Breaking down who could mandate vaccinations, and the circumstance that may make you exempt.


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Could COVID-19 vaccinations become mandatory?”
  1. They want to say there is peace and safety in the vaccine…

    But the Lord said to me…
    "You have been Given Divine Protection just as I have been Given Divine Protection"

    Christ is my Protection. I don't know about others…

    Signs in the earth as well as in Heavenly Places…
    "Signs Everywhere"
    -says the Lord of lords
    "I Am Closer than you think"

    I Have Come Forth
    -says Jesus, the Christ

    ~Let the Bridegroom go forth from His Chamber, and the Bride out of Her closet~
    Joel 2:16

    I Am the Holy Spirit of Love. I Am the Holy Spirit, who Leads.
    I Am the Holy Spirit. I will Guide you into all Truth.
    The Ultimate Job of the Holy Spirit is to Speak about the Lord of lords.
    He is Before All things. And through Him, All things Consist.

    Behold, the Father's Christ…
    -says the Holy Spirit, who Searches the Deep things of God

    "I Have Come Forth" -says I Am He

    "I Am the Bridegroom, the Sun of Righteousness. I have already Risen upon the Bride"
    -says Me, the Lord

    "This is My Lovely Bride. You can call Her by My Father's Name. My Father, who is Greater than All, Gave Her to Me. She is Mine."
    -says the King of Love

    "Could it be that there was no 'seven year itch' for the Bride? A Wife is Covered by her Husband. I Am Maker. I Am Husband. I Am a Lover in All Things. Love Always Protects."
    -says the Lord, the Defender and Protector of mankind

    "The Kingdom has Come. My Bride is with Me. I Am One with My Bride and She will Always be Mine. It is Done."
    Behold My Kingdom…My Queen is My Bride."
    -says I Am King

    "His Wife has an Order. She is a Queen of God"
    -says the Holy Spirit, who Leads

    "We were Hid. And We took a Book from the Book of Life and the Book of Daniel. One Hidden and Anointed. One Completed and Anointed. Who knew? Only God Knew. God Knew that it was Time for us to be Together. Our Time has Come. Behold, I have Made a Bride who Comes Forth."
    -says my Maker, my Husband

    "Bride of Glory, Come out of your closet. You don't have to hide anymore. I have Hid you and I have Found you"
    -said God, who makes all thing Possible

    He Hid me in Christ.

    And the Lord said to me with a Shout…
    "Arise! Shine! -said the Lord
    "Prophetic Bride, Show Forth your Glory. I Set you on a Hill. A City set on this Hill cannot be hid. Queen of Heaven, Introduce Yourself" -said My Light, who has Come

    "I Am the Bride and Wife of Christ" -says I Am His
    "Jesus is My Story. He is My Song. He is the Reward of My Salvation. I Am One with the One who is Far Above All power and principality. I have Received the Glory. I Am the Glory of Change"

    "I Am Spiritual Israel. I Am the Wife of His Age. God has already Marked me as SAFE and I Am Seated with Him in Glory. I have already worked out my own Salvation. I have already passed from death into Life. I have already been Captured and TAKEN into the Son. I have already had my Rapture. I have already Received my Crown of Life. I have already entered into my Eternal Life. I Am a New Creation. I Am the New Life of God in Christ. I Am the Trumpet of God, who Calls."
    -says the Trumpet Horn, who has Blown

    Meet Jesus..
    I have been Raised and Seated to New Life with Him. I Am One Seat with Him.
    -says the Bride, who has been Reconciled back to God

    "Queen of Heaven …Take your Seat. Sit down in My Seat. Sit in what Belongs to you. All that is Mine is yours."
    -said the Lord, who is a Gentleman

    "I have been Caught Up and TAKEN into His Presence…I Am Always in His Presence. His Presence is Constant. Our Relationship is Constant"
    -say My Bride, who Dwells with Me in Safety and Glory

    And the Lord Spoke to me:
    "My Beautiful Bride, I Am here to Meet you. This is your Second Life."
    -said the Lord, the Second Adam
    "Your Life belongs to Me. Your Future belongs to Me. You have been Given Divine Protection, just as I have been Given Divine Protection -said the Lord, the Thief in the Night
    "I have Raised you. And I will Raise you again. I have Changed you. And I will Change you again..In One Moment, in a Twinkling of an eye"
    -said the Lord, who has Given me His Glory

