Couple survives a bear invasion in their home | ABC News

Couple survives a bear invasion in their home | ABC News

Jon Johnson and George Anne Fields used a baseball bat to fight off a mother bear who came into their Colorado home with two cubs.

#ABCNews #BearAttack #Colorado #Cubs


28 thoughts on “Couple survives a bear invasion in their home | ABC News

  1. The amount of people crying over the bear for invading human territory is just wow! They clearly have no idea of the horrors this innocent couple faced, they were just minding their own business until the bears invaded their home!

  2. holy shit!!!! 😥😥😥😨😨😨😨😬😬🤐🤐

  3. So they just killed the mother bear that feeds the cubs???? And now they want to “make the cubs better and release them into the wild”

    They were perfectly fine.

  4. Wait what………. how did they even get to the mother bear? How did they find it so they could euthanize it’?

    Why did they even euthanize it?
    Cause it attack’s humans???

    It’s in someone’s house… it’s not going to sit down and drink tea with them …

  5. Bruh that’s actually really scary. Imagine walking around the corner of your house and you see three bears

  6. Oh my god their just doing what wild animals do you don’t have to euthanize the mom and leave the babies to fend for themselves

  7. What has the world become, people are more concerned over the Cubs than the humans! It’s too easy to feel bad for bears until you become face to face with one and your wondering why it’s ripping you head off. In the real world bears aren’t cuddly toys, they’re apex predators who don’t feel any sympathy towards you, any other animal or even the world around them. They are savages who Roam to survive and dominate in their own food chain.

  8. I bet when that man come upstairs from the basement and he came face to face with that bear I bet a little shit leaked out I know I would have shit my pants

  9. This is what the idiots that come in to our state and try and stop bear hunting need to see they’ve been in maine 2 times in 10 years maybe the people needed to be killed by the bear for them to stop this anti bear hunting shit it’s called wildlife management

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