Coronavirus, circus performers, forest fire: World in Photos, April 21

Coronavirus, circus performers, forest fire: World in Photos, April 21

A look at the top photos from around the globe.


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12 thoughts on “Coronavirus, circus performers, forest fire: World in Photos, April 21

  1. go listen 🔥🔥🔥

  2. The world economy will not recover until all workers who commute or work in a crowded environment are issued proper PPE including eye protection, gloves soaked in disinfectant and quality respirators that filter exhausted breath in addition to air intake. Anyone can modify an aftermarket filter element to attach a N95 HEPA filter to the exhaust valve guard on specific respirator masks but all PPE manufacturers can produce an outflow filter cartridge to fit the exhaust valve seat on some of their respirator models too. A similar retrofit can be developed for the N95 fiber filter masks by adding a "pillow filter" to the exhaust valve on these disposable masks. These respirator modifications are necessary to reduce the mortality rate in patients who would otherwise re-breathe virus and to allow the medical staff to continue working safely, even if they get infected and are asymptomatic. Please demand that all PPE factories operate 24/7 and expand to meet the demand or "The center cannot hold". Mask and filter part #s are: Honeywell NS76008A or Chinese ST S100-3 Full Face Respirator, Honeywell North 5500 & 7700, NASUM 8200 half face respirators or similar mask with a screw-on cylindrical valve guard; Weld On #3 acrylic solvent; NS80867 exhaust valve guard; NS750035 Piggyback Adapter; NS750015 Filter Holder; NS7506N95 HEPA N95 Pre-filter. Just use a 1 ½” hole saw on the adapter, sand the adapter to fit the guard and fuse the joined surfaces with solvent. The Filter Holder must be similarly drilled to an inside diameter of ~2” to relieve exhaust backpressure. Reply for further info or assembly assistance.

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