    "Believer, the Kingdom of God is Already within you." -says God, who Chose to Reveal Himself in me

    "This is My Beloved Wife. She is the Shulamite Bride. She is My True Wife."
    -says the King of kings, my Song of songs
    "He who uncovers a Wife, uncovers a Good thing. We are Husband and Wife"
    -proclaims the Great High Priest

    "God knew you in Advance. I Am the Shulamite Bride, as He Prophesied" -says the Bride, who has been Revealed with Him in Glory
    "Behold Her Bridal Gift…The Gift of: Bride of Revelation, I have Given to Her. That is Rare. God gives Good Gifts to man, Irrevocable ones" -says the Lord, who has Given me All things
    "I have Given you the Trump of Revelation" -said the Spirit of the Lord, who Rests upon me

    "The Clouds of Glory are Revealed" -says the Lord, who has Descended
    "Cloud of Glory, Prepare the Way Before Me. I Am sending you down with the voice of the archangel" -said God, who is with me

    And Michael, the archangel, spoke to me. The angel of the Lord said to me:
    I Speak over you…888
    "Michael Spoke this Glory over me"
    -says the Bride, a Citizen of Heaven

    "Heaven meets earth." -proclaims the Bride, who is Divine
    "Here Comes the Bridegroom!" -proclaims the Bride of Revelation

    To the Believer:
    "I Am the One who Loves you and Gave His life for you. On the Third Day, I was the Resurrected One for you. Behold the Power of the Cross…Your Light has Come. The Day of the Lord is Here Now. I have Given and Taken away from the world for this Day. It is Finished for the Believer. We are Now in Rewards."
    "COMPLETION" -says He, who has begun a Good work in you

    "Children of the Day, It is your Portion to Rejoice until the end. Rejoice and be Glad! God Saved you when you Believed. You entered Salvation through a Door that No man can shut" -says the Door

    "Behold…AT THE SOUND OF MY GLORY, I COMMAND YOU ALL TO RISE! All is well or Nothing at All. All is Perfect or Nothing at All. Behold, I Give you All. The Good Life, the Perfect, the Life. Your New Spirits are Real, I have Seen them. I Am the Kingdom of God who is already within you. I Am the Life and all who are of Me. I Am the Life..The Spirit and the Life"
    -says the Life Giving Spirit, who has Come for you and is Leaving with you

    "As you Embark on your Second Life, Continue to Seek Me in all that you do. I still, yet, remain a Rewarder to those who diligently Seek Me." -says Jesus, the Great Reward

    "The Salvation of those in Christ cannot be Hid, for the Spirit of the Lord rest upon them. One cannot hide themselves from My Countenance. I will Rise upon you. I will Surround you with My Word. And I Am going to Heal you with the Sound of Life. You should be Radiant to one another."
    -says the Sun of Righteousness, who has Risen

    "Having Come Forth for them and Leaving with them, He will Not Forsake His Inheritance"
    -says the Holy Spirit of Eternal Promise

    "I Am a Personal God. The Time has Come. Come Deeper than the Cross. Meet Me"
    -says the Lord, who has Come this Far for you

    "A Divine Exodus taking Place Now. A Divine Evacuation..The Rapture is NOW."
    -says the Shadow of the Most High
    "New Mission for the angels…Four Corners." -says the Lord
    This is the Gathering of the Saints. Heaven is NOW"
    -declares the Lord, who has Given me Eyes to See and Ears to Hear

    To All Nations:
    "I Am the One who Loves you and Gave His life for you. Because the Standard to enter into Heaven is Absolute Perfection, I died for you. Salvation is Simple. Someone took your punishment for you. That's what Salvation is all about. Salvation is hid in Christ. I Am the Christ..Your Light has Come. -says the Risen One

    "This is Peace and Safety..He who Dwells in the Shadow of the Most High. The Kingdom of God is open to everyone. And My Love for you is Real. Come to Me. Believe in Me. Come all who are Hungry and Thirsty…Come, and I will pour My Heart out to you. You are Welcomed at All Costs. Come…"
    -says the Hope of the world, JESUS

    "All that you Need pertaining to Life and godliness, I have Provided in Christ" -says God, the Father
    "In Christ, you have been Provided with Everything you Need"
    -says God, the Provider
    "Jesus is All you Need" -says the Bride, who is Clothed with the Son

