Countdown to New Hampshire Democratic debate l ABC News

Countdown to New Hampshire Democratic debate l ABC News

Democratic candidates prepare for Fridays debate as Bernie Sanders claims victory in the Iowa caucuses even though the final results remain unclear.

#ABCNews #DemDebate #NewHampshire #BernieSanders #IowaCaucuses


49 thoughts on “Countdown to New Hampshire Democratic debate l ABC News

  1. Democrats are nothing more than Satan’s puppets. Party straight from

  2. Trump 2020 let’s keep liberals and Democrats crying 😭

  3. David, after the debate, they made a new 2020 video; doing great job of crying, kicking, screaming, having meltdowns, and Bernie running into traffic screaming, "somebody just kill me!!!"

  4. Pete putting black people in jail as mayor. Nice work creepy Pete . Biden’ teeth doesn’t fit right. Warren is all talk. Bernie is just old and gross. The other lady is smart but not like able. Maybe it’s her face/hair. Yang is watching the demise of the DNC

  5. Racism is the problem! lol Yes… Democrats are FUCKING RACIST… They are the problem… Stop looking at the color of the skin we are ALL Americans…

  6. Health care?   Watch 'What The Health', 'Cowspiracy' and 'Forks Over Knives' to see how our government is helping the pharma industry because of promoting the eating of animals and their products.   God's creatures were not put here for us to eat (Gen. 1:29).    Amy has a low report for the environment and against wildlife, Pete, hunts God's creatures?   Trump 666?   Need to keep the faith and support the unborn.  At least educate what happens when an abortion happens to the baby and to their mothers.   If we are a nation under God, then we should act like it.   Keep the Faith!

  7. The difference between the Demoncrates and regular Democrats is the first group is full of evil people. The second group are just useful idiots being used by the first group. So, are you evil or just a useful idiot?

  8. The time has come long ago to END the antiquated practice of deciding Presidential elections by the Electoral College. Then any other idea other than winning the popular vote's validity would be quickly dismissed right on down to an Iowa caucus!!

  9. Let me fix that opening sentence for you. “Bernie Sanders declaring victory because by all accounts he has won the popular vote in Iowa, despite Pete Buttigieg declaring victory before the results were even close to coming out.”

  10. Perhaps there is no greater tribute to the American dream and our way of life than an angry, resentful, disgruntled, untalented, ignorant Marxist crackpot amassing wealth while denouncing capitalism and simultaneously pushing that most absurd of oxymorons – dEmoCrAtiC SoCiaLisM

  11. The DNC stopped counting right before they were going to count the poll area that Sanders was winning big time. Tom Perez did not want those vote counts to go it so he stopped them from being counted. REAL news people would be investigating what happen and how they did it. Pete was getting ready to lose the delegate lead so they called it a tie.

  12. There is NO confusion.
    Sanders won 1st round by 6000 votes.
    Sanders then won 2nd round by some 1200 votes .
    Perez , Sneaky Pete and a few others are responsible for perpetrating a criminal act – Election Fraud .
    Why don't you do the job you're supposed to do and investigate the obvious leads to this story that are in plain sight all over the internet .
    Or have your superiors instructed you to look the other way .
    Why are you so fearful of these criminal DNC operatives .
    Electoral fraud is perpetrated in broard daylight for all the world to see ( I'm in Australia ) and you dont have a SINGLE question to ask about it ?
    You 're not a journalist , you're an accomplice !

  13. 0:37 a Maroon 5 song, and here I thought I couldn’t loathe Pete any more than I did…

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