Coronavirus cases rise across the country – Car Mod Pros Portal

Florida hit a record of 2,000 cases in 24 hours for the second straight day, with other states hitting new highs.




#WorldNewsTonight #COVID-19 #CasesRise


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Coronavirus cases rise across the country”
  1. We will continue to pay for Trump's toxic polices bogus conspiracies and lies trust me people. Had two people in my family die super healthy both physically fit and nothing wrong with them not only died alone with brown liquids filling up so bad in there lungs that it ripped open there esophagus one time trying to pump fluid out but this diease makes your lung not be able to absorb like a sponge so you die suffocating and drowning at the same time and become a shell of your former self no muscle tissue left and bed sores eating your leg all the way through to the deep skin in some places all alone no family around you so don't ever say it's not dangerous that's the lie the former ex president led everybody to believe for a stupid vote and money to keep him out of jail now because of the catastrophic leftover mess he has left us in the wake of his lies bogus conspiracies and bribery and insurrections and let a quarter of Million die for that lie so he could throw those same people under the bus once the world came after him and hunting him down now with 6 seperate investigations and the founding father of RICO and Racketeering mark pomerantz hired to take him down who has already turned up a paper trail if his criminal empire from NY to Chicago and now Florida with two of his lawmakers and Republicans.arrested March 19 2021 for tampering with election results and machines and posing as a democrat last year to keep Trump's policies in power through tax invasion and fraudulent lones in the Millions.

  2. Trump = Modern Health Economic Housing Catastrophe and Racism , Hate Divided Nation Bogus Conspiracies Bribery Lies Constitutional law breaker American Genocide almost a million dead now since that memorial day of 2020 when his own CDC and World Health Organization told him not to it would be suicide for America in 6 months in catastrophic ways never seen before in are Lifetimes and his Criminal Empire that stretches across the globe to Russia with 30 lawsuits and 7 separate serious investigations against him now and 2 grand jurys opened up on him today with a army of mob procescuters and attorneys led by the father of RICO and Racketeering who took down John Gotti and the mob.Hired for one thing only to destroy the biggest criminal empire in Modern History and take down it's leader the modern day Hitler of are Lifetimes Donald The Virus Russian Traitor Trump the worst ex president to ever step foot on Earth who caused the worst Health Economic Housing Homeless and World Crisis in Modern History and is responsible for all of this catastrophic mess we face now in April 2021 that with the help of Biden and The American People and democracy help clean up one day at a time and try to put back the broken shattered pieces of america together again one day at a time.

  3. Here We Go Again People half of the country doing the wrong thing for the rest of us defeats the whole purpose of the vaccines defenses working for everyone specially when they can't respect there fellow neighbor enough for the whole USA to get better and finally defeat this once and for all instead we keep fuking everything up the moment it starts getting better never really giving it a chance to really work the right way

  4. new cases are IMMUNITIES. The fake news media CONTINUES their fear mongering.
    More testing creates more test results which ONLY show IMMUNITY.

  5. It’s because they want to be able to lockdown the people if the election brings civil unrest…open your eyes people

  6. The media is still trying to sell a ‘pandemic’ story with a 99.8% survival rate. The media has become so irrelevant, it’s the only story they have left.

  7. Or, it could of been because we’re testing more people like doctors have said was gonna cause more cases? But who am I kidding. Doctors. We all know they’re not as smart as reporters on human health.

  8. It’s all political ! I call bullshit on the whole corona crap!! Fear is all they are spreading and people are falling for it.

  9. Follow winning protocols, as in Europe. "Seldom has it been more evident that society’s collective strength is dependent on the unity it can manifest in action, from the international stage to the grassroots,.." ~ The Universal House of Justice, Baha'i Faith

  10. Dude, can people take this seriously? I see youtubers going out, driving with friends, like STAY TF HOME HOW HARD IS IT TO STAY HOME.

  11. George Floyd is part of you just being more of a idiot…get educated, serve your Country or just get out. DoD pay me because I am smart not just some dumb, uneducated idiot…remember rules of engagement. 1./ Know your enemy and where he or she lives.

  12. Seismic human suffering & loss, historic economic & financial devastation, physical & mental health ramifications, & shift of resource allocation costs are CHINA bills they must accept. Pay!

  13. The Emperor With No Clothes is failing in fabulous fashion,
    His enabling cultists blind to the naked truth before them.

  14. Cases is one metric. Deaths is one metric. In the U.S., the state of Florida (3rd largest in population), saw cases go up because testing escalated dramatically. The death count in Florida, which has a pop. of 22,100,000 is 3,144 (Jun 18, 2020). Let's compare deaths per thousand in Florida to other states. In fact, I challenge you in the media to make a chart of all states and their counties – deaths per 1,000 pop.

  15. only a few thousand coronavirus cases in the entire country

    Government: Worldwide lockdown initiated.

    over 2 million coronavirus cases worldwide and 300k in New York that has only 8 million people

    Government: Let's gather 1000+ people for unnecessary protests of things that're obvious and schools that can easily be done at home!!!!

  16. To whom so ever it may concern, we Indians expect peace but China is pinching India from 1962. This is to warn China not to play games. China OCCUPYING small countries but dont with India. From now everybody must stop buying Chinese goods and say no to import and export. All COMMUNICATION must and flights to China must be stopped. If CHINA playing like a CUNNING wolf we indians will tearoff trousers.And u will be washed away in WORLDMAP. Jai hind MEYRA BHARATH MAHAAN.

  17. I live in TX, and let me tell you we really are the luckiest state. I’ve already dined in a couple of places, and I get good strong workouts in at my gym 💪. I’ve asked a lot of people here what they think about the pandemic? And all they say is what pandemic? 😂. I love you Texas and I will fight for you and freedom till the day the aliens finally reveal themselves 😃

  18. I do not care to give money for the doctors stuff so they can help people who need help. I care about me and me only. So if they die, then let them die. I wont give money to them or orphanages cause they are not me.

  19. A lot of ppl arent falling for the bullshit about the coronavirus. The whole plandemic thing is a fucking hoax and you have to be a complete moron to believe that it is going on.

  20. no one cares test test test all positive !!!!! problem is no one is sick ! you psychopaths at abc report this garbage and protect pedophiles !

  21. Funny that they are showing pictures of people at beaches and not the massive amount of protesters, rioters, and looters crammed together. I guess the virus only hangs out at beaches, churches, funerals, bars and family gatherings.

  22. THE #CORONAVIRUS WILL KILL 250 Millions people in the USA 🇺🇸 until September 2020!!!!! ALSO A RACE WAR AND MASSIVE CIVIL WAR WILL HIT THE USA AND CANADA 🇨🇦 IN JULY 2020!!!! Riots and LOOTINGS and daily street clashes will start VERY SOON in the USA 🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  23. Who it’s like no one saw this coming. Two weeks after the protest.🤦

  24. All countries of the world should come against the China.
    The Chinese army kiled 20 Indian Soldiers during the talk.

    And now there media is blaming india.

    evrything is controlled by the communist party china the #dectator

  25. Let me explain the Holy and sinners. Holy get better and better and better and level off. Sinners get worse and worse and worse and level off at the end and no mercy forever. All their remarks at the food Bank mean nothing. The man in the green beanies smugness will not save him in Aphrodites Fires. 85 trillion block years. A calendar day us 24 hours. A block year is a 12 no th calendar year. He is only kifding himself.

  26. The fires are really forever but a set time. For the 3 of revelation. 85 million block years. The human race now. 85 trillion block years. Californians right now. 85 quadrillion block years. The Blacks. 8 zillion block years. So ufca human block life us 80 years or less. Figure this out…

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