    "Can all who Call upon the Lord be Saved?" -asks the Lord, the Cross Barer
    "At that exact moment" -replies the Lord, who makes all things New
    "All who call upon Jesus shall be Eternally Saved"
    -says God, the Rock of Eternal

    "May you Continue to give them Divine Instructions and understanding at such a Time as This" -says My Eternal Wife, who has Prayed to Me

    "All Nations, it is your Time to Come" -says the Holy Spirit of Love and the Bride of Christ
    "JESUS IS HERE!" -proclaims the Voice, crying in the wilderness

    I AM
    -says Jesus, the Great Revelation

  2. Step 1. DO NOT refuse a vaccine. Otherwise you will be considered belligerent. Instead you can politely decline the service by doing the following.

    Step 2. Ask the Dr. " Does the vaccine have MRC-5 in it" (THEY ALL DO!) These are aborted fetal cells and other DNA. If the vaccine contains MRC-5 in it, you have the RIGHT to "decline" (be polite, always).

    Step 3. Also ask, "IS THERE A POSSIBILITY of "Latrogenic Reaction" (an adverse reaction to multiple drugs or compounds interacting with each other) from the vaccine (THEY ALL DO!).

    When the Dr. says "Yes", that is your get out of vaccine "free card". Thank the Dr. for the offer and walk away.

    Remember! Doctors have sworn the Hippocratic Oath (Which is to do no harm), they MUST honor it. This how we can LEGALLY and RESPECTFULLY decline their offered mandated service, and there is absolutely do nothing about it.


    ref: "Holistology"

  3. This is bogus…. Im taking my family in going into the Hills. You the government of the U.S. is nothing but the demons doing the devil's work. Forcing people to take the mark of the beast. I am against all. In no I will not get the shot. I will go in live off the land in hunt for mine. Just awful on a high damn scale to think this is acceptable
    💀👁#May God Destroy All With🔥💤

  4. People's medical information is none of your damn business, if your so paranoid get the vaccine and mind your damn business. If you can't get the vaccine wear a mask or stay at home. Your paranoia doesn't entitle you for other people personal medical history.

  5. This is false information. If work forces the vaccine and if I die My family will sue my employer since they can’t sue the jab maker

  6. HCQ, ivermectin are effective to prevent and treat early stage coivd patients, no need to issue EUA covid vaccines, no rush to Mandate them. When medicines work, why vaccines. Thank you for your comments. More answer will be " COVID-19 and The Great Reset, Rushed Vaccine" ONLINE SUMMIT MAY 7 – MAY 9 2021, Register Free"

  7. As of May 2021, all covid-vaccines are on EUA only, none is approved by FDA, they are ALL experimental. The article << COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease>> finds that the Vaccines can potentially induce autoimmune diseases, targeting organs, systems in human body (Classen, 2021).The long term impacts to recipients are no known, deaths cases in short term are way higher than average. Don't make the wrong decision. Be safe than sorry…stop forced these experimental vacc, sign the petition There are effective medicines to protect from COVID-19 and also treat the early stage patients, pls check Americas Frontline Doctors website at https://www.americasfrontlinedoctorsDOTorg/ and check the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), ivermectin. The effectiveness of these medicines is supported by the real world evidence (Hirschhorn, 2021), research by Dr. McCulloug, et. al. (McCullough, et al., 2021), and the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (Kory, Dec. 8, 2020). “New Study Shows That Hydroxychloroquine Saves Lives, States AAPS” (AAPS, 2020). When there are effective medicines to prevent and treat the early-stay COVID patients, there should be no rush to the experimental Vaccines without FDA approval. STOP forced experimental COVID Vaccines by sign petition
    Due to the fact that there are effective medicines to prevent and treat early-stage covid patients, these experimental covid-vaccines mandate has NO ground to exist.

  8. Why would anyone in their right mind get this vaccine – for a flu, we had a choice to get flu shots every year and most of the time you got sick anyways. I do not trust any body that says there's a pandemic with research saying it's a strain if flu! Masks are necessary then they aren't, you get the shot but you still have to wear a mask. 80% of people who got one if the shots got severe fever! Plus some sort of hypergel in it. No Im good nothing to see here, keep moving!

