COVID-19 cases surge with more than 82,000 in single day – Car Mod Pros Portal

Chicago imposed new curfews for nonessential businesses, including bars, after Illinois saw 4,000 new virus infections. Fourteen states hit record hospitalizations this week.


By carmodpros


25 thoughts on “COVID-19 cases surge with more than 82,000 in single day”
  1. so frustrating
    can we just get to the part where the men in black with red white and black armbands and high leather boots start pounding on doors so i can start getting rid of all my old ammo!

  2. That bit** turned and smiled after she fake cried on that mic. These are all lies. Y’all need to wake up

  3. Where is the alarming number of dead for people living on sidewalks? You can say the virus spiked surged and jumped. The bottom line is where is the Dead HOMELESS. This Virus should have wiped out the Homeless Population on the streets of New York and the warmer climate in California. Think People where are the Million dead HOMELESS people that have mental health issues, high drug use issues, terrible sanitation? Where are these sick and dying HOMELESS people, surges, jumps and spikes really? Someone anyone PLEASE explain why this is the case?

  4. It is high time to take the Coronavirus aka COVID-19 seriously and to take serious measures to end it in the U.S. Here is how:

    Stricter mandates regarding COVID-19 handling need to be put into affect because many people are still refusing to wear masks and are failing to keep a healthy distance in public. Their disregard for others around them needs to be stopped if we are ever going to beat this life-damaging and sometimes fatal pandemic.

    Fines of no less than $500 need to be implemented. Continued infringements on such mandates should require prison time because no one should have a right to put others at a dangerous risk against their own wills.

  5. Interesting that "covid-19" has not been mentioned by Trump in quite some time. Yeah, I heard it before; it'll pass, go away & a vaccine will save the day…and your point is???

  6. Joe Biden's hopes for being elected seem to be banking on the idea that people are fully sold on this whole pandemic hoax but it is clear from the comments that a huge number of people simply no longer believe we are in a pandemic or at least believe or suspect the lock down laws are not helping.

  7. The RTPCR test which is being used to make the claim that people have died of covid-19 says this in the PDF file explaining it." Positive results do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease." They are telling us that the test actually proves nothing since people could have died of something else. And by the way the CDC's web site does not actually say that covid 19 is not just a common cold virus because they place a web-link in the middle of what would have been a sentence. A web link invalidates the statement where they are trying to trick people into thinking they are saying it is not a common cold virus. This entire thing is a Free Masonic hoax. The use of the number 33 involving the fake news about covid-19 has been overwhelming to anyone that bothers to search on the internet archive instead of searching with Google.
    On another point the inventor of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology, biochemist Kary Mullis himself regarded the PCR as being inappropriate to detect viral infection.and the reason is that the intended purpose of the PCR technology was, to create a manufacturing technique, to replicate DNA sequences and it was never intended for use as a diagnostic tool to detect viruses.

  8. The top 6 states for deaths per population are Democrat run, so how well do Democrat policies work???

    Lock-downs ultimately kill more people than Covid, especially in the future as cancers go undiagnosed, along with various other diseases such as heart disease. Not to mention depression, suicide, domestic violence due to job losses and unemployment. Covid doesn't cause the unemployment etc., it is the over-reaction to Covid..

    Protect the elderly etc. and let everyone else get about normally, with social distancing etc.. There are more cases DETECTED in US because more are tested, so approximately 1 in 5 cases are detected. In most countries only 1 in 20 up to 1 in 100 are detected, so their numbers are artificially low (really much, much higher)

    It is deaths that matter, but US counts every death with a hint of Covid in the system, even when they very obviously died of other causes. Real Covid deaths are less than 10% of the official figures. Overall mortality (people dying) in the US has not changed, it is same as last year and previous years, except for years with the flu outbreaks (Obama years) which were higher.. Many other countries don't test every death, so don't have such artificially inflated death rates. US is leading in just about everything Covid, from vaccine to treatments to ventilators to PPE.
    Trump supplies medical ships for NYC etc. and Democrats didn't use them!! They chose instead to return elderly back to nursing homes to infect everyone else, killing over 10,000 more!!! Democrate mayor of NYC is the one who should be charged with murder!!
    Biden's solution?? Everyone MUST wear a mask.. Masks cause more harm than good in over 50% of users (proven). They end-up loaded with moist virus and become virus spreaders, as people can't help but touch then to adjust and take them on and off. A mask becomes 1,000 times more loaded with virus than a sneeze, because it gather all the droplets from breathing, coughing and sneezing. If you want to wear a mask then change every 1 hour, dispose of in a proper disposal bin, and wear disposable gloves every time you touch it and dispose of them properly. Covid does not kill people under 70 unless they have pre-existing conditions. It is less deadly than common flu for most people. It is all blown out of proportion, some recent flu outbreaks were nearly as bad, just not reported 100% of the time by media, causing hysteria.
    Cases are increasing, deaths are not (and per above, the death rates aren't real)..

  9. Fyi: Pfizer and others announced they are making vaccine right now. It passed phase 3. Should be available by end of November.
    Press should really report news…good news for a change.

  10. More testing equals more cases. You catch it early, therapeutics work.
    Low morality rates higher recovery rates too.

  11. I came to the comments relieved seeing that people are waking up 👁✊🏽

  12. Covid March- (minor mask wearing) cases skyrocket.

    Covid September- (major mask wearing) cases drop.

    Covid October- (major mask wearing) cases skyrocket?

    It isn't consistent, the people aren't dumb, please dont believe this media lie.

  13. @:58 👌😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😴👌🤔👍🏳

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