COVID-19 cases rise across the nation

COVID-19 cases rise across the nation

The spike is being fueled by the omicron subvariant BA.2.


#WorldNewsTonight #COVID-19 #Omicron #Pandemic


24 thoughts on “COVID-19 cases rise across the nation

  1. : Clinton gore out in 4: In Sodom they walked up to the houses and took the children. In the rising antichrist system you will give them your children, or else (justice for running interference for Justice, cowardace, and talking to your pockets); you will own nothing and be happy, or else: Note: the aske NAZI Synagogue of Satan fake (Japhethic, not Semetic) "jews" have turned, and are turning, America into Nazi Germany all around you and you endorse it. Check out the comparison videos in the links regarding WWII Nazi Germany (correlated with Bill Gates and Fauci's Mengele coronavax gene therapy experiments on mankind) and the adrenachrome harvesting for a youth serum, where the Berkeley Club Commie Party of America meets the Paladian Satano Skull and Bones CIA KGB Knights of Malta "Jesuits," (e.g., Republicans and Democrats)," in their Hegelian Dialectic called Nazi America (i.e., Clinton Gore out in 4): Note: the politician NAMBLA Republicans/ Paladian Albert Pike Satano Freemasons have been pumping the boys of America, from the Bohemian Grove to Washington D.C. through the Boys Town pedo ring of Larry King's Nebraska cover up era (circa. 1980's), which is where the homosexual Priests are linked all throughout America, from Illinois to New Orleans and from San Fran Frisco to Boston (the Jimmy Martin crowd with Omage to the German New Ways "ministry"):

  2. There is know new covid the company is losing money and now the fake cdc going to raise up the number so that that the government give more money and the stock go back up the CDC, W.H.O, FDA, IS RAN BY THE BILLIONAIRE now they re using the government for money and power. Joe Biden need to fire all of them……

  3. Really Massachusetts Government and media have some explaining to do on Pfizer just released court ordered vaccine trials 10,000 pages and natural immunity who's controlling the media 😳😬⚖️👈🏾

  4. On GB news last night, they broadcast the figures from the health security agency. People who had the third booster have more infections, more in hospital, and more deaths than the other half of he country who had from zero to two jabs. It's the same for all age groups. The more vaccine you had, the worse it is. People who had NO jabs, had the lowest infections, the lowest hospital cases, and the lowest deaths.

  5. morons. of course they are and the people YOU don't think matter ( immuno-compromised ) are trapped because you wont put a f*cking paper mask on. Selfish f*cks. that's my murika! chimp-chumps will never learn but oh they will BITCH when their family member dies or gets long covid.

  6. Please Delete This video. Nothing in this video is correct. There are No Variants. You all need to stop talking about Covid in this manner. We have had Herd Immunity for almost a year. There is no need for Masks anywhere. You don't even need them on air travel now. Stop talking nonsense and admit that things are normal. This was a terrible idea to make jokes about.

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