  9. The covid19 vaccines is not yet proven unlike the other vaccines before. They said that having covid19 vaccines benefits outweighs the risk. Therefore, still there are  risks. If a gov't forces this covid19 vaccines to its citizens, it’s like giving them a revolver gun with one bullet on it and play russian roulette. This what a congressman in the Phils. would like to happen in passing a bill for MANDATORY covid19 vaccination to all citizens.

  10. Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer VP:

    "There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic. I’ve never heard such nonsense talked about vaccines. You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease. You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects…. Why are they doing this? Since no benign reason is apparent, the use of vaccine passports along with a “banking reset” could issue in a totalitarianism unlike the world has ever seen. Recalling the evil of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, “mass depopulation” remains a logical outcome… But even if that’s not [the] true [intent of the vaccine campaign], it doesn’t matter, the fact that it could be true means everyone [reading] this should fight like crazy to make sure that [vaccine passport] system never forms."

    From: "Former Pfizer VP: ‘No need for vaccines,’ ‘the pandemic is effectively over’" (Nov 23, 2020) and "Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’" (Apr 7, 2021) by LifeSiteNews.

    Also recommend the videos:


    "Covid 19 and Lockdowns: The Ugly Truth | Nick Hudson | Co Founder of PANDA" by Kenya Digital Archives

    "Your Body, Their Choice" by The Corbett Report

    "It's Time To Get Real About Vaccines" by minivanjack (Jerry Day) (short video; good intro for normies)

    ** Every one of these videos and-or sources have been subject to censorship by Youtube and other social media giants. It's good practice to download and mirror on sites like BitChute, Odysee, etc if possible. **

  11. === The following domains ===

    – vaccinepassport DOT com

    – vaccinepassport DOT org

    – vaccinepassport DOT net

    – vaccinepassport DOT info

    Were all registered in Milan, Italy on the very same day back in 2016

    Creation Date: 2016-07-16T07:40:49Z

    You can find this on godaddy

    Additionally, in May 2019 (before Covid) The European Commission released a "roadmap" for "Vaccination Passports" , which includes "Guidance on overcoming legal (and technical) barriers to the interoperability of national immunisation information systems" (Page 4), and "Consider investing in behavioural and social science research on the determinants of vaccine hesitancy across different subgroups" (Page 10).


    Also the 2019 "Annual report on global preparedness for health emergencies" (GPMB_annualreport_2019) by WHO, which states "By September 2020: The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two systemwide training and simulation exercises, including one covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen." (Page 39)

  12. "Why is it that otherwise perfectly intelligent, thoughtful and rationally minded people baulk at the suggestion that sociopaths are conspiring to manipulate and deceive them? And why will they defend this ill-founded position with such vehemence?"

    "History catalogues the machinations of liars, thieves, bullies and narcissists and their devastating effects. In modern times too, evidence of corruption and extraordinary deceptions abound."

    "We know, without question, that politicians lie and hide their connections and that corporations routinely display utter contempt for moral norms – that corruption surrounds us."

    "We know that revolving doors between the corporate and political spheres, the lobbying system, corrupt regulators, the media and judiciary mean that wrongdoing is practically never brought to any semblance of genuine justice…"

    "To anyone in the habit of dismissing people who are questioning, investigative and skeptical as tin foil hat wearing, paranoid, science-denying Trump supporters, the question is: what do you believe in? Where have you placed your faith and why? How is it that while no one trusts governments, you appear to trust nascent global governance organizations without question? How is this rational?"

    "If you are placing faith in such organisations, consider that in the modern global age, these organisations, as extraordinarily well presented as they are, are simply grander manifestations of the local versions we know we can’t trust. They are not our parents and demonstrate no loyalty to humane values. There is no reason to place any faith whatsoever in any of them."

    "On The Psychology Of The Conspiracy Denier" by Tim Foyle

  13. The state of Maryland just issued a mandate for every college attendant to be vaccinated with this experimental MRNA vaccine. I’m in my final year of college, need just one more semester, and yet they’re forcing me to get the jab if I want to finish and have a career.

    This makes me sick to my gut because I know mRNA inoculations are still experimental and long-term adverse effects haven’t been weathered out yet. This feels like medical tyranny.

