Coronavirus death toll surpasses 500,000 in US – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 44 million Americans have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and about 20 million have received both.


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Coronavirus death toll surpasses 500,000 in US”
  1. If only we had the leader now we have instead of the catastrophic mess from the other that put us in this mess from the beginning between lies and bogus conspiracies and not caring about the people

  2. half of the country doing the wrong thing like Miami spring break mess and the south not wearing mask or social distancing and congragating in big crowds they can't respect there fellow neighbor enough for the whole USA to get better and finally defeat this once and for all instead we keep fuking everything up the moment it starts getting better never really giving it a chance to really work the right way

  3. These people don't respect other people's families that have suffered and died and that's why we will hit a million dead by memorial day maybe even faster if the 3rd wave in europe gets invited by people like this that have already spread it around the country the last 2 weeks between airplanes and spring break bullshit following the old polices of the last president from last memorial day when he decided it would be a great idea to open the country in the middle of the worst pandemic in Modern History and let a quarter of Million people die in the next 6 months due to lies bogus conspiracies that brainwashed these type of people to do the wrong thing for so long endangering the rest of America along with it I mean even Trump's own CDC and World Health Organization and Fauci told him it would be a catastrophic Health Economic Housing mess if he opened on memorial day and he still didn't listen because he thought he knew more than scientist and the most experienced veterans of the world health organization and this is another reason why we're still dealing with the catastrophic leftover damage done last year that Biden and The American People have to clean up now plus also dealing with the new threats coming like the 3 rd wave in europe decimating the there population and causing there Health Economic Housing Crisis again on top of everything else they've been through to which once again last year italy a 3rd of there people were wiped out then what followed was us getting the same thing but on a bigger scale so all this adds up to one people is that in order not repeat the same thing over and over again and expect different results we have to correct the biggest problem today with the whole USA and it's People all have to do the right thing in order for it to work or the result will be catastrophic again in 2021

  4. Between Trump's brainwashed people who don't wear masks and social distancine and congragate in massive crowds doing the wrong thing every time and this new deadly strain you wonder why history keeps repeating itself over and over again with the same result

  5. More people under 45 are dying from the increase in suicide and overdose than covid.
    That alone shows how much of a failure government policy is.

    PS- the lancet published the actual fatality rate over a year ago… Let that sink in.

  6. If ISIS members were on American soil and killing just 10 Americans a day, would conservatives be talking about the number of automobile accident deaths?

  7. From the Division of vital statistics, mortality data. Flu and pneumonia death toll for 2014 – 2015 was 1,769,940 people. 2013 – 2014 were 1,686,211. 2012 – 2013 were 1,718,193. 2011-2012 there were 1,618,051 deaths.

  8. To better understand the Truth about Vaccination Programs read, “This Is A Bio-Attack Alert”, by Dr. Robert B Strecker a Medical Doctor with a PhD In Pharmacology who said, “There Is No Proof Any Vaccines Cure Anything”.

  9. 9 deaths in Taiwan. Half a million in the US. Economic growth in Taiwan. Economic catastrophe in America. COVID legislation passed a year ago in Taiwan. Gridlock in the American Congress a year after still. Fire everyone in the American government and just hire the Taiwanese government to run our COVID response. Problem solved.

  10. CORONA=66 6 letters in CORONA.
    The jab=the MaRk!!! Count the number like the Bible tells us.
    Revelation 13:18kjv
    18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

  11. EVIDENTLY, tracking upper respiratory infections to their death, no matter the numbers, has the potential to sway an entire population to the will of a snake oil salesman. This is stupid.

  12. 🔴The Pretendisant dictator Beijing Joe🇨🇳

  13. I dont understand how they with a straight face report on a fake number when its been reported drs. and hospitals get paid on every reported case even if you pass from cancer. Of course deaths are going to drop it makes B!den look like he is doing something other than sign EO's and mumble the worse thing is people still believe in all these lies and deception. People try to do some rese@rch other than m$m

  14. Deaths that include covid in the autopsy reports over 500k

    Fixed it for you guys. If a nob on YouTube can report better news than you, why do we need you?

  15. I have had more family members die of cancer (4). it baffles me that cancer is not considered a pandemic. The only true pandemic in the world is stupidity.

  16. How many people have died from corona while Biden has been in office so far? How dare he kill so many people! (since that's how you fake news, media, and democrats played on Trump)

  17. CDC had to up date their information, only 10% of that number actually died of COVID, the rest died of something else but could of been tested positive or a false positive, but were included in those numbers… so you could of died is breast cancer but might of had a COVID test and had it… So no 500, 000 people did not die of COVID

  18. More people die a year of heart disease. Should we ban McDonalds? Also, where have all the other causes of death gone? Flu basically disappeared.

  19. Let’s talk about joe saying the n word… where’s the peaceful protesting starting? Cuz I need some new shoes. taking the high road here just like your liberals 😉

  20. Just so everybody knows 500k only sounds like alot. Its only 1.8% of the people that have been infected and 1/20th of 1% of the population in yhr US. Wake up. They are using fear to manipulate you

  21. Was that not predicted to happen like, 8 months ago?? Damn Curves… we reportedly should be in the TENS of Millions..

  22. Always remember, America first. There you go buddy. Number one at something after all 🤞🏼

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