Couple rescues opossum struggling to stay afloat in lake

Couple rescues opossum struggling to stay afloat in lake

The couple pulled the opossum out of the channel between White Lake and Lake Michigan and safely transported it to dry land.

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36 thoughts on “Couple rescues opossum struggling to stay afloat in lake

  1. ❤️

  2. thank you for being such good people on saving this poor animal when many would just let them drown just because of what they look like when they keep the tick population down. I think that they are really kinda cute. Do not know if you are Michigan born and raised but from a native Michigan person raised by Lake Miichigan thank you for looking out for a such a wonderful creature.

  3. Seeing his or her tiny hand clinging to that red pillow as he lay resting in your boat just brought tears to my eyes 😭 All of God's creatures deserve compassion and help when in need–that includes the lowly opossum. They are quite misunderstood and are often abused bc of that. It is loving acts of kindness like yours that help to restore our Faith in humanity. I know you'll be blessed for being a blessing 🙏

    Side Note on Opossums:
    Most people don't realize how important they are for controlling the tick population–they can eat up to 5,000 ticks in 1 season alone!!! Sound gross? Sure, but it's not half as gross as having a tick bite you, potentially transmitting tick-borne disease & illness 😬 They also consume other "less desirables" like roaches, rats/ rodents & other creepy crawly things that I'd personally rather not have inside of my home.

    Their only form of self-defense or protection is playing dead ("playing possum") or hissing while showing a mouth full of teeth. They don't carry Rabies, they very rarely bite & they'll run away without harming a thing if given the chance to do so.

    Search IG for rescued opossums & they'll win your heart over in no time 💕✌️😁

  4. Awwww thank you for saving sweet baby 👍💟

  5. Awwww poor baby. I'm so glad God saved you little guy ❤️ 😭 so beautiful

  6. The most saddest thing i have ever seen like I’m crying rn

  7. Opossums are very important for our eco system. They do not carry rabies. Watch my opossum videos on my channel. 👍👍👍

  8. Many thanks to this couple who helped the opossum. 🌷

  9. 💜, wonderful job! Another animals life saved by humans.

  10. Poor baby was playing opossum, I carried a young one off my back porch out to the edge of the yard thinking it was dead…after a short while it was gone. I had forgotten how they play dead when they feel threatened.

  11. Wonder how he got in the lake to begin with, but thank you for saving the little guy.  I love Opossums

  12. Good human beings. Humanity. God's creatures helping each other ☕

  13. I  am  thirsty for kindness.  This is water.  Thank you.

  14. This makes me so happy!! 🥰

  15. They didn’t show the end, where it went ‘bloop’ right back into the water…

  16. How is this news?🤯

  17. Nice rescue ✌️

  18. 💚

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