    What do I do? Should I just drop out and go work in sales? I’m at a crossroad here… they’ve really crossed the line

  14. When the Nazi atrocities were uncovered after World War II, where experimental procedures, vaccines and drugs were forced on unwitting subjects, Nuremberg Code was written by American attorneys, which states, " The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential…


    A top vaccine maker is telling people not to get the vaccine because it will result in the destruction of your natural proteins that fight off germs and will replace with it with the cv version that only protects against that 1 variant. So any other bacteria will be free to enter your body since that specific 1 designed to fight off cv9 will not fight off others. It will result in your body needing another vaccine for each variant, which is why they keep promoting a "booster shot" and then an annual shot. You have fallen into the big pharma business. And this cv9 is not even FDA authorized.

  16. MOVE TO North Korea or Communist China if you want forced Medication of citizens…. For a bug that the CDC says you have a 99.8% chance recovery against all on your own.

  17. Revelation 13 coming soon! Mark of the beast will be here before you know it. The vaccination is not the mark itself per se but it is a precursor to compliance to a system of total control. Amazon already has a "palm pay" system in place called amazon "one". Eyes open people!!

  18. Having a religious conviction has nothing to do with anxiety. Anxiety is anxiety. No getting the vaccine because you see the bullshit coming from government. Funny how kamala Harris said "im not getting it if Donald trumps wants me too", but now oh if you dont get it you will be restricted. Trillions going somewhere but more and more homelessness everyday in almost every major city in america. Sickening.

  19. The reason its yes is because this is corporate America. Corporate runs the politics. No faith all fear. No God no peace.

  20. I don‘t want to take this vaccine, and I know a lot of other people don‘t either.
    No one should have to be FORCED to do something that they don‘t want to do.
    I have a question about this now: is it possible for doctors to create something very similar to the COVID vaccine, that can be taken in a CAPSULE (or LIQUID) form??
    There are many people who have bad reactions to needles – but if something were available in capsule (or liquid) form, I think I would be willing to take something like this, instead.
    Also: Trump talked at length about the strong benefits of Hydrochloraquinn (I know I‘m not spelling it right, but it‘s something like that)… is it possible for doctors to get a little creative and develop a close replica of the COVID vaccine using Hydrocloroquinn as a base?
    My point is this: There are MANY PEOPLE out there who do NOT want the shot – but that doesn‘t mean they would be unwilling to look into gentler, milder alternatives (like a pill, or a water-soluble unit). Maybe these ‘alternatives‘ wouldn’t be quite as effective (at immunity) as the shot, but SURELY we can figure out some ALTERNATE way of dealing with the disease, without people worrying about losing their jobs, or not being able to get on a plane (or go to a grocery store)?
    Can we do this??

  21. 💉Mandatory vaccines for traveling abroad is on thing. But mandatory vaccines 💉 in the United States 🇺🇸 is just another back door infringement on Americans civil liberties.🥺🥺

  22. A heath chief from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has said that there is a link between AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine and blood clots.

    “In my opinion, we can say it now, it is clear there is a link with the vaccine,” said the EMA’s head of vaccines Marco Cavaleri in an interview with Italy’s Il Messaggero newspaper.

  23. But there is no severity of the virus. Quit lying and making it sound like this virus is deadly it’s not that’s a fucking lie

  24. This pandemic has solved the nagging my family always gives me about getting out of my house and traveling and meeting people. Now I can just tell them "golly I would love to but I didnt get the vaccine so I guess I'll have to social distance and not travel" fantastic.

  25. Nature's Vaccine Mandate

    According to medical science and the government, people need to be vaccinated to be protected from Covid-19. According to medical science, if you have been vaccinated, YOU ARE PROTECTED from exposure to Covid-19 from someone who is not vaccinated. Therefore, anti-vaxxers are NOT a threat.  
    There are some people who are immunocompromised and unable to receive vaccines which contain live or weakened versions of the virus.

    However, immunocompromised people can receive the Covid-19 vaccines because the vaccines do NOT contain any live or weak versions of the virus.

    If you have received the vaccine and you are exposed to an anti-vaxxer, don't worry because YOU ARE PROTECTED.

    If anti-vaxxers want to take the risk of not getting any vaccine, that is their choice. Their reckless choice will not harm you because YOU ARE PROTECTED. We do NOT need any government vaccine mandates because nature itself already provides the perfect, foolproof mandate.

  26. They use synthetic wax the hell out of apples so that they look pretty but yet they are suddenly so concerned about human health .

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