Dr. John Brownstein discusses his new report based on satellite footage of traffic around Wuhan hospitals.
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Maybe COVID 18 started in late 2016
Octobre 2019, j'ai eu la première contamination. Décembre 2019, le deuxième et le 2 x je pensais mourir, dans le sud de la Belgique, c'était déjàdans les airs. Je le répète, c'était dans l'air.
Picotements, démangeaisons dans la gorge. Comme le rayonnement atomique … pire qu'une forte grippe. 6 mois de convalescence.
Bingo. Covid-19 began infecting humans in July 2019.
Liars. Its because evidence emerge that COVID-19 did not originate from China that is why you are reporting fake news.
So they could’ve prevented this? Why’d they stay quiet??
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Corona is a joke
Covid dont exsist guys.. Ita normall human problemes . pollution can destroy us that covid chemiclas dont exsist .. China is lying how can it get spread worldwide i getit ot its in air.. Covid19 dont exsist
wow ABC is trash. News for the dumb and easily manipulated. Another news story mean to stoke distrust and destroy public opinion of China…
This theory is a real stretch. A lot of people had flu and didn't test positive for COVID-19 antibodies.
A pandemic in a large city of the proportions that "flooded hospital car parks" would hardly have gone unnoticed by the foreign residents of that city. Then, there would have been the spike in internet chatter on the subject. The West will say it was censored but the West often cites the "censored" net chatter when it suits the Western agenda. Last but not least, there are the super efficient Western Intel agencies, remember ? Both those run by Western governments and private groups. Why didn't they pick anything up ? Sounds like just another spin of the conspiracy theory wheel.
Covid lives Matter..
Be prepared to be killed as these people were – https://youtu.be/UIDsKdeFOmQ – just found out how people have been killed in hospitals under Covid pretense
In northern Ontario Canada this winter I would say early December we had a wicked upper respiratory infection. People were sick for 3 weeks it was nuts.
What about previous years? Maybe 2018 was a low year for hospital visits in that area or seasonal flu happened earlier or later.
thing changing and evolving fast in china, a 100% jump YTY on parking may just because people owns more cars there. Keep in mind majority of people using public transportation there. if you can pin point the people move in and out, thats different story. such a poor study, cannot believe it can went to news media…
This is not a surprise since mediocre CCP always uses Censorship, lies with its brutal totalitarian regime. Now, they will say that these satellite imagines and other evidences to hide the outbreak are rigged.
My dear American people, there are underground car parks for all the hospitals mentioned in this video. You counting car number through satellite photo is already hilarious enough
So China lied again? But liberals are still focused on Trump. It 's ok to focus on Trump. But at least be tough on China and liberals in the U.S. Bad look when you let them go and jump on Trump for holding a Bible in front of a burned down church. When America really need some positive images. Because the Democrat Mayor was not ready for a mob.
A bad study… so influenced… Shame…
ABC. Still comparing Chinese & US. Numbers? You should be ashamed .
My whole house was nasty ill back in january. Had to have been covid. Cough deadly sickness. Someone is lying.
So, the deeper they dig, the closer this doesn't get to the White House. <shock>
On a separate note: did we know that they're not teaching kids in the US about Tiananmen Square? China's the fun, "tiktok" people, right?
This is total gratuitous guess, due to the pathetic isolation and ignorance of China. Awake from the dream and face that we have delayed and missed the best timing because of Trump!
This is the totally fake, misleading, nonsense news about Covid 19 so far.
1. If Amrican ppl took Statistics in their four years college, you should know the SAMPLE is way too small in this news. At least you find 30 days image from 2018 and 30 days images from 2019 for compare. You took only one day image that BS. Maybe the location holding a meeting or party? Or maybe the day public traffic is down. Maybe the car dealership has a good deal, no one can say no??
2. Who the hell in this world got Covid 19 will drive their own car to hospital and find a good parking lot to park?? You are too sick! You can not drive already! 911 send you there or your family drop you there!
3. Who the hell got Covid 19 will visit a woman and children hospital?
4. Only Chinese ppl buying those stupid shiity lemon American Cars.