or pure butter clarified to cook them )] . 
    2. Wheat ( and all the products that are made from pure wheat, not biscuits, cookies or breads because they contain vegetables oil). 
    3. Gram, cheakpea( chana or kabuli chana). Masoor dal.
    5. Green leaves like spinach, lettuce, etc.  ( green leaves mustn't be sour, bitter or spicy ). 
    6. All the Dairy products (they must be made from pure animal milk like butter clarified,  curd, cheese, fresh milk ). 
    7. Pure Mustard oil, turmeric powder, red chili powder , white sugar, sea salt, coriander powder and leaves, butter clarified. 
    8. Lemon and curd ( lemon and curd are non – inflammatory things  but they act differently with different  foods, with the suggested foods they never be a cause for inflammation). 
    If someone get affected with covid 19, he must avoid lemon for some days because he already would have eaten something that lemon acts as an inflammatory thing. But if the patient would have been eating the suggested diet very strictly for more than 18 days then he can add lemon  in his regular diet it will never be inflammatory then. The patient has to apply this diet plan very very strictly because consumption of a single fruit,dry fruit, vegetable or vegetable oil, onion, garlic, ginger and all non suggested cereals , lentils and a little thing besides the suggested diet may affect the whole result, so apply this thing strictly for fifteen days and see the result by yourself.
    Note- feed your infants with mother milk or pure animal milk,( formula  milk acts like a poison during the covid 19 infection because it contains vegetables oil.
    (if the patient follows this diet plan strictly his body acts over covid 19 like an animal body does, he may get affected but never faces the worst, and he never be needed to be hospitalized ).
    (covid 19 is fetal for those patients whose body act overwhelmingly on covid 19, if someone's body doesn't act overwhelmingly he never faces over inflammation and it's nothing but a different sort of comman cold for him, if you follow this diet plan your body never act overwhelmingly on covid 19 believe me Our natural immune system is capable to neutralize this virus, but it needs time because a human body does take 15 days to produce antibodies against any virus, and it is not covid 19 that kills the patient directly but it is a cause for death. The thing that kills the patient, it is over inflammation, because it destroyes our respiratory system and in lack of oxygen our whole system get destroyed and the situation becomes dreadful.,.,

  4. To all libs… Go love yourself and let’s go Brandon, I agree!!!!


    America is only 63% (209M of 333M) vaccinated.

    New Zealand is 93% (4.65M out of 5M) vaccinated.

    Covid deaths US 874,756 vs China 4,636 vs New Zealand 53.

  6. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble
    and He will deliver you. "
          Psalm 50 : 15

  7. The westerners are going to keep taking your women till you harden your interior economy.

    The westernized nation don't care about human right.

    Google lies, Google manipulates, Google steals.

    I want a contract not some spiting lies from corporations.

  8. Jajaja es porque que los China de prepará una ataque viru Guerra pará Rebaraja nuevo Orden mundial, significa China comunista se va a globalización un mundo Orquestas por los chinos en proyecto Rita Seda.un paso un Cambio.los científico para eso estudiantes para una Nuevo Ordenamiento mundial a quita puesto Ocidiemtal y Estado unidos.y a eso República Taiwán 🇹🇼 es tan importante para Estado unidos que se puede cambiar Geopolítico en todo Reglamentos de Todos Asiática y até Océanos pacífico Taiwán 🇹🇼 para Estado unidos casi como decir La vida O muerte.Estado Unido fue engañado por China comunista ayuda entrar OMS WTO a eso Tortas se jaló por tiempo de Administración Bill Clinton y ahora por Joe Biden y la negra que no sirve para nada Kamala Harris por su Linda Color piel negra y dejó esta negra sentir La morenita Rica🍿😜🍸🍾🍺🍿🍿🍿😜😂⛽🇹🇼🚦🇺🇲🇹🇼

  9. The whole truth about the coronavirus. Watch the video you will be shocked EVERYDAY.CF 2021 was an action-packed year I got a feeling 2022 is going to get even crazier â„–